ForumsGame WalkthroughsWarlords: Epic Conflict - Guide (Reton8)

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Table of Contents

- Introduction
- Quest Tips
- Map Tactics: Where to Attack on the Map and How to Manage your Troops
- Battle Tactics
- Castle Siege Battle Tactics: Attacking a Castle
- Castle Siege Battle Tactics: Defending a Castle
- Gold
- Upgrades and Units Purchase Tips
- Additional Information (Game Endings, Race Information, and More)
- Special Thanks and Closing Statements



This is a strategy guide for Warlords: Epic Conflict. The tips and tactics outlined here should help players with this game. This guide should also help with obtaining the Armor Games quests and has a section devoted to a few specific quests.

Lastly, I do not have the most experience with this game, so if you see a tip that seems less than optimal or is actually poor advice just leave a comment, that includes what could be done better, and I can edit the better advice into this post.


Quest Tips

- You can complete all the quests in easy mode (with the exception of Fire and Steel [Unlock the Marcolites], I do not know if that requires the game to be played on medium and hard or if you can get that one on easy.)

- A bit of simple mathematics, but for the quest Domination (Conquer 75% of the map) you need to conquer 22 territories of the 29 territories before your reach domination of the map.

- Do the quest Castle Crusher (Win a siege battle without using any ladders), sooner than later. I completed this quest on my first castle siege battle. I saved up for the largest charge of spearmen twice and used that to help me win. This quest is more likely difficult later in the game when the enemy has more unique units, specials, and upgraded specials at their disposal.


Map Tactics: Where to Attack on the Map and How to Manage your Troops

- Attack the castles as soon as possible, it will remove that enemy race's ability to fight back attack your controlled lands as that enemy race will not be able rebuild armies.
(Tip by: Jacen96 [Darth Caedus])

- If you cannot attack a castle on your turn try to attack the land with the lowest percent. This tip is actually provided to you in the game as well.

- Don't forget to shift out your garrisons to outlying provinces after you gnaw at the map a bit.
(Tip by: nichodemus)

- When placing/replacing units on the battle map, you don't need to station any units on a conquered/controlled section that is completely surrounded by sections you control as well. This frees up useful troops to add to border sections close to enemy controlled sections, because the enemy can not jump over one section and attack it. Just make sure that your entire area of controlled sections does not get split in two, which disables your ability to march to other sections.
(Tip by: MrDayCee)


Battle Tactics

This may only hold true on easy mode, but here is the tactic I used to beat nearly every stage (in easy mode).

Quick Overview of Tactics:

Send all your units down one row and save one unit for a charge. Send the charge when it has max units in the squad and also make sure to couple your charge with your special ability.

In-Depth Explanation of Tactics:

- Continually send all your troops down one row. Usually the computer will scatter their troops amongst other rows, which means you will overcome the row you are sending your units down and more easily be able to get them to the other end of the map. The computer will get units through, but you will balance this out by the units that you are getting through.

This tactic is especially helpful during sieges on castles as you will only have to get one laddermen through. The rest of your units are sent along the row as the ladder so you can more easily get multiple units over the castle wall.

- If the computer gets wise to you sending your units down one row and does the same, just switch to an empty row to send your units down.

- Save one unit to send as your charge. This means to continually send every other unit except the one you are saving. The unit you save is the one to send on the charge.

- Try to send the maximum number of units on your charge. So, if your charge is ready but you don't have a unit class with a maxed out number in the the squad, try and wait until you max it before sending your charge. Simply use your other units to defend in the mean time.

- I usually sent my charges as groups of spearmen as the unit becomes ready quickly and it had the largest squad size.

- Couple your specials with your charge, it will make the charge more powerful.

- Be careful around catapults, they deal a lot of damage, so if they are protected you won't be conquering that lane. (Tip by Jacen96 [Darth Caedus])


Castle Siege Battle Tactics: Attacking a Castle

- In castle siege battles you can literally do nothing and let your squad size grow before sending them out. The computer gains nothing by sending units past your side. The computer will usually waste a special ability when none of your units are on the field, it is usually an opportune time to send your units after the computer wastes their special.

- Also, if you see the computer send a siege unit or two out, just avoid the rows they have sent those units down. You gain little by engaging siege units in battle and there is no penalty for letting them through. (Although they may be easy to defeat I have no clue).


Castle Siege Battle Tactics: Defending a Castle

- First, try not to use the option to rush your units over to a castle to defend it. I've noticed that if your defences are upgraded to about level 3 or level 4 you should have a around an 80% to 90% chance of defending most territories, even with only three 3 units in them (and this is on hard mode). Try to just defend the castles the automatic way when possible.

- Next, If you end up having to defend the castle by going into battle I recommend not sending out units continually, but instead sending units out in groups of 3 or higher. When you send out units in groups they occupy more rows, this means that it is less likely the enemy will sneak a unit past and your attacking units will have strength in numbers.

- The longer you can hold off before sending out units the better, but make sure to send your units out before the enemy reaches your castle.

- Make sure to always kill laddermen, it's bad if they set up a ladder as it will allow enemy units over your castle walls. If you find that they enemy has set up a ladder or ladders, try to pay extra attention to that or those row or rows. Try your best not to let enemies over the ladder in that situation.

- Save your charge to combat the enemy when they decided to charge or when the enemy has you overwhelmed. Remember there is no benefit for you if your units reach the other side of the battlefield when you are defending your castle.

- Save your special ability for when the enemy has many units on the battlefield or for when you are being overwhelmed.

- Remember, when defending your castle, there is no benefit for you if your units reach the other side of the battlefield.



- It's always best to win a battle, that is how you will make the most gold.

- The more territories you have the more gold you will receive after a win or loss. You receive this gold under the income from territories category at the end of a battle.

- If it's late in the game and you have many territories and a high defence level (near 5 or when you see that you are near or at 100% to defend any territory the enemy attacks) you can grind gold by attacking a territory and purposefully surrendering right away. You will earn gold from your territories by doing this. If you have around 20 territories you should make around 500 gold per loss.

This is helpful for when there are only a few more territories to conquer, but you are struggling in doing so.

On the enemies turn you should not have to worry much as you will have or nearly have a 100% chance of defending your territories granted your defences are upgraded enough (you will have to manually defend your territory if the computer decides to attack the land that your banner is currently on.)


Upgrades and Units Purchase Tips

Here is the order of precedence for buying units, abilities, and special upgrades. This is what I consider the most important to invest gold into. This does not mean you have to max out one area before another, but it means you should focus on one more than the others, but not completely neglect the others. Your play style may also affect what you decided to upgrade first. These are just my recommendations.

1 = Most Important
4 = Least Important

1.) Buying new units.

Your army can hold up to ten different unit types (I think nine on non-siege maps). Having additional units in means being able to get more units on the field faster. Think about this, let's say I have only swordsmen, spearmen, and archers and I wait until I have three of each before putting any on the battlefield. When I do put all my units on the battlefield it will be a total of nine units. Now image I have nine different unit types at my disposal. I wait until I have three of each ready (one for mage as that is the limit) and I send them on to the battlefield. I will now have 25 units on the battlefield. Having more unique units is better.

However, you may not want to waste money or unit space on siege units. I feel they would take too long to prepare and offer little benefit compared to sending more units, more quickly down the row. (However, I have not used the siege units so they may be more beneficial than I state, the choice is yours and if someone can speak for siege units benefit, let me know.)

Also, you will not unlock a new unit every turn, this means you can focus on upgrading your army on the turns that a new unit is not unlocked.

2.) Preparation time upgrade

Preparation time speeds up how quickly your squads will be able to be deployed. The faster your preparation time, the more units you can have on the battlefield.

It would be extremely difficult to try and max out the preparation upgrade before having any other upgrade so you will need to put in some upgrades from the other categories (squad size, armour, damage, and speed)

3.) Armour or damage or speed upgrade or squad size

These four upgrades are hard to put one over they other, so it basically comes down to your play style. here are my thoughts for each one.

- Squad size is important it can make for larger charges and, once you have many unit types, you will be able to send large numbers of them out at once. When your roster is full you can literally go down the line of units and send them out in an almost continual loop (Press 1 send out unit, Press 2 send out unit, Press 3 send out unit... Press 9 send out unit, Press 1 send out unit,...). Larger squad size means by the time you reach unit 9 to send out you will be able to have more stored.

However, if your play style is like mine (save one unit type for charges, but continually send out every other type of unit and send them out along just one row) the benefits of increase squad size have a limit. You will rarely hit the maximum number of units prepared in a squad before sending them out, meaning increasing your squad size will only help with larger charges when you start getting near the end game.

- Armour means your units survive longer. and

- Damage means your units can clear the field quicker and spend less time fighting the enemy and taking damage.

- Speed means your units will be able to reach their goal more quickly.

It's hard to say which of these upgrades (from number three) should take precedence. It is probably good to focus a bit on each instead of completely putting all your gold into one of these. It depends on your play style on how you will put precedence on the upgrades, but I recommended doing a somewhat even distribution for the upgrades here (Armour, damage,speed upgrade, squad size).

4.) Defences upgrade and special ability

I don't feel that the defences upgrade and special ability are too important to upgrade. The computer doesn't always attack you and losing a territory isn't too horrible as you can always win it back. Additionally, once your dfeneces are around level 3 or 4 you should have an 80% to 90% chance of defending most territories. Once defence is around level 6 or level 7 you almost always have a 100% chance of defending your territory, even with only 3 units on that territory (and this is on the hard difficulty). Later in the game you will make a lot of money per turn (if you are winning many territories), at that point you will probably be able to upgrade the defences upgrade a few times (it should be pretty cheap if you haven't upgraded it at all).

For the special ability, it seems most of them already start out rather strong and it's an expensive upgrade. I would hold out on this one for awhile, but I wouldn't completely neglect it as I've experienced that your special ability been to weaken near end game due to your enemy having better units.

(Additional thanks to Jacen96 [Darth Caedus] for helping with this tip.)


Additional Information (Game Endings, Race Information, and More)

For more information on the Warlords: Epic Conflict's game endings, races, and more check out twillight2's thread here.


Special Thanks and Closing Statements

Special thanks to Jacen96 (Darth Caedus), nichodemus,, MrDayCee, and twillight2 for helping with this guide.

That's the guide, hope it helps. Again, if you can offer a better tactic, see a glaring mistake, or can confirm something for me, let me know and I can edit the new information into this guide.

- Reton8

  • 20 Replies
4 posts

"Never Let the Marcolites grow"...That the Majority related to the Comments...

413 posts


What Jacen said. "Castle Crusher" achievement.

10 posts

Some insight on the siege units

It's true siege units have very slow preparations, a max of 1 squad size, and gains their bonus from castles, but if you compare their individual stats from any other unit, you can actually replace a whole type of unit, such as archers, for in example with the ballista.

Speed: Siege units have an average speed such as the warriors. this may be good or bad as they advance faster to your enemy's spawn point rather than keeping a slow steady pace and shoot from an incredibly long range. But of course you can always support these units with heavy armored units.

Armor: They have an exceptional medium armor, except for the battering ram which has crazy huge armor and speed, you can often use this to your advantage having him rush ahead first (since he is a melee siege) and have ranged units behind him.

Range: Other than the melee battering ram, the range for catapult and ballista are the same with the archers.

Damage: Catapult has little damage but it's aoe attacks might be helpful in clearing grouped units. I usually dont recommend catapults but it's up to you. Ballista imo is the best siege units, it has about 8-10 times more damage than archers and are able to one-hit-delete units. And battering ram is the same with the catapult so i stick to using it as a meat shield.

Preparation: Fairly slow but their stats make up for this, keep them alive in the field and you can ensure yourself an easy walk to their base/castle.

Squad size: very small

Catapult: clears grouped units but it doesnt pack a strong punch and can somtimes miss if its target is moving a bit faster than the animation of the boulder flying over and falling down.

Ballista: my recommended unit to be part of your team with its one hit kill capability on enemy units and heavily long range.

Battering ram: i prefer to use this as a shield

2 posts

I stop using the single line tactic when I found out I can do it the normal way with even the like of hard mode and win 100% of the time in normal mode. It is just more effecient for me to do it the normal way. Especially during siege...I never really focus on any one line. Forcing the AI to spread thin. Letting me insert a few siege units in like the Mage and Ballista (Ballista deals huge damage to castle and can 1 shot anything that isn't titan with great accuracy while Mage can pick of a few low health units before they reach him...Good when pair with Ballista).

Marcolites and Men of The West are some of the best races with their unique units. Javelin Throwers and Musketeers carried me through many hard stages in normal and in hard mode. In a full squad charge, they are near unstoppable.

My unit set-up is usually: Spear, Sword, Archer, Axe, Halberd, Longsword, Unique (Again, Javelin and Musketeer are the best if you know how to use them), Mage, Ballista. Ladder man isn't really all that useful as soon as I got the Ballista.

I try to get units first but otherwise, my focus is on Damage and Armor upgrades with some attention to Speed and Prepare Time. Squad Size is an after thought once I have good enough preparation speed. I usually get squad size up to 5 or 6 and stop there. Never bothered much with Defense and Special because: 1) I can regain territories. ; 2) Special isn't all that good...It is rather situational. I did notice some races have better specials.

Never seen AI with Ballista so fast units that hit hard and fast like Javelin Throwers are really great against them siegers. Or even counter their siege weapons with Ballista and some protection.
Mages can be really deadly if left unchecked.

In a castle defense battle, Don't use charge unless the squad is full and the enemy is charging at you. Use the correct squad, in the right situation. Don't charge enemy with swordman when they charged you with Halberd and Axe man. Javelin and Musketeer is again...The exceptions. That said, once you charged, reinforce the weak points of the charge line if you see them, other wise, save up the squad numbers.

Can't advise you on how to do conventional battle the normal way since I don't know how you play. All I know is right timing, right units for the job and or spam all the units when a line was threatened. I actually finished the battle quicker than when I use single line tactic.
On a sidenote: I sometimes found deploying a combo to cover each troops weaknesses and or putting some melee in the same line as range to cover them help greatly. Manytimes, you have to wait for a certain squad size to be reached in a unit before sending them out.

Obstacles can be a problem but it can also be a boon. Knowing how to use them is the key when the entire map is filled with them. In siege battles, it actually help you a lot.

For how to charge appropriately...You have to know the general timing of charge and special.
Then save the units you want to use in a charge as soon as certain points in time are reached. I usually save for unique units because they are kinda powerful, especially the Javelin and Musketeer (Again). Archer and Ranger are also very powerful when charge with full squad. Especially when the enemy line is filled with tough nuts that any of my melee will be slaughtered by. Like a line full of King's Guards charging with full squad. They will bash aside any Melee force you can get your hand on.

That is all I have at the moment. See this as a guide and not an absolute must do.

7,024 posts

Hmm, if I was to add a tip, it would be this:

Never let the scouts run to your side without stopping them. Because they are fairly weak, any unit can kill them. Now, you always should kill them, even when besieging enemy castles because they are easy kills. The charge is activated every time a certain kill count is reached (I don't know about this game. For the first 2 warlords games, the number to reach was 20 enemy units killed). So, each scout dead means one step closer to performing a charge.

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