ForumsGame WalkthroughsSinjid Assassin Walkthrough - Hard Difficulty

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3 posts

I've never seen a walkthrough for Sinjid for the assassin class on hard and it seems like some people have had difficulty with it. However, I just found a way to do it and will gladly share the key points of my strategy.

The assassin class was the toughest for me on hard mode because it lacks the warrior's defensive skills and can't take advantage of range like the priest. Nearly all of the assassin's skills are offensive in nature, so in the most general sense, the strategy for this class is to kill the enemy quickly before they overwhelm your health with pressure or spiking.

There are two basic routes for the assassin: strength based or agility based. I've only done the former, so I will discuss that.

Tech tree: Max out adrenaline, shadow reflex, stun, slay, sudden death, constitution, mirage, furious strikes, and put 1 point into smoke bomb.

The real damage dealer for this skill set is slay. Attack the enemy with strike and kick until you get 5 stacks of rush from adrenaline. Then stun the enemy, go behind them, and use slay with sudden death to deal huge damage (during the last stretch of the game, you can deal over 2,000 damage this way). In addition, use shadow reflex and slay as another heavy one-two combo. This way you can still deal huge damage if you hit the enemy from the front. Having stacks of rush makes this all the better.

If you encounter tougher enemies, use mirage and hammer away at the enemy while they attack your clone.

Use smoke bomb when you can to deal even more damage (slay combos can deal more then 3,000 damage this way!) and also to shield yourself from ranged attacks.

Equipment: Try to save the upgrade components for the best gear.

For armor, use items that most increase strength and vitality. For the last part of the game, I used the Ashen Bulwark at transcendental quality with the Might armor set you can buy at the Fallen Village. I also upgraded the head and leggings armor for this set.

For weapons, use items that deal the most damage (weapon damage is the best scale for assassin skills). Spear of the Mist at transcendental quality is what I used for the last level.

For the trinket slot, you could probably use whatever you like, Most of the time I used Lucky Cat Amulet just to help get better gear as I progressed through the game. For the last level, I used Blessed Chain for its defensive qualities.

Feel free to hold onto certain items that you like. For example, you might keep the Lucky Cat Amulet or Lucky Robes for farming rare items.

Other tips: Remember that kick and stun interrupt enemy casting. Keep these skills handy when fighting enemies that can heal or charge up a super strong attack.

Block as much as you can and don't let the enemy flank you or hit you in the back. The assassin has no real healing powers, so you need to reduce damage taken or avoid it to survive.

Good luck! And for a great reference, especially on items, check out the Sinjid wiki at

  • 12 Replies
1 posts

I would like to thank you for this guide.Now i don't plan on playing on hard any time soon.I have played on easy in the past and couldn't beat the third boss.Thanks to this guide i did it and very easly too.I look forward to seeing how far i can go.

2,980 posts

Assassin on Hard Difficulty? So you selected the least effective character on the most difficult play setting. Great. That's your Mugatu in a tampon factory effect and feeling every time you get killed and have to restart. I guess I should stick with offering advice on the priest who is the best (and strongest) character in the game.

3 posts


You're welcome. The trick to the third boss is to hit him only once or twice with something strong when he has no shield. While waiting for the shield to dissipate, you should be defensive (block, run away, heal, etc.).


It can become easy to get killed as the assassin because of the lack of defense or range. That's why assassins should have a well defined strategy to deal lots of damage quickly and leverage the attributes for this.

The priest deals great damage and can sometimes just snipe the enemy. However, the warrior is the overall strongest IMO. He's able to overcome just about anything by tanking and pressuring the enemy to death. His only real weakness is lack of range and slow speed (if you use his armor skill). This makes certain enemy priests annoying, albeit still manageable.

2,980 posts

Yeah, I know. Bty why do you feel it necessary to link me to my own profile when you reply?

3 posts

To: themastaplaya

I just use @ to clarify to whom I was responding. I didn't know it would create a link to the user's profile.

2,980 posts

Oh, ok

413 posts

Before passing the Dajin Mine had to buy the Dark Glass set. Otherwise yes, at places with difficulty, but it seems to work (entered last city).

1 posts

I should make a guide for the hardest player in the hardest difficulty with the hardest build. I beat assassin on hard going the agility build which is difficult because of the fact that you have little to no sustained damage and low vitality. The agility assassin must get close without 1 dying and missing a move in the combo of his high damaging moves. The agility assassin are all about the shadow reflex, Dash, Shurikens and the Mirage.

Build paths
2 point in Shadow reflex
1 point in Stun
5 points in Spectral Dash
3 points in Shuriken
2 points in Blur
1 point in Marksman
1 point in Quickening
3 points in Constitution
1 point in Mirage

The attack pattern is
Before fight activate Shadow Reflex
Once its cooldown finishes then begin the fight with Shurikens
The 1.0 scaling of each shuriken which amounts to a total of 2.0 is then doubled by the Shadow Reflex Passive causing 4.0 Agility scaling
Approx Damage with best items without premium (2800)
Immediately reactivate Shadow Reflex and launch a dash for the double damage and AOE damage of all the enemies simultaneously
Approx Damage with best items without premium (2200) [per enemy]
Finally activating mirage will by time for the cooldowns to reset to deal more Damage

The top non premium item Build is
Trinket: Ring of Assault
Glove: Reptilian Glove
Chest: Hidden Vest
Legs: Deep Scale Leggings
Head: Hood of Kazuro
Feet: Boots of Grief
Weapon 1: Obsidian Kunai
Weapon 2: Golden Knife

Make note that the mos effective Gem upgrade is the Shadow gem as all the damage depends on the spells which have cooldowns.

Other tips:
Using all of the casting interruptions like stun are vital in order to keep the enemy from healing since healing will counter your burst damage, and also prevent high damage attacks from firing that would destroy you in 1 or 2 shots.
Spectral Dash deal high damage but in some cases it is much better used at the right moment in order to dodge an attack. An example would be running from a enemy that needs to be close to deal damage. As you run to the left or the right, as soon as you run out of room to run you can dash through the enemy dealing damage and keeping them at a distance.
An trick to note is when your enemies have non targeted projectiles, they can be dodged by crouching. Even when they aim at you while you are crouching they will miss as long as the angle is not to vertical. This is especially useful for some of the shaman bosses.

im hoping my experience appear useful to some
Agility assassin may be the most difficult setting but to a trained master at it it is the most fun out of all the players and builds.

1 posts

the assasin is to hard tohard for me and i practice everyday and it becomes easy

48 posts

Your Assassin Guide Is Not Quite Detailed. You Should mention In Which Level, Players Should Deposit Points In Which Ability. And, The Obsidian Kunai Obtained From A Chest At Ichisan Castle and Golden Knife Obtained Mostly From Mistwalkers At Shiroda Fortress Can Make An Extremely High Damaging Pair. Agile Assassins Are The Best One To Have Invisibility and Dashing.

2 posts

yo what is constitution what is that i don't see it anywhere

2 posts
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