Forums → Game Walkthroughs → Doodle god 2 combination list mobile edition
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there is already a doodle god 2 combo list but it doesn't have any of the mobile combinations so i will provide the mobile combinations including:
-The world of magic
so here we go
World of magic:
magic + void = DARKNESS, LIGHT
magic + knowledge = SPELL
magic + music = BARD
magic + religion = PRIEST
magic + priest = PRAYER
magic + water = POTION
magic + beast = UNICORN
magic + paper = SCROOL
light + darkness = SHADOW
spell + air = ILLUSION
spell + ice = CONE OF COLD
spell + fire = FIREBALL
spell + book = SPELL BOOK
prayer + priest = HEALING
light + life = ANGEL
darkness + earth = UNDERGROUND
wizard + zombie = NECROMANCER
wizard + house = TOWER
beast + darkness = DEMON
darkness + energy = DEATH
death + healing = RESURRECTION
warrior + priest = PALADIN
life + void = CHAOS, ORDER
chaos + void = ASTRAL
astral + spell = TELEPORT
astral + death= ILLITHID
astral + metal = SILVER
law + assassin = ROGUE
mechanism + life = MODRON
human + metal = ARMOR
human + weapon = SWORD, CROSSBOW
human + magic = ELF
human + elf = HALF-ELF
human + swamp = ORC, GOBLIN
human + tree = DRUID
human + stone = DWARF
elf + darkness = DROW
elf + metal = METHRIL
elf + weapon = BOW
house + armor = CASTLE
weapons + magic = WAND
priest + weapon = MACE
drow + metal = ADAMANTITE
dwarf + darkness = DUERGAR
dwarf + weapon = AXE, HAMMER
beast + weapon = CLAWS
Run santa run:
sand + fire = glass
metal + water = quick silver
Void + fire = sun
Water + fire = alcohol
magic + quick silver = Philosopher's stone **
death + human = zombie
philo + metal = gold **
worm + alcohol = taquila*
alcohol + water = vodka*
human + tree = wood
Human + metal = weapon
human + weapon = assasin
alcohol + grass = resinthe*
philosoper's stone + water = beer
music + wood = guitar**
zombie + human = brains**
assassin + chaos = joker**
magic + glass = crystal ball**
sun + glass = sunglasses**
human + wheat = bread
void + weapon = Death Star**
assassin + water = pirate
Pirate + alcohol = rum **
religion + death = Sacrafice**
Rise of Egypt;
Human + Sand = Gold
Human + Stone = Flintstone
Human + Water = Life
Life + Sand = Scarab and Sun
Life + Water = Fish
Life + Stone = Egg
Egg + Sand = Hawk
Stone + Stone = Fire
Fire + Human or Fire + Animal = Sacrifice
Human + Sacrifice = Egyptian Priest
Fire + Stone = Metal
Human + Metal = Weapon
Sand + Sand = Desert
Desert + Water = Nile
Nile + Sand = Swamp
Egg + Swamp = Lizard
Lizard + Nile = Crocodile
Life + Nile = Fish and Reed
Flintstone + Reed = Papyrus
Desert + Human = Corpse
Human + Sun = Pharoh
Human + Nile = Field
Field + Life = Beast
Human + Beast = Domestic Animal
Human + Domestic Animal = Meat and Wool
Human + Wool = Fabric
Corpse + Fabric = Mummy
Gold + Mummy = Sarcophagus
Sand + Swamp = Clay
Clay + Fire = Bricks
Human + Bricks = House
House + Beast = Cat
Pharaoh + Hawk = Horus
Pharaoh + Sun = Ra
Pharaoh + House = Temple
Pharaoh + Cat = Bastet
Pharaoh + Crocodile = Sobek
Pharaoh + Stone = Statue
Save the princess:
Warrior = Human + Sword and Dwarf + Axe
Paladin = Warrior + Priest
Steak = Warrior + Dragon
Spell Book = Magic + Book
Elf = Magic + Human
Wizard = Human/Elf + Spell Book
Adventurers = Warrior + Wizard
Party = Wizard + Paladin and Adventurers + Experience
Quest = King + Adventurers/Party
Ash and Steak = Adventurers + Dragon
Dead Dragon = Party + Dragon
Experience and Gold = Adventurers + Quest
Mountain = Quest + Dragon
Lair = Mountain + Dragon
Secret Door = Lair + Rogue
Key = Dead Dragon + Party
Trap = Secret Door + Key
Maze and Ash = Trap + Wizard
Princess and Gold and Experience = Maze + Party
Devil vs God:
Faith = Human + Religion
Salvation = Human + Faith
Birth = Human + Life
Love and Birth = Human + Human
Discipline = Human + Order
Gift = Human + Money
Generosity = Human + Gift/Charity
Cheerfulness = Human + Fun
Diligence = Human + Work
Sublimation = Knowledge/Work + Sex
Diet = Bread + Water
Fasting = Diet + Religion
Vegetarianism = Diet + Grass/Weeds
Abstention = Order + Vodka
Free Apps = Cellphone + Gift
Altruism = Cellphone + Free Apps
Virtue = Light + Sin
Hope = Virtue + Faith
Calmness = Virtue + Energy
Joy = Virtue + Fun
Modesty = Virtue + Pride
Humility = Virtue + Wrath
Tolerance = Virtue + Humility
Assistance and Tolerance = Virtue + Human
Resurrection = Corpse/Death + Life
Donation = Money + Fun
Charity = Money + Donation
Continence = Sex + Scientist/Wizard
Chastity = Sex + Order/Priest
Ending 1
Good ending: You are rescued by merchants and keep your treasures.
Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest
Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree
Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone
Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick
Leaves + Stick = Shelter
The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter
Stone + Stone = Spark
Leaves + Spark = Bonfire
Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke
Human + Map = Hidden Treasure
Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass
Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail
Smoke + White Sail = Merchants
Human + Merchants = Salvation
Good Ending: You are rescued by merchants and keep all your riches
Ending 2
The pirates abandon you on the island.
Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest
Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree
Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone
Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick
Leaves + Stick = Shelter
The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter
Stone + Stone = Spark
Leaves + Spark = Bonfire
Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke
Human + Map = Hidden Treasure
Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass
Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail
Human + Spyglass = Pirates
Gold + Pirates = Torture and Death
Ending 3
You are killed by pirates.
Beach and Cliffs and Forest = Human + Island
Bushes and Game and Tree = Human + Forest
Cave and Stone = Human + Cliffs
Leaves and Stick = Human + Tree
Shelter = Leaves + Stick
The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter
Spark = Stone + Stone
Bonfire = Leaves + Spark
Smoke = Leaves + Bonfire
Hidden Treasure = Human + Map
Compass and Gold and Spyglass = Human + Hidden Treasure
Black Sail and White Sail = Human + Spyglass
Pirates = Smoke + Black Sail
Death = Human + Pirates
Other Useless Combos
Water = Human + Sea
Salt = Sun + Water
Oysters and Palm Tree and Sand = Beach + Human
Clay = Sand + Water
Bricks = Clay + Sun
Berries and Leaves = Human + Bushes
Coconut and Liana = Human + Palm Tree
Hammer = Stone + Stick
Flintstone = Stone + Hammer
Axe = Flintstone + Stick
Wood = Axe + Tree
Spear = Axe + Stick
Carcass = Game + Spear
Meat and Skin = Axe + Carcass
Jerky = Meat + Salt
The Knife is automatically added to your elements after completing Jerky
Sinew and Meat and Skin = Carcass + Knife
Pottery = Clay + Bonfire
Bones and Meat = Carcass + Flintstone
Fish = Sea + Spear
Rope = Sinew + Sinew
Bow and Fishing Rod = Rope + Stick
Clothes = Human + Skin
Ash and Coal and Bonfire = Bonfire + Wood
Steak = Bonfire + Meat
Walls = Bricks + Bricks
Needle and Thread = Bones + Rope
Canvas = Needle and Thread + Skin
Sail = Canvas + Stick
Snare = Forest + Rope
Raft = Rope + Wood
Sailing Raft = Raft + Sail
Storm = Raft + Sea
Calm = Sailing Raft + Sea
Hut = Shelter + Walls
Greatest inventions
Plasma = Fire + Energy
Sun = Plasma + Void
Semiconductor = Electricity + Knowledge
Radio Wave = Energy + Semiconductor
Car = Cart + Oil
Dust = Air + Earth
Shopping = Human + Money
Clothing = Fabric + Human
Tea = Energy + Grass
Book = Knowledge + Paper
Airplane = Air + Car
Armor = Clothing + Metal
Lightbulb = Glass + Void
Clock + Mechanism + Time
Rocket = Airplane + Void
Missile = Rocket + Weapon
DNA = Knowledge + Life
Vacuum Tube = Lightbulb + Semiconductor
Radiowave = Electricity + Void
Year 1900
Air Conditioner = Air + Freezer
Teabag = Fabric + Tea
Assembly Line = Order + Work
Theory of Relativity = Knowledge + Time
Cellophane = Fabric + Oil
Vacuum Cleaner = Dust + Void
Crayons = Limestone + Oil
Washing Machine = Clothing + Water
Helicopter = Air + Mechanism
Zeppelin = Air + Fabric
Year 1910
Bra = Clothing + Woman
Stainless Steel = Knowledge + Metal
Crossword = Games + Knowledge
Tank = Armor + Car
Gas Mask = Air + Armor
Toaster = Electricity + Bread
Lie Detector = Knowledge + Human/Sin
Vitamin = Food + Life
Neon Lamp = Electricity + Neon
Zipper = Clothing + Mechanism
Year 1920
Antibiotics = Medicine + Bacteria
Radar = Airplane + Radiowave
Bandaid = Fabric + Glue
Robot = Work + Mechanism
Big Bang Theory = Knowledge + Void
Sunglasses = Glass + Sun
Bubble Gum = Food + Fun
Traffic Lights = Car + Order
Frozen Food = Food + Freezer
Yo-Yo = Fun + Games
Year 1930
Duct Tape = Cellophane + Glue
Photocopier = Paper + Photo
FM Radio = Music + Radiowave
Polaroid = Mechanism/Time + Photo
Jet Engine = Fire + Mechanism
Radio Telescope = Radar + Void OR Knowledge + Radiowave
Monopoly = Games + Money
Shopping Cart = Shopping + Cart
Parking Meter = Car + Money
Software = Knowlege + Magic
Year 1940
AK-47 = Firearm + Magic
First Computer = Software + Transistor/Vacuum Tube
Aqualung = Gas Mask + Water
Microwave Oven = Food + Radiowave
Bar Code = Money + Shopping
Nuclear Bomb = Plutonium + Plutonium/Weapon
Bazooka = Missile + Weapon
Nuclear Power Reactor = Energy + Plutonium
Bikini = Clothing + Sun
Transistor = Electricity + Semiconductor
Year 1950
Black Box = Airplane + Earth
Liquid Paper = Paper + Water
Credit Card = Money + Debt
Microchip = Transistor + Transistor
Digital Clock = Clock + Transistor/Semi-Conductor
Satellite = Robot/Rocket + Void
Fast Food = Food + Time
Solar Cell = Electricity + Sun
Laser = Energy + Semiconductor
Super Glue = Glue + Time
Year 1960
3d Holography = Life + Photo
Digital Photography = First Computer + Photo
ATM = Credit Card/Mechanism + Money
Hypertext = Book + Software
Astronaut = Human + Void/Rocket
Kevlar = Armor + Fabric
Audio Casette = Cellophane + Music
Moon Lander = Car + Void
Computer Mouse = First Computer + Video Game
Video Game = First Computer + Games
Year 1970
Cellphone = Phone + Radiowave
Karaoke = Games/Video Game + Music
Copyright = Games + Puzzle
Microprocessor = Microchip + Software
Digital Camera = Digital Photography + Time/Life
Personal Computer = First Computer + Micro-processor
Floppy Disk = Audio Cassette + Software
Space Station = Astronaut/Satellite + Satellite
Hybrid Vehicle = Car + Electricity
Stereo = Music + Music
Year 1980
Artificial Heart = Mechanism + Medicine
Internet = First Computer + First Computer
CD = Floppy Disk + Laser
MS-DOS = Personal Computer + Software
DNA Fingerprinting = DNA + Knowledge
Modular Space Station = Space Station/Satellite + Space Station
Fax Machine = Paper + Phone
Virtual Reality = Life + Video Game
Flash Memory = Book + Microchip
Windows = MS-DOS + Software
Year 1990
Sea Launch = Rocket + Water
GPS = Radiowave/Knoweldge + Satellite
Smartphone = Cellphone + Personal Computer
MP3 Player = Microchip + Music
USB = Order + Personal Computer
Memory Card = Flash Memory + Book/Software
WWW = Hypertext + Internet
Plasma TV = Plasma + TV
Webcam = Digital Camera + Internet
The Angel and the Imp
Angel + Air = Heavens
Angel + Earth = Clay
Angel + Clay or Golem = Human
Angel + Fire = Sun
Angel + Sun = Light
Angel + Water = Sea
Imp + Light = Darkness
Imp + Water = Alcohol
Imp + Sea = Swamp
Imp + Swamp = Sulfur
Imp + Sulfur = Gunpowder
Imp + Air = Storm
Imp + Clay = Golem
Imp + Human = Corpse and Warrior
Imp + Earth = Lava
Imp + Fire or Lava = Inferno
Imp + Sun = Radiation
Imp + Radiation = Nuclear Bomb
Angel + Radiation = Energy
Angel + Energy = Electricity
Angel + Lava = Stone
Angel + Stone = Egg
Angel + Egg = Bird
Angel + Swamp = Grass
Angel + Grass = Flower and Tree
Angel + Tree = Forest
Angel + Sulfur = Sand
Angel + Sand = Beach
Imp + Stone = Metal
Imp + Egg = Dragon
Imp + Bird = Phoenix
Imp + Grass = Poison
Imp + Dragon = Demon
Imp + Forest = Treant
Imp + Metal = Gold
Angel + Dragon = Dinosaur
Angel + Metal = Tools
Angel + Dinosaur = Beast
Angel + Beast = Domestic Animal
Angel + Domestic Animal = Milk and Wool
Angel + Wool = Clothing
Imp + Domestic Animal = Blood and Beat
Imp + Milk = Bacteria
Imp + Tools = Weapon
Imp + Bacteria = Virus
Angel + Bacteria = Beetle
Imp + Beetle = Scorpion
Imp + Scorpion = Poison
Imp + Blood = Vampire
Imp + Beast = Werewolf
Eiffel Tower: Metal + Skyscraper + Tower
Stonehenge: Stone + Stone + Stone
Holy Grail: Blood + Resurrection + Demigod
Lightsaber: Sword + Energy + Light
Pandora's Box: Chaos + Darkness + Death
Perpetual: Mechanism + Void + Energy
Ring of Power/The One Ring: Lava + Magic + Demon
Godzilla: Dinosaur + Radiation + Sea
Titanic: Ship + Ice + Death
Sphinx: Beast + Human + Stone
Pyramid of Cheops: Corpse + Stone + Sand
Basilisk: Human + Lizard + Poison
Santa's Sleigh: Snow + Wood + Human
there you have it!