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So I had an Idea for a really cool and very original game.
So I wanted to challange the conventional chosen one style of game stories. You know what I mean, the ultimate bad guy can only be defeated by this one guy you get to play as even though there's like a dozen other guys that could freakin destroy the bad guy. I wanted to make a game were you can pick one of those guys to completely decimate the bad guys. I will proceed to list a few characters in the posts below.

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Mad Moxxi. Mad Moxxi is reference to Maxi from the Soul Caliber sereise. She is a short girl with short spiky red hair that does bare a resemblance to her insparation but she looks a bit less like elvis. She likes the color red and dresses herself in a typical martial arts outfit save for the red color. Moxxi decided to persue Rexus Inmortorum (The main bad guy) After her boyfriend was afflicted the Mask of the Mad Marauder which turns people into dangerous psychos. She decided that she wanted to find another purpose than persuing a romantic relationship. She is very fast and has HUGE impact attacks directed at singular enemies.

Red Danger. Red was the boyfriend of Mad Moxxi before he was afflicted by the Mask of the Mad Marauder. After he was afflicted he became disgusted at the sight of hope, love, sanity, or pretty anything that might give you a warm fuzzy feeling. He decided that he would not allow the chosen one to defeat Rexus Inmortorum and bring peace to the world. Instead he said "NO NO NO I'M GOING TO EAT THAT MONSTER'S WRETCHED SOUL, THAN I CAN TAKE BACK THE WORLD FOR INSANITY!"
Red uses a inhumanly large sword and gets his arm cut off almost immedietly. The mask allows him to switch his arm out with a large sinewy mass of tissue connected to his sword.

Al Paconi. Al is a gangster with a magic switchblade that can turn into any sword. His magic swords allow him to utalize the most effective blade with each swing. With his varied speed and power he is a difficult character to use but a skilled player can turn him into a dangerous monster. Al was payed by an anonymous man or woman to kill Rexus Inmortorum AND Samuel Vahyle (AKA the chosen one). Al isn't just a cold blooded killer either, Al is really a nice guy who just wants to retire on a beach with his sweet heart Suzanne. Even though he had the money to retire, Suzanne was killed in an attack on Chicago he just said "Screw it. Why not?" He then took the contract.

421 posts

Amshigar. Amshigar is a name that means "He who has no name." Amshigar is also known as The Fiend King The fiends being a race of half blood demons and monsters, Amshigar went through much to earn his title. Amshigar is part werewolf, part bull, and part human. His Werewolf size gives him incredible stature, along with the part of him that's bull. Despite this he is mostly human. He stands at eight feet tall with black horns that measure almost a foot in length. With his black eyes, giant muscles, and huge sword, he is a rather scary fellow. Amshigar uses superior reach and strength to gain an edge over his opponents, he can basicly juggle them in the air like they're nothing. Amshigar decided to try and defeat Rexus Inmortorum and anyone who stands in his way (By anyone I mean Vahyle.) He chose to do so because as he puts "It is the nature of the beast to assert dominance, He wishes to be the strongest, as do I. Naturely, We will fight."

Blind Fox. Blind Fox is hailed as the kindest and wisest of the fiends. She has animalistic fangs along with small claws and a tail. Unfortunantly she is blind (I KNOW! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT!? RIGHT?!) However, with her talents and skill, she is not hindered. She decided to Fight Rexus Inmortorum so that she may earn the respect and admiration of the one man she loves (Amshigar). Blind Fox uses two sword style with a set of Tachis (Japanese longswords.) She is quick and uses low impact, high damage attacks.

John Smith. John is pretty straight forward. He is a guy with a large leather trench coat and a baseball bat. John is a pretty regular guy who just wants to protect his family. He used to be a police officer before some questionable however not immoral actions got him fired. He carries his old 38. Special for good measure. He is well rounded with wide, strong, high impact attacks with medium damage. His 38 is a low impact, High damage, uni directional attack.

Xero. Xero is a weapons master who has studied all over the world. His favorite weapon is a Naginata (Japanese polearm). As far as his past no one really knows. He's a drifter wandering from place to place. No one really knows what he looks like either. He has his trademark mask with a large X across the face. His trench coat is rather simliar bearing the large X across his back. Xero's motives are basicly an enigma. All that can be said is that is fighting style (Horizontal and vertical slashes accompanied by unidirectional stabbing) Is both simple and dangerous.

Dark Vayhle. Vayhle being the chosen one is likely to face adversity in a game designed to insult him. One of the main adversities he faces is Dark Vayhle. Dark Vayhle is a very dark and brooding (and much cooler version) of the chosen one. Dark Vayhle uses a large bloodstained addertounge for a weapon. Since he has a larger sword he hits a little harder and moves a little slower. Otherwise he's just a little cooler than Vahyle.

Samuel Vayhle. Samuel Vayhle is the chosen one. His sword Goldmourn is a family heirloom passed down from his ancestors. Upon picking up the sword he was branded by it. After years of study to prepare him for the final confrontation with the Undead King, He is finally "ready" to begin his quest.
Unfortunantly Vayhle's overall balance of damage, speed, and impact do little to make a match for other enemies he faces on his quest.

So just wondering out of what you guys have read, who do you think you would play as?

5,952 posts

Hate to tell you this, but Mad Moxxi is already a character in the Borderlands series :/
As for which one I want to play as, for me it depends on the looks of a character just as much if not more than the character's story. That being said, it would kinda be hard for me to choose based on this. Maybe include some sketches of the characters?
Overall, I like that you are trying to be more origional. That's always good. Explain some more of the story in the future and keep up the good work

421 posts

Good point.

Hate to tell you this, but Mad Moxxi is already a character in the Borderlands series :/

Moxxxi is just a ****ty bartender, not a Nunchuck wielding redhead with emotional issues. But anyway I just decided to turn this into an RPG in the games forum. I wanted to use these characters for something and I kinda wanna work on the general looks, I might be able to handle Amshigar. Xero, Vayhle and dark Vayhle I'm not so sure.
14,745 posts

Should I move the thread to Forum Games for you then @samiel? =)

421 posts

No I started an RPG that I'm pretty sure already failed. If I manage to draw some of these or make some more I'll just post em here.

421 posts

Nemesis the shadow fiend. Not really a playable character but still important. Nemesis destroyed the realm of lost souls (The home of all fiends) in order to gain strength. The lost souls held the realm together before Nemesis absorbed them. After that there was nothing to keep the world from falling apart. After the fiends fled, they no longer had a king to rally them. The former king Arkiel died trying to keep the world from falling apart and the future king Amshigar was cleaving his way to the Undead king so he may prove himself. With the fiends lost and without direction Nemesis promised to bring a new world order. He made many promises to the fiends but betrayed them so he may become stronger. After decimating the entire fiend population and leaving only a fraction of the race surviving he then turned his sights on Rexus Inmortorum. Rexus would be his final triumph, once he had defeated Rexus his power would be unparaleled. To bad for Nemesis someone else got there first. Amshigar managed to surpass the others who wished to kill the king and he had taken the throne. With his new found power he managed to confront Nemesis with the help of Blind Fox, Al Paconi, and Xero (Who after defeating dark Vayhle donned the blade of the New Moon). With the help of these people Nemesis's otherworldly power was matched and surpassed. With Amshigar now in power, and Blind Fox by his side, the fiends were restored. Were is the chosen one you may ask. Samuel died at the hands of Nemesis. What about Red. He was killed by Moxxi who then took her own life in her misery. John Smith and Al Paconi are working together to exterminate the remaining members of Rexus's army. Dark Vayhle as noted earlier was killed by Xero. I decided to end this thread by accounting for the characters with story elements. I don't think I did terrible. Oh well, maybe one day I could get a job at Tecmo or some place like that and pitch em this as an Idea. Maybe one of the devs on here could make a smaller 2D version.

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