Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Kill Count: 12
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized, burned
HP: 200/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 375/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/170 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/0 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A
Your gun-rocket combination quickly takes down an enemy ship. But they're moving too fast for dryfire weapons.
Your rocket pod is empty.
(You want augments? Pay attention to the medic. #spoilers)
Rank: 1st Lt.
Name: Sean Deane
Type: Officer
Kill Count: 27
Age: 27
Gender: M
Size: 6'0", 180 pounds, toned
Conditions: Healthy, adrenalized
HP: 160/160
Rhino Alpha (Transport Alpha)(50/50)
HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret
Capacity: Alpha Squad
Rhino Bravo (transport Bravo)(50/50)
HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret (800/400/400 rounds)
Capacity: Bravo Squad
Rhino Charlie (transport Charlie)(50/50)
HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret (800/400/400 rounds)
Capacity: Charlie Squad
HP: 1600/1600
Main Weapon: 120mm rail gun
Turrets: .700 anti-personnel gatling, 2 40mm rocket pods
Crew: Driver (Corporal Jameson 75/75), Gunner, Technician, Commander (1Lt. Deane 160/160)
Squad Alpha: Fireteam Alpha (100 Sergeant Miller/50/50/50), Support Bravo (100 Sergeant Hanes/75/50/50), Scout alpha (100 Sergeant Johanson/75/75/75), medical alpha (100 Corporal Gansen/50/45/50)
Squad Bravo: Fireteam Bravo (100 Corporal Harper/50/50/50), Indirect Alpha (100 Corporal Daniels/50/50/50), Indirect Bravo (100 Corporal Gomez/50/50/50), Medical bravo (100 Corporal Ramos/50/50/50)
Squad Charlie: Support Bravo (100 Corporal Ackles/75/50/50), Medical Charlie (100 Stephans/50/50/50), Bravo Scouts (100 Corporal Padelacki/75/75/75), Transport Alpha/Bravo (75 Corporal Jameson/A50//B50/50)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), padded pants (5hp), padded jacket (5hp), Padded Gloves (5hp), Knee guards (5hp), elbow guards (5hp), shoulder guards (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Tactical Interface Helmet (40hp, allows platoon helmet cam access, mobile command interfacing with vehicles)
Primary: A41 Carbine (180/30 rounds)
Secondary: B12 Shotgun (45/5 shells)
Sidearm: Colt M911 (42/7)
Melee: combat knife
Augment: N/A
Backpack: 2 flares, command radio (allows access to fire support, reinforcements), 2 smoke grenades, 4 MREs, 2 bottles of water, 2 power cubes, flashlight, 2 HE grenades
Everyone who has a 40mm rocket pod scatters and starts firing into the swarm at random, blowing two ships out of the sky, spraying the area with azure acid, corroding anything it touches.
Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Kill Count: 8
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, stitch in side
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50), Scout team (75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/2 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, Bottle of water, shovel, flashlight
That's about all you've got left. There's a swarm of enemy ships attacking the friendlies ahead of you, three ships have been taken down.
Rank: Private
Name: Rudolf Fuchs
Type: Infantry
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Size: 5"11, 190 lbs., scrawny
Conditions: Bruised
HP: 135/135
Vehicle: N/A
Group: Corporal Jags (60/75)
Equipment: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded Pants (5hp), Knee Guards (5hp), Utility Belt (2 H.E. grenades, medkit), Padded Jacket (5hp), padded gloves (5hp), Elbow guards (5hp), shoulder guards (5hp), Protective vest (25 hp), Medical Interface Helmet (25 hp)
Primary: M20 Assault Rifle (180/30 rounds)
Secondary: P90C SMG (300/50 rounds)
Sidearm: M911 Pistol (
Melee: Combat Knife
Augment: N/A
Backpack: 2 medkits, flashlight, 2 flares, 2 smoke grenades, 6-pac of anxiety pill bottles, 6-pac of Dihydro (C17H19 N O3), box of 3 IVs, 6 MREs, 4 bottles of water
The soldier twitches violently as you carry him, occasionally uttering a sickly gurgling sound. What a beautiful color the sky is.

Jags follows you, eyeing your patient warily. Everyone outside is dead or gone. A few of the enemy are lying dead or crawling around with severed limbs. Their blood is an azure color, oozing slowly.
This area of the battlefield seems dead. The silence is deafening, the only relief from the void is the distant popping thunder of orbital bombardment. There is what appears to be a small settlement two miles from where you are. You can request evac at any time.