Soldiers look more like this.
If you have any suggestions for what something looks like, right click on the image, click on "copy image URL", go to the AG page, click "image" above the text box, between link and quote. Paste the image URL. And viola, you have an image. It should be between
Feel me, home skillet? Moving on!
Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, thirsty
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50), Scout team (75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/2 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight
Your troops are actually highly-trained, and have excellent accuracy. But if you've ever been in a trench, or been in combat.... Or hell, played paintball, you'd know that it's a lot harder to hit a target than it looks. But the aliens... Well, here's a spoiler, they mimic groups of molecules. They don't miss unless you're moving around a lot. Also, they are hella tougher than a human. They have regenerative properties. I mean, if you hit them with 3 or 4 .700 rounds, they'll fly to pieces and won't get back up. But for a couple of guys with 7.62 rifles, you're doing comparatively good. I mean, look at the hundreds of dead soldiers around you. At least you and three of your men are still alive.
Your men huddle around you, guns pointed outward. The explosion knocked you away from your MG, but it's attached to you by a belt feed and lies two feet away from you.
You're not a total failure, but you should find some way to communicate with HQ to request equipment upgrades, report inefficiencies, and bring in reinforcements.
Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Kill Count: 11
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized, burned
HP: 200/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 0/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/8 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A
Your suit is losing integrity, and pieces are being blown off. If you look at the picture of the Hoplite on the 3rd post from the bottom of page 5, you'll notice that the jump boosters are a pretty easy target.
You turn and shred the enemies with your rockets, leaving a few in the pod. There are still the swordsmen circling around you, but as more and more laserfire hits you, your suit starts to shut down, and finally collapses. You are protected, but not for long. You can feel the heated and melting metal sear you flesh. It doesn't seriously injure you, but it hurts like a b*tch.
The swordsmen are still circling you. They are about 9 feet tall, but even with the extra size, you are a genetically modified DREADNOUGHT. Not only are you the toughest sonuva***** in the known universe, but you are born not to need technology to take down anyone with the balls to tango with you. At any time you can inject yourself with a liquid polymethamphetamine/adrenaline serum. You have four syrenges full of it in those plugs on your spine near your cerebral cord. It will mess you up in the long run unless you see a medic to give you a countersedative once you get back to base, but you won't need that tinfoil suit until it wears off.
Later on I'll be adding some options for mech suits like this:

Look at that machinegun boner.