Rank: Corporal
Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Kill Count: 9
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Healthy, Sore Leg, gas burn, concussion, cracked rib, dislocated shoulder
HP: 110/155
Group: Private Lazlo (35/50) Private Gerhard (1/50)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (30/30 5.56 rounds), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp), Gas mask (5hp)
Primary: M20 Assault Rifle (240/30 rounds)
Secondary: P90C (150/50 rounds)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino
Backpack: 4 MREs, six bottles of water, shovel, flashlight, flare
(I'm guessing you've never seen Saving Private Ryan. LOL)
Nikolajs grabs his other arm and tries to help you carry Gerhard to a miniature atoll made by an artillery strike. It has some cover. As you scramble up the beach, Gerhard's head lolls around, his eyes glazed over, either in shock or dead. As you two pull him towards the cover, laserfire starts spraying your little group. Nikolajs is completely blown away, his severed arm and should still loosely hanging from Gerhard's vest in the back. You and Gerhard are just barely grazed, and hit the dirt behind the dune, as Lazlo rushes onwards past you. Gerhard is spazzing upwards now, his eyes unseeing. His hands grasp thin air around him desperately, and he begins to cry.
"Oh god! Momma! How'd I get here? I wanna go back.... I don't wanna die.... I wanna go back!"
His eyes focus on you abruptly, and he grabs your armor feverishly, and looks like he's going to scream at you. Instead, he lets go and slumps back down and starts sobbing uncontrollably.
"Please.... I don't wanna..."
His sobs turn into frenzied crying as laserfire shoots overhead.
Rank: Captain
Name: Sean Deane
Type: Officer
Kill Count: 50
Captures: 13
Age: 27
Gender: M
Size: 6'0", 180 pounds, toned
Conditions: Concussion, blast deafening
HP: 160/160
M90A3 Hoplite Alpha:
Operator: 200/200 Specialist Bath
HP: 300/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (60/12 rockets)
M90A3 Hoplite Bravo: 200/200 Specialist Carn
HP: 225/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (60/12 rockets)
M90A3 Hoplite Charlie: 200/200 Specialist Jackson
HP: 325/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (60/12 rockets)
M90A3 Hoplite Delta: 200/200 Specialist Kane
HP: 300/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (60/12 rockets)
Rhino Alpha (Transport Alpha)(50/50)
HP: 600/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret
Capacity: Alpha Squad
Rhino Bravo (transport Bravo)(50/50)
HP: 670/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret (800/400/400 rounds)
Capacity: Bravo Squad
Rhino Charlie (transport Charlie)(50/50)
HP: 650/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret (800/400/400 rounds)
Capacity: Charlie Squad
HP: 1500/1600
Main Weapon: 120mm rail gun (98/1)
Turrets: .700 anti-personnel gatling (5000/1000, 2 40mm rocket pods (56/6/6)
Crew: Driver (Private Marko 50/50), Gunner (Private Saenz 50/50), Technician (Private Neals 50/50), Commander (1Lt. Deane 160/160)
HP: 2000/2000
Main Weapon: Dual 20-inch cannon (12/1/1)
Turrets: 20mm autocannon (100/50 shells) .50 minigun (5000/2500 bullets)
Crew: Gunners: (Private Ingalls 50/Private King 50) Driver: (50 Private Nemo) Technician (50 Private Muhammad)
Squad Alpha: Fireteam Alpha (75 Corporal Gerbovik/50/50/50) Fireteam Bravo (75 Corporal Damon/50/50/50) Support Alpha (75 Corporal Smith/75 Corporal West/50/50) Mech Team Alpha (200 Specialist Bath/200 Specialist Carn/200 Specialist Kane/200 Specialist Jackson)
Squad Bravo: Fireteam Charlie (75 Corporal Wesson/50/50/50) Fireteam Delta (75 Corporal Gonzalez/50/50/50), Support Bravo (75 Corporal Nicholson/75 Corporal Heike/50/50), Medical Alpha (75 Corporal Stetson/50/50/50)
Squad Charlie: Fireteam Echo (75 Corporal Garza/50/50/50) Indirect Alpha (100 Sergeant Rios/50/50/50) Transport Alpha (50/50/50/50) Transport Bravo (50/50/50/50)
Squad Delta: Indirect Bravo (100 Sergeant Benson/50/50/50) Transport Charlie (50/50/50/50) Scout Alpha (75/75/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), padded pants (5hp), padded jacket (5hp), Padded Gloves (5hp), Knee guards (5hp), elbow guards (5hp), shoulder guards (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Tactical Interface Helmet (40hp, allows platoon helmet cam access, mobile command interfacing with vehicles)
Primary: A41 Carbine (180/30 rounds)
Secondary: B12 Shotgun (45/5 shells)
Sidearm: Colt M911 (21/0)
Melee: combat knife
Augment: N/A
Backpack: 2 flares, command radio (allows access to fire support, reinforcements), 2 smoke grenades, 3 Officer MREs, 1 bottle of water, 2 power cubes, flashlight, 2 HE grenades
(Wait wasn't his strategy to move up the sides leaving the armor behind to form a defensive line?)
I'll quote what he said:
After a moment, Lagunov's hard, grey gaze meets yours forcefully. "Our problem is the way we engage them. We must not directly engage their strongest units. We must soften their troops with artillery, hit them with strikecraft, then send an armored assault. Instead of directly engaging their strongest units, which would halt the advance and cost us many men, we should flow around their strongest positions, and cut off their supply lines. Then we can isolate and overwhelm whatever is left."

Count how many of his suggestions you ignored, mismanaged, bungled, and/or mismanaged.
One for engaging their strongest units.
That's one.
One for using mortars on their rear instead of their main force.
That's two.
One for not giving the strikecraft any targets or a confirmation of assault.
That's three.
One for not sending in armored units in time to counter their assault.
That's four.
One for being completely static as the enemy advanced on your position, eliminating any chance of you outmaneuvering them.
That's five. Five ways you ignored, mismanaged, bungled, and/or mismanaged a freebie strategy.
I mean I gave you two good ones so you wouldn't have to think of any yourself. You just had to execute them. If I was your commanding officer I'd have
you executed for incompetence.

The two other platoons are getting cut to pieces by a combination of enemy heavy armor and light infantry. Your mech units are attracting fire with light arms fire. The assault up front is drawing fire away from their static firing positions, otherwise they'd all probably be dead from being sitting ducks.
Rank: Onslaught Lead
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Kill Count: 40
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Healthy
HP: 200/200
Vehicle: XM109 Dominus
HP: 942/1200
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (24/8 rounds), two 80mm Rocket Pods (36/0/0 rockets), 20mm autocannon (200/160 rounds
Group: Mech Team Alpha (200 Specialist Bath/200 Specialist Carn/200 Specialist Kane/200 Specialist Jackson)
M90A3 Hoplite Alpha:
Operator: 200/200 Specialist Bath
HP: 300/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (184/100 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (60/12 rockets)
M90A3 Hoplite Bravo: 200/200 Specialist Carn
HP: 225/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (170/20 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (60/12 rockets)
M90A3 Hoplite Charlie: 200/200 Specialist Jackson
HP: 325/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (188/50 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (60/12 rockets)
M90A3 Hoplite Delta: 200/200 Specialist Kane
HP: 300/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (144/80 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (60/12 rockets)
Gear: Interface bodysuit (allows your mech to use your primary and melee weapons)
Primary: .50cal LMG (1500/824 rounds)
Secondary: N/A
Sidearm: N/A
Melee: Mechsaw
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A
The two other platoons in the company have moved up and are drawing fire and losing men. You and your men are expending a lot of ammunition. You empty your rocket pods into the nearest enemy tank, causing chain explosions that toss melting biometal and acid all around it. Finally it explodes, killing any remaining marines in its proximity.