ForumsForum GamesOperation Overlord: Alien Invasion RPG

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So I've noticed a huge lack of RPGs with storylines. Or at least ones that unfold at a decent pace. So I've decided to make a two-parter (and possibly a subsequent sandbox sequel). But too much explaining, let's get to the story already!

Nearly 64 light years away from the Blue Planet is a mostly barren alien world, mostly inhabited by polymimetic crystalline formations, and the occasional fungus patch. The crystal itself is the future of human space technology, with it's self-replicative behavior. Unfortunately, the scientists that were studying the crystals were mimicked. With the jumpstart of having a living being in it's molecular memory, it began spawning a whole civilization. This attracted the attention of a race of ancient explorers, of whom we know little. But now, to harvest the crystal and put it to our own uses, we have to subdue the local fauna and transport them to processing plants. Sure, some naturalists had objections, but the war council made a tactical decision that they wouldn't complain after a few minutes in the cold vacuum of space.

12/4/AD2162/0630 Earth Time: Mankind is half an hour away from it's first interstellar invasion. You've got to gear up and get to your dropship. Outside the generation ship there are faint pops in the atmosphere, probably enemy fighters.

Character sheet:

Gender: (only for officers and infantry)
Size: (height, weight, build, pick your type before you do this)

Types: (basically race)

Officer: Human (male or female)
Rank: 2nd Lt.
HP: 60/60
Size: No specs
Weapons: A41 Carbine, B12 Shotgun, Colt M911, combat knife
Specialty: Access to vehicles, platoon-size groups
Description: A cushy, well-paid job well behind your assigned cannonfodder. Or if you've got nothing to lose, at the very front of the onslaught.

NCO: Human Augment
Rank: Corporal
HP: 75/75
Size: Larger than regular human, no real restrictions
Weapons: G60A SAW, 40mm rocket launcher, Razor Automatic pistol, KA-BAR
Specialty: Access to augments and mech suits, team-size groups
Description: NCOs are the liasons between the cannonfodder and the officers.

Warrant Officer: Human Augment
Rank: Warrant Officer
HP: 80/80
Size: Slightly larger than an NCO, consistently heavily built
Weapons: M20 Assault Rifle, 40mm Rocket launcher, Colt M911, Trench knife
Specialty: Access to heavy vehicles (e.g. tanks, fighters), mech suits, augments
Description: Highly trained and specialized soldier capable of a dynamic addition to any fighting force.

Infantry: Human (male or female)
Rank: Private
HP: 50/50
Size: They take 'em all shapes and sizes
Weapons: M20 Assault Rifle, P90C SMG, Colt M911, Combat Knife
Specialty: Access to careers such as medic, driver, gunner, or grunt.
Description: Cannonfodder.

Dreadnought: Genetic Augment
Rank: Specialist
HP: 200/200
Size: 7'0", 300pds, muscular
Weapons: 20mm Autocannon Rifle, UTS-15, WTS .50 BMG Pistol, Trench Knife XL
Specialty: Access to mech suits, augments, dual wield primary weapons
Description: Cannonfodder's meat shield

Vehicles: (aww yiss)

Mech suits: (all can be customized later on)

M88 Tarantula
HP: 250/250
Weapons: back-mounted .700 gatling, scaling hooks hooks

M90 Spartan
HP: 500/500
Weapons: 20mm autocannon rifle

M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 375/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon, 20mm rocket pod


HP: 5000/5000
Main weapon: 12-inch cannon
Turrets: 20mm autocannon, .700 gatling

HP: 1000/1000
Main weapon: 40mm anti-aircraft cannon
Turrets: 20mm autocannon
Hangar: 6 guard drones, 10 wasp drones


Type: Strikecraft
Weapons: 2 forward-facing 40mm AT cannons, 4 side-mounted 40mm hellfire rocket pods

Type: Gunship
Weapons: 4 20mm cannon pods front, 2 side, 2 wing-mounted 40mm rocket pods
Turrets: door-mounted .700 gatling guns


HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret
Capacity: 4 mechs, 6 dreadnoughts or 12 soldiers

HP: 300/300
Turret: .700 gatling
Capacity: 2 mechs, 4 dreadnoughts, or 8 soldiers

More weapons will be available later on, and if the players ask, more vehicles. Choose your loadout, and I'll set the rest up. Your rank is basically your level, and with level comes larger teams and access to better quality equipment and weapons. Want to increase your HP? Equipment does that. Augments also do that.

Word to the wise for wannabe officers, managing a large group can be as challenging as it is rewarding. You can get promoted to the point where you control several tanks, aircraft, or even ships! But managing those resources is time-consuming.

Your objective: Establish a foothold on the alien homeworld, and push to what seems to be their capitol. Expect heavy resistance.

  • 584 Replies
5,291 posts

Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized
HP: 210/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 375/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/20 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A

"Roger that."

1,088 posts

Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, adrenalized
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50/50), Indirect Support (50), Scout team (75/40/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/3 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight, 2 flares, smoke grenade, 2 power cubes

I join him and tell him "see if you can hit those jets!"

2,316 posts

Rank: Private
Name: Rudolf Fuchs
Type: Infantry
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Size: 5"11, 190 lbs., scrawny
HP: 135/135
Vehicle: N/A
Group: N/A
Equipment: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded Pants (5hp), Knee Guards (5hp), Utility Belt (2 H.E. grenades, medkit), Padded Jacket (5hp), padded gloves (5hp), Elbow guards (5hp), shoulder guards (5hp), Protective vest (25 hp), Medical Interface Helmet (25 hp)
Primary: M20 Assault Rifle (180/30 rounds)
Secondary: P90C SMG (300/50 rounds)
Sidearm: M911 Pistol (
Melee: Combat Knife
Augment: N/A
Backpack: 2 medkits, flashlight, 2 flares, 2 smoke grenades, 6-pac of anxiety pill bottles, 6-pac of Dihydro (C17H19 N O3), box of 3 IVs, 6 MREs, 4 bottles of water

Lol. I just go with Goo-Goo search.

Uh, technical sounds cool... So long as you explain the medical procedures as they're introduced. :P

312 posts

Sorry for the late response. Was having some... Err.... Domestic problems with the lady. :P

Rank: 2nd Lt.
Name: Sean Deane
Type: Officer.
Age: 27
Gender: M
Size: 6'0", 180 pounds, toned
Conditions: Healthy, adrenalized
HP: 160/160
Vehicle(s): Rhino Alpha (Transport Alpha)(50/50)
HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret
Rhino Bravo (transport Bravo)(50/50)
HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret (800/400/400 rounds)

Squad Alpha: Fireteam Alpha (75/50/50/50), Support Bravo (75/75/50/50), Scout alpha (75/75/75/75), medical alpha (75/50/50/50)
Squad Bravo: Fireteam Bravo (75/50/50/50), Indirect Alpha (75/50/50/50), Indirect Bravo (75/50/50/50), Medical bravo (75/50/50/50)
Squad Charlie: Support Bravo (75/75/50/50), Medical Charlie (75/50/50/50), Bravo Scouts (75/75/75/75), Transport Alpha/Bravo (A50/50//B50/50)

Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), padded pants (5hp), padded jacket (5hp), Padded Gloves (5hp), Knee guards (5hp), elbow guards (5hp), shoulder guards (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Tactical Interface Helmet (40hp, allows platoon helmet cam access, mobile command interfacing with vehicles)

Primary: A41 Carbine (180/30 rounds)
Secondary: B12 Shotgun (45/5 shells)
Sidearm: Colt M911 (42/7)
Melee: combat knife
Augment: N/A
Backpack: 2 flares, command radio (allows access to fire support, reinforcements), 2 smoke grenades, 4 MREs, 2 bottles of water, 2 power cubes, flashlight

The team leaders assemble around you, waiting expectantly.

Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized
HP: 210/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 375/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/20 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A

Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized
HP: 210/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 375/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/20 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A

It's rather quiet in space, despite the battle raging outside. You wait for what seems like an eternity for the dropship to arrive and pick you up. They transport you to the surface with no major incident. Once on the surface, you notice general lack of friendly troops, and an overabundance of enemies in the trench network. The dropship you arrived on is shredded by piercing fire as it tries to escape.

Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, adrenalized
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50/50), Indirect Support (50), Scout team (75/40/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/3 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight, 2 flares, smoke grenade, 2 power cubes

You can see the enemy fighters now, they're closing fast. The private opens fire with the 20mm auto, hitting two of the fighters. The 20mm shells rip straight through their light armor, probably causing some internal damage. Unfortunately, 20mm is somewhat obsolete against their aircraft, because it is meant to suppress heavy infantry.. You'll have to find something more effective. In the meantime, one of the fighters breaks off and starts bombarding the trench with explosive bursts. Your strategy doesn't seem to be effective. The shooter next to you is blown to bloody ribbons by a burst. You are knocked to the floor of the trench.

Tactical advice: Anything less than 40mm is useless on aircraft, because they don't lock on and certainly don't do much damage on impact. You are well-equipped with a rapidfire rocket launcher, as are several of your team leaders. They don't send soldiers poorly-equipped in a multi-trillion dollar interplanetary conquest.

Rank: Private
Name: Rudolf Fuchs
Type: Infantry
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Size: 5"11, 190 lbs., scrawny
HP: 135/135
Vehicle: N/A
Group: N/A
Equipment: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded Pants (5hp), Knee Guards (5hp), Utility Belt (2 H.E. grenades, medkit), Padded Jacket (5hp), padded gloves (5hp), Elbow guards (5hp), shoulder guards (5hp), Protective vest (25 hp), Medical Interface Helmet (25 hp)
Primary: M20 Assault Rifle (180/30 rounds)
Secondary: P90C SMG (300/50 rounds)
Sidearm: M911 Pistol (
Melee: Combat Knife
Augment: N/A
Backpack: 2 medkits, flashlight, 2 flares, 2 smoke grenades, 6-pac of anxiety pill bottles, 6-pac of Dihydro (C17H19 N O3), box of 3 IVs, 6 MREs, 4 bottles of water

I'll be as detailed as I can.
The first man you examine is a private. He was sitting on near the rear left engine when it exploded, and suffered secondary blast injuries. He has penetrating trauma on his back, probably from ammunition in his backpack being set off by the pressure wave. There are three entry wounds, and several 3rd degree burns on his back. Both his hip bones are broken in several places.

You can choose to try to treat him, or provide him a relatively quick and painless death. You have this choice with all of your patients. I mean, really you could just leave them there or sit on their face. Your response choices are pretty open-ended.

5,291 posts

Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized
HP: 210/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 375/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/20 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A

What troops does the enemy have?
e.g tanks, fighters, infantries, or what?

1,088 posts

Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, adrenalized
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50/50), Indirect Support (50), Scout team (75/40/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/3 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight, 2 flares, smoke grenade, 2 power cubes

Ok, then I switch to the rocket launcher.

9,363 posts

Oh I know all to well what you mean :P

Rank: 2nd Lt.
Name: Sean Deane
Type: Officer.
Age: 27
Gender: M
Size: 6'0", 180 pounds, toned
Conditions: Healthy, adrenalized
HP: 160/160
Vehicle(s): Rhino Alpha (Transport Alpha)(50/50)
HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret
Rhino Bravo (transport Bravo)(50/50)
HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret (800/400/400 rounds)

Squad Alpha: Fireteam Alpha (75/50/50/50), Support Bravo (75/75/50/50), Scout alpha (75/75/75/75), medical alpha (75/50/50/50)

Squad Bravo: Fireteam Bravo (75/50/50/50), Indirect Alpha (75/50/50/50), Indirect Bravo (75/50/50/50), Medical bravo (75/50/50/50)

Squad Charlie: Support Bravo (75/75/50/50), Medical Charlie (75/50/50/50), Bravo Scouts (75/75/75/75), Transport Alpha/Bravo (A50/50//B50/50)

Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), padded pants (5hp), padded jacket (5hp), Padded Gloves (5hp), Knee guards (5hp), elbow guards (5hp), shoulder guards (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Tactical Interface Helmet (40hp, allows platoon helmet cam access, mobile command interfacing with vehicles)

Primary: A41 Carbine (180/30 rounds)
Secondary: B12 Shotgun (45/5 shells)
Sidearm: Colt M911 (42/7)
Melee: combat knife
Augment: N/A
Backpack: 2 flares, command radio (allows access to fire support, reinforcements), 2 smoke grenades, 4 MREs, 2 bottles of water, 2 power cubes, flashlight

"Gentlemen, my name is Sean Deane. I am your commander. I am here to optimize the skills you already have, the ones trained into you. Now for this I need your names to lessen confusion, the names of your team-mates would be nice but are not required." I say moving my hands around to punctuate my point. I wait for them to offer their names before I continue. "Now that we have the names down there is one more piece of business that must be concluded before we go to war. That is simply if you have a problem within your team, come to me. If there is a problem with your squad, come to me. If you require some hardware that isn't standard issue, come to me. I am here to make sure you live and kill efficiently. Also don't be afraid to point out things I may have missed, routes of attack that are better suited then I anticipated, entire paths that weren't uncovered and so on.We want you home safe and sound after each day. Pass the information on to your respective teams." I say and wait for them to leave.

312 posts

Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized
HP: 210/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 150/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/20 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A

Heavy infantry:

Shield Bearers:



That's all that's been spotted so far.

While you are looking up enemies in the database, several blasts hit your armor.

Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, adrenalized
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50/50), Indirect Support (50), Scout team (75/40/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/3 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight, 2 flares, smoke grenade, 2 power cubes

You pull out your 40mm rocket launcher as the fighter roars overhead. The other fighters are lost to sight, but this one comes on another attack run.

Rank: 2nd Lt.
Name: Sean Deane
Type: Officer.
Age: 27
Gender: M
Size: 6'0", 180 pounds, toned
Conditions: Healthy, adrenalized
HP: 160/160
Vehicle(s): Rhino Alpha (Transport Alpha)(50/50)
HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret
Rhino Bravo (transport Bravo)(50/50)
HP: 800/800
Turret: Dual 20mm autocannon turret (800/400/400 rounds)

Squad Alpha: Fireteam Alpha (75 Corporal Miller/50/50/50), Support Bravo (75 Corporal Hanes/75/50/50), Scout alpha (75 Corporal Johanson/75/75/75), medical alpha (75 Corporal Gansen/50/50/50)

Squad Bravo: Fireteam Bravo (75 Corporal Harper/50/50/50), Indirect Alpha (75 Corporal Daniels/50/50/50), Indirect Bravo (75 Corporal Gomez/50/50/50), Medical bravo (75 Corporal Ramos/50/50/50)

Squad Charlie: Support Bravo (75 Corporal Ackles/75/50/50), Medical Charlie (75 Stephans/50/50/50), Bravo Scouts (75 Corporal Padelacki/75/75/75), Transport Alpha/Bravo (A50 Private Jameson/50//B50/50)

Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), padded pants (5hp), padded jacket (5hp), Padded Gloves (5hp), Knee guards (5hp), elbow guards (5hp), shoulder guards (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Tactical Interface Helmet (40hp, allows platoon helmet cam access, mobile command interfacing with vehicles)

Primary: A41 Carbine (180/30 rounds)
Secondary: B12 Shotgun (45/5 shells)
Sidearm: Colt M911 (42/7)
Melee: combat knife
Augment: N/A
Backpack: 2 flares, command radio (allows access to fire support, reinforcements), 2 smoke grenades, 4 MREs, 2 bottles of water, 2 power cubes, flashlight

(I updated the squad page with names of the team leaders.)

They salute you and get back to their squads, which are now aboard the dropships, and spread the word as you suggested.

The dropships are ready to go, they are just waiting for you to get onboard.

1,088 posts

ame: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, adrenalized
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50/50), Indirect Support (50), Scout team (75/40/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/3 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlig

I aim at the pilot and fire

312 posts

Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, adrenalized
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50/50), Indirect Support (50), Scout team (75/40/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/3 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight

Unfortunately you're using a rocket launcher. Fortunately it doesn't matter because you're using a rocket launcher. You hit the ****pit, blowing a huge chunk out of the fighter. The engines start spewed plasma and engine acid all across the battlefield as it swirls into a crash. The wreck causes an explosion that causes a small earthquake.

1,088 posts

Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, adrenalized
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50/50), Indirect Support (50), Scout team (75/40/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/3 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight

I silently celebrate and see if I can do it again to a different one.

5,291 posts

Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized
HP: 210/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 150/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/20 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A

I try shooting down the marines and heavy infantries with the mech's autocannon.

312 posts

Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized
HP: 210/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 50/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/20 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A

You stand on the landing zone stoically, firing at any enemy you can see. You are quickly flanked by several of them, who advance on you behind several shieldbearers. They pepper your armor with laserfire, and two heavies circle around either side of you. Your interface starts flickering as your armor sustains heavy damage.

I just want to reiterate that, unlike many RPGs, I DO update HP, and you CAN die.

Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, adrenalized
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50/50), Indirect Support (50), Scout team (75/40/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/2 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight

The other fighters are gone already. But the fighting attracts more of their marines. They're zeroed in on your position, and start spraying laserfire at your trench.

1,088 posts

Name: Bob "Tower" Light
Type: NCO
Age: 32
Size: 7' 8", 357 lbs
Conditions: Burned, piercing leg wound, adrenalized
HP: 135/145
Squad: Fireteam (75/50/50), Indirect Support (50), Scout team (75/40/75/75)
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Combat Pants (5hp), Plate Leg guards (10hp), Ammo belt (2 saw clips, 3 rockets, or 6 pistol clips), Padded Jacket (5hp), Plate Vest (25hp), Combat Helmet (20hp)
Primary: G60A SAW (300/100 rounds)(automatic)
Secondary: 40mm rocket launcher (9/2 rockets)(semi-automatic)
Sidearm: Razor Automatic pistol (80/20 rounds)(automatic)
Melee: KA-BAR
Augment: Domino (triples group size)
Backpack: 4 MREs, 2 Bottles of water, shovel, flashlight

I switch to the MG And yell &quotin them down!"

5,291 posts

Rank: Specialist
Name: Ferne Correl
Type: Dreadnought
Age: 20
Gender: -
Size: 7'0", 300 pds, muscular
Conditions: Adrenalized
HP: 210/210
Vehicle: M90A3 Hoplite
HP: 50/375
Weapons: 40mm autocannon (200/200 rounds), 20mm rocket pod (80/20 rockets)
Group: N/A
Gear: Padded Boots (5hp), Padded jumpsuit (5hp)
Primary: 20MM autocannon rifle
Secondary: UTS-15
Sidearm: WTS .50 BMG pistol
Melee: Trench knife XL
Augment: Dread Maxx, Dread Hawk
Backpack: N/A

I fly low, mainly to dodge.
I fire rockets at fighters.

Showing 76-90 of 584