ForumsGame WalkthroughsKings Road - Tips and Tricks

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For quite a while, I've been hooked on the latest developed MMO game from @RumbleGames...

Kings Road!

The game has a great mixture of Adventure, RPG and Dungeon crawling, combined with a Multiplayer option. What more do you want?!

Right... tips! =)

So, I've been gathering some of the tips I found in-game and added several I personally think are worthy of mentioning in order to aide other fanatic Kings Road gamers. I divided them all into categories and will be adding more over time, either from myself, or from you! Simply post them in this thread and I will add them into this OP for others to benefit from! And remember, this is far from being complete, it is a work in progress...



1) Gathering Loot
2) Forging
3) Enchanting
__3.1) List of Enchanting Jewels
__3.2) List of Enchanting Materials
4) Battle Tactics
5) Character Boosting / Leveling Up
__5.1) List of Boosting Elixirs
6) Achievements
7) Performance

.................................................................................................................................................................... GATHERING LOOT :

- Opening chests will always drop rare equipment. [In-Game]

- Lockboxes contain some of the best items in the game. Find them as quest rewards! [In-Game]

- If you have enough Gems to spend, do open chests early on at low levels to gain Armor, Weapons, Charms and Rings that will give you an advantage against enemies, boosts your stats to find more valuable items, Jewels/Prisms to enchant/fuse with or boosting Elixirs. Every chest has (usually) 3 items at least, so it might be worth it, especially early on! [MrDayCee]

- Limited-time events appear in KingsRoad all the time and offer epic rewards! Keep an eye out for new events whenever you log in. [In-Game]

- Item rarity is denoted by color. White common items are the least rare, while red artifact items are the rarest. [In-Game]

- Artifact-quality items are the rarest (and most powerful) in the game. Find them only during special events! [In-Game]

- Play through Dungeons to acquire set items. They are the very best equipment in the game! [In-Game]

.................................................................................................................................................................... FORGING :

- When you use the Forge, you have a chance to forge a rarer item than expected. [In-Game]

- Forge an item early by using gems to fill the empty slots. [In-Game] I personally like the easier way to save Gems; play one of the easy levels at the start and simply find some items to complete a set in forging. [MrDayCee]

- The level of the item crafted in the Forge is based on your current character level [In-Game] This means that if you are close to leveling up, you better wait with forging a new item untill you have! This can mean the difference between a great item and an awesome one... [MrDayCee]

- If you pick up armor items and you are in need of gold, always sell them separately, instead of forging them into a higher tier item to then sell them. The gain from selling them separately is always higher than the gain from the one higher tier forged item alone![MrDayCee]

.................................................................................................................................................................... ENCHANTING :

- Enchanting enables you to customize the power of your equipment by socketing them with powerful jewels. Talk to Savra in town to learn more! [In-Game]

- Did you know that you can fuse, sacrifice, or evolve jewels already socketed in your equipment? Drag your equipment into the enchanting window and see! [In-Game] This is very helpful when you're low on Gold and wish to sell some equipment, but not losing the value of the Jewel socketed inside it. Simply use the Jewel from the equipment you're going to sell to level up another Jewel in your equipment. This way the gold cost is lower (Fusion costs less than Re-Socketing!) and you get to re-use the Jewel, rather than losing it when you sell the equipment! [MrDayCee]

- The higher level a Jewel is, the more Gold it will require to fuse it. Save Jewels that grant more fusion experience for later levels. [In-Game] Allthough this is correct, it may become difficult to hold on to such high experience Jewels if you have a limited amount of spaces in your Inventory and Vault. I've managed to store one particular high experienced Crescent Shaped Jewel for quite a while myself, but in the end it is easier to simply use them once they are gained during the early stages of the game. These type of Jewels will come around again later on when you have leveled up enough and can actually socket them into equipment, which is not possible during lower levels of your character. [MrDayCee]


List of Enchanting Jewels:

Attacking Stats Boosts (Triangle Shaped)
-Tristone of Damage (+x.xx% Damage) ~ Fusion Base Value: 7,500 XP (Fine), 13,500 XP (Superior)
-Tristone of Haste (+x.xx% Attack Speed) ~ Fusion Base Value: 7,500 XP (Fine), 13,500 XP (Superior)
-Tristone of Stun (+x.xx% Stun Chance) ~ Fusion Base Value: 7,500 XP (Fine), 13,500 XP (Superior)
-Tristone of Lifesteal (+x.xx% Lifesteal) ~ Fusion Base Value: 7,500 XP (Fine), 13,500 XP (Superior)

Defensive Stats Boosts (Circle Shaped) ~ Fusion Base Value: 9,000 XP
-Sphere of Armor Enhancement (+x.xx% Armor) ~ Fusion Base Value: 9,000 XP
-Sphere of Blocking (+x.xx% Blocking Chance) ~ Fusion Base Value: 9,000 XP
-Sphere of Dodge (+x.xx% Dodge Chance) ~ Fusion Base Value: 9,000 XP
-Sphere of Health (+x.xx Health) ~ Fusion Base Value: 9,000 XP
-Sphere of Parry (+x.xx% Parry Chance) ~ Fusion Base Value: 9,000 XP
-Sphere of Regeneration (+x.xx Health Per Sec) ~ Fusion Base Value: 9,000 XP

Score (Square Shaped)
-Radiant of Efficiency (+x.xx% Increased Score in Story And Dungeon Maps) ~ Fusion Base Value: 10,050 XP

Gathering / Fortune Stats Boosts (Crescent Moon Shaped)
-Crescent of Item Find (+x.xx% of Finding Items) ~ Fusion Base Value: 8,000 XP
-Crescent of Knowledge (+x.xx% XP Gain) ~ Fusion Base Value: 8,000 XP

Sacrificing Prism (Diamond Shaped) - Used for Sacrificing Fusion purposes only!
-Fine Common Prism ~ Fusion Base Value: 11,000 XP
-Fine Brilliant Prism ~ Fusion Base Value: 66,000 XP
-Superiour Brilliant Prism ~ Fusion Base Value: 99,000 XP
-Legendary Brilliant Prism ~ Fusion Base Value: 264,000 XP

Jewels from Emma's Tournament
These Jewels are to be collected in order to obtain certain high quality weapons, but... they can also be used to perform fusion with other Jewels mentioned above! Below the fusion values for these awarded Jewels:

-Superior Jewel - Fusion Base Value: 15,075 XP
-Epic Jewel - Fusion Bas Value: TBD...
-Legendary Jewel - Fusion Bas Value: TBD...
-Artifact Jewel - Fusion Bas Value: TBD...

Jewels from Town Square Events
These Jewels can be collected during Events from the Town Square Board or obtained by completing certain tasks in the Achievements list for these particular Events. They can be socketed to especially increase stats for these Events, or be used for fusion to enchant other Jewels.

-Tristone of Superiority (Fine) (+1% Damage to Enemies in "...Event Name..." and -1% Damage from Enemies in "...Event Name...&quot ~ Fusion Base Value: 12,060 XP
-Radiant of Efficiency (Epic) (+5% Increased Score in "...Event Name...&quot ~ Fusion Base Value: 20,100 XP

(!!!) Once an event is over and you have one or more Jewels which are especially for this event socketed into your equipment, you can use these Jewels for Fusion with other Jewels! This way you can benefit some more after the Event is closed and they are rendered useless for the other levels! (!!!) [MrDayCee]

- When a Jewel is at max level, you can bring it to Savra to evolve it and increase its quality and power. [In-Game]

- To evolve a Jewel, you need rare evolution materials dropped from some of the most powerful bosses in Alderstone. [In-Game]


List of Enchanting Materials:

# Enchanting Materials found in Breakables

-Crystal Powder - Fine Enchanting Material

# Enchanting Materials dropped from Bosses, Dungeons and Events

-Stone Powder - Common Enchanting Material (Bosses: Normal Mode Only)
-Pepper Stone - Common Enchanting Material (Bosses: Normal Mode Only)
-Quarry Bloom - Common Enchanting Material (Bosses: Normal Mode Only)
-Horn - Common Enchanting Material (Bosses: Normal Mode Only)

-Black Plume - Superior Enchanting Material (Bosses: Heroic Mode Only)
-Blue Scarab - Superior Enchanting Material (Bosses: Heroic Mode Only)
-Goldroot - Superior Enchanting Material (Bosses: Heroic Mode Only)
-Turquoise Fragment - Superior Enchanting Material (Bosses: Heroic Mode Only)

-Spider Eye - Epic Enchanting Material (Bosses: Champion Mode Only)
-Midnight Rose - Epic Enchanting Material (Bosses: Champion Mode Only)
-Silver Leaf - Epic Enchanting Material (Bosses: Champion Mode Only)
-Otherworldly Essence - Legendary Enchanting Material (Bosses: Champion Mode Only)

# Emma's Tournament - Found in Lockboxes from Champions in Emma's Tournament.

-Blue Oak - Common Enchanting Material
-Green Trisynth - Superiour Enchanting Material
-Purple Pearl - Epic Enchanting Material

# Soulstone Tournament - Found in Lockboxes from Champions in Soulstone Tournament.

-Bat Wing - Common Enchanting Material to Evolve Jewels
-Green Sludge - SuperiourEnchanting Material to Evolve Jewels
-Jar of Eyeballs - Epic Enchanting Material to Evolve Jewels

- If you have a high enough level with your character, it is better to Sell or Trash any Crystal Powder you gather. In my opinion, it only occupies a valuable spot in your inventory and you will only need it to evolve a maxed out Jewel. Once you do have a maxed out level Jewel and you want to evolve it, new Crystal Powder is easily found while exploring World, Dungeons and Event maps. [MrDayCee]
- Allthough the jewels are rather low leveled in the beginning once you start playing, try fusing additional jewels you find together into your jewel of choice! The fusion costs are cheap and it will quickly give you an advantage with whatever power the socketed jewel posesses! You will find yourself in battles that show you have quite an advantage over the enemy because of these jewels working your stats! [MrDayCee]

- Sacrificing a Jewel for fusion experience will permanently consume that Jewel. Be sure you no longer need your Jewels before sacrificing them! [In-Game]

- If you collected several jewels and want to fuse them all to boost an already socketed one, there is two ways to appraoch this action... 1) Fuse them all at once, which will cost a few gold less in total, or 2) Fuse them all separately, which will cost a fraction more gold, but will give you the chance of a 'Great Fuse' for every single jewel, which will lead to more XP on the fused jewel in total every time! [MrDayCee]

- Max level Superiour, Epic and Legendary Jewels can be sold for Gems! [In-Game]

.................................................................................................................................................................... BATTLE TACTICS :

- Right-click to move directly to a location without attacking. This command will ignore any enemies clicked on. [In-Game]

- Hold [SHIFT] before clicking to prevent movement. This is especially useful for Archers and Wizards who want to attack from afar. [In-Game]

- If you encounter a group of enemies that are strenghtened by a Flagbearer (Green = Healing, Blue = Armor or Red = Attack boosting), try luring the troops away from him by walking back a bit on the map. The troops will automatically follow to keep attacking you, but the Flagbearer keeps holding his position, thus loosing the boost capability for the troops as they get out of his range. This makes it easier to defeat the troops! [MrDayCee]

- The tactic explained in the previous tip works the same when encountering a "Healing Conjuror", who spawns a Healing Totem near your enemies, healing them when they stand beside it. Work the same way as explained above to have your enemies lured away from the Totem to make it loose the area of healing for them and you can defeat them more easily! [MrDayCee]

- Another good way to defeat troops that are strenghtened by a Flagbearer (of any kind) is to attack the Flagbearer first with a high powered attack untill he is dead, thus disabling his boosting capability and turning the rest of the troops back to their normal status and make them easier to defeat. [MrDayCee]

- When encountering an enemy that repeatedly calls for reinforcements, for example the Goblin pounding a drum, the Skeleton Shaman raising portals, or the Shroud Summoner creating a spawning vortex, be sure to attack that enemy first to ensure that the reinforcements are stopped being called for. Those reinforcement enemies give you no XP or Gold when defeated and they only make the battle more difficult. [MrDayCee]

- When encountering an Undead Archmage and he performs the slowing spell on an area you stand (the ground turns black and you are slowed down in movement, but your enemies are unaffected by it, use the "Charge" skill (when equipped) to quickly move out of this affected area! [MrDayCee]

- If you run low on health and have the healing capability for your character, but no healing Food items left to consume, try walking away from the battle once you are not engaged with an enemy. Simply wait a while for your health to grow to its maximum level again before engaging again. Even though this might sound really simple and quite obvious, it is one of the easiest ways to gain that extra help to finish the level and it is especially useful before engaging the level boss! [MrDayCee]

- If you run low on Food or Potion items facing a heavy battle and you do have enough Gold to buy new ones, simply wait to continue into that level, thus avoiding being engaged into the battle, and access the shop to buy new supplies. This is possible while playing a level and does not require you to return to town first! [MrDayCee]

- Level end Bosses usually have a distinct attacking pattern in which they fight you. Try to learn this pattern and avoid the biggest attacks they perform, then attack them in between their attacks or during smaller ones. This is very useful if you are low on Food and Drinks to aide your recovery and stronger Bosses. [MrDayCee]

- When encountering "Pestilisks" (those prehistoric armored creatures), always walk out of the poison pool they create first and then attack them. This way you can avoid loosing health while battling them. [MrDayCee]

- When encountering so-called "Bone Piles" in levels as "The Burial Grounds" and "The Forsaken Sanctuary", make sure to always destroy those as quickly as possible, before a priest will ressurect undead from them. This will decrease the number of enemies you will have to face, which is especially useful at the End Boss situation! [MrDayCee]

.................................................................................................................................................................... CHARACTER BOOSTING / LEVELING UP :

- Upgrade your existing skills to increase their effectiveness. (Duh...) [In-Game]

- Having trouble defeating enemies in a dungeon map? Try equipping set items! The more pieces of a set you wear, the more bonuses you receive. [In-Game]

- Passive skills increase your hero's base stats and can make the difference in a difficult battle. [In-Game]

- Try to put a lot of skill points into the passive Armor Upgrade skill especially. (available approximately around level 10) This passive skill prooves to be very effective once you have gained and equipped a lot of Armored or Armor boosting items. The increasing percentage works for every piece of Armor, even the boosting rings for example, so your Armor gain can increase significantly with this boost that gives you protection against the heavier attacking enemies weilding large weapons against you. [MrDayCee]


List of Boosting Elixirs:

* Healing Potion : Restores 100% of your health. Cooldown: 1 second.
* Rejuvenation Potion : Restores 100% of your Health and Mana. Cooldown: 1 second.
* Elixir of Experience : Earn 200% more Experience for 30 Minutes.
* Greater Elixir of Experience : Earn 250% more Experience for 45 Minutes for you and your party.
* Elixir of Damage : Increase Damage by 50% for 30 Minutes.
* Greater Elixir of Damage : Increase Damage by 55% for 45 Minutes for you and your party.
* Elixir of Item Find : Greatly Increases Gold and Items Drops for the next 30 Minutes.
* Greater Elixir of Item Find : Greatly Increases Gold and Items Drops for the next 45 Minutes for you and your party.
* Elixir of Avoidance : Grants 50% chance to Dodge or Parry all attacks for 30 Minutes.
* Greater Elixir of Avoidance : Grants 55% chance to Dodge or Parry all attacks for 45 Minutes for you and your party.
* Elixir of Cooldown Reduction : Reduces Skill Cooldown Times by 50% for 30 Minutes.
* Greater Elixir of Cooldown Reduction : Reduces Skill Cooldown Times by 55% for 45 Minutes for you and your party.
* Elixir of Mana Regeneration : Greatly increases Mana Regeneration for 30 Minutes.
* Greater Elixir of Mana Regeneration : Greatly increases Mana Regeneration for 45 Minutes for you and your party.
* Elixir of the Ice Drake : Summons an Ice Drake for 10 Minutes that attacks and slows enemies. Effect ends if the Drake dies, you die or you change maps. Can only have 1 Drake active at a time. Cooldown: 3 seconds.
* Elixir of the Bear : Summons a Bear for 10 Minutes that attacks enemies and buffs your damage by 15%. Effect ends if the Bear dies, you die or you change maps. Can only have 1 Bear active at a time. Cooldown: 3 seconds.
* Premium Fireworks : Light Up the Skies of Alderstone! (Effect unknown up to this point...)

Recently New Added:
* Witch's Brew : Polymorphs Enemies around you within a 1000 unit radius for 7 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
* Ghost Potion : Summons 3 friendly Ghosts to aide you in Battle for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 3 seconds.

(NOTE: Most potions also exist in smaller/minor versions that last for half their strenght and only for 2 minutes. They are often dropped during battles in Levels and Dungeons)

- Once you have liberated the Princess from captivity, she will grant you her free "Blessing". This will boost your experience gain during Levels, Dungeons and Events to double the amount and the 200% lasts for 15 minutes. If you want to exploit this free boost even further, try holding on to any experience boosting Potion you have untill you can use the "Blessing" again and then use them both at the same time, thus boosting your experience gain even more! [MrDayCee

.................................................................................................................................................................... ACHIEVEMENTS:

- Once enemies drop armor and weapons during a battle, always pick those up! Once your inventory is full, make a choice on which item can be disgarded (if you can of course, items of value should always be saved untill you return to town) and trash this item, thus freeing up space for a new item. All items you pick up will count towards the achievement of "Picking Up 'x' Amount Of Loot", even if you trash it to free up space, it still counts! Once you reach a new rank in this achievement, you will earn gems, which are precious payment items you will definitely need in the game! [MrDayCee]

- Increase your end-level score by killing more enemies and breaking destructible objects like barrels. [In-Game]

- When playing a Level, Event or Dungeon, always destroy breakables as they count towards your Daily Achievement (if this is given) and Barrels ("Barrel Buster&quot and Chickens ("Chicken Slayer&quot count towards your overall "Great Feats" achievements! [MrDayCee]

.................................................................................................................................................................... PERFORMANCE :

- You can Turn off damage numbers and enemy health bars in the options menu if you need to improve game performance. [In-Game]

  • 34 Replies
5 posts

Is there any update for King's Road cheats? They patched the game to make it not work anymore. I'm looking for any updates.

14,745 posts

Let's pretend you did not post this @renzokyuken allright? Cheating is not allowed and will always be acted upon accordingly. So there will be no answer to your question here...

Updated and completely re-arranged the enchanting materials list, as there have been a few new items added, due to the new "Emma's Tournament" feature in the game! =)

1 posts

Spending gems on chests is a waste. You outlevel the gear you get in a day or 2. Much better to buy up inventory space so you don't have to leave half your loot behind every time you run a map. I would have said to save the gems for endgame gear but then again, you will never have enough. Don't think anybody is crazy enough to spend $40 worth of gems on a single armor part.

1 posts

Jewels with Increased Score in Story And Dungeon Maps. how does it work I dont really understand. in dungeon u get scores? Story maps mean just regular maps? How can I see the effect of the jewels? I have 14 of them already. first I though they would work in every single event and it was the reason they ave so less XP bonus but I found I was wrong. Please when u have time explain it to me in details

14,745 posts

As far as I know, the squared scoring Jewels increase your score for regular maps, dungeons and events only, which means you will earn more gold during these... the only way to really see their effect (as they have only a small effect when not upgraded) is to level them up with Fusion.

You could check their worth by replaying a level at the same difficulty, but without any of the equipment you wear. I will see if I can perform a test run on this if I have the time and then post the results in this thread @Jimavegas, ok? Just give me some time to accomplish this please... =)

14,745 posts

I did a small test to determine whether or not my statement was true and it was correct indeed @Jimavegas! I played the first level (Hunting Trail; Boss: Dirk Deadwood) with my current gear/equipment that has a lot of Square Score Jewels socketed and then again with using another shield that had no Jewels socketed. The results are minor, but do show:

-> Score with +1% Increasing Score Jewel = 362 (+50 Gold Reward)
-> Score without this mentioned Jewel = 358 (+50 Gold Reward)

So even a low leveled Score Increasng Jewel has quite some effect on the score. But in order to receive a true benefit from score increasing, you need to level up these Jewels and then you will receive more gold at the end of the Level. =)

2 posts

In the lockboxes you get the worst thing possible every single time so there is no need to take risks. Use the gems on the guaranteed items.

14,745 posts

It's a risk you have to be willing to take @osmanmumtaz... I've taken quite a few here and there and allthough the largest percentage of those times, the outcome was the minimum prize, I did receive a few larger prizes. But seeing as the lockboxes are based upon percentage chance of winning something, this will always be a risk for the gamer! =)

2 posts

what is the point of cheating. you want the upgrades w/o earning them. you just wanna be a blowhard look like something your not.

2 posts

moderator, you have my permission to modify this if it is confusing or incomplete (it is)

1. gems are best used for buying extra inventory or vault slots, 4 extra inventory slots cost 150 gems while 4 extra vault slot are 120 gems. if you can wait "deals" will be presented on vault space"

2. if you forge , relegate it to fine which cost 100 gold or at most superior for 1000. most of your euipment should be acquired from drops of defeated characters in the game.the hero will drop enuff to go onto more maps. start saving your gold before level forty to play events that fantastic equipment is the reward. I receive 3 Sea Serpent legendary (certain names of legendary equipment have fantastically more attributes than ordinary legendary equipment... ha ha did i just say ordinary legendary equipment) when you hit lvl forty u unlock the events that give you a chance at great equipment rewards, most these events take event tokens that a few are gotten from the daily free items. You will have to purchase additional tokens from the shop for 30k gold. Hence the reason you dont want to forge items that cost 10k &20k gold

would be helpful to inform what it takes to evolve triangle jewels require 10 stone powders. it also appears that high level players cant not get stone powder very much when my low character can get it on normal mode. it goes something like this. you defeat a map a low level character over and over until it stops dropping stone powder then you proceed to the next map in sequence just like you did when you played for the very first time. repeat this process moving successively to the next higher map. playing each map until it stops dropping stone powder. I dont know what crystal powder is for... i use it to get more gold because u can carry 20 in one inventory slot =up to 600 gold that can be carried back to town in one slot.

1 posts

Nooooo. The server crashed at 12:10 when I need it the most. Me and another person were going to do an event and I lost 10 tokens. Rumble, you owe me one

7 posts

Some additional tips:
1) Hoard gems in the beginning. Don't spend on anything else until you have doubled your inventory/vault spaces.
2) Join any guild initially. There are rewards like extra gold, cheaper forge, better stats. If you're lucky, you can get help from guildmates (use Chat function). You can change your guild later.
3) There are free things in the shop. Check Featured, Enchanting and Events sections daily.
4) Check Achievements daily. There are certain things you can do and be rewarded with gems & golds.
5) After you beat Normal maps, you can play Dungeons. They cost gold, but you can level up fast and get set items.
6) (Level 45+) Arena is a gold mine. Tournament is a gem mine.
7) (Level 45+) Event has best items in the game. It unlocks at level 40, but you're unlikely to win then. This is the only way to get Appearance items.

7 posts

8) Jewels need certain types of enchanting materials for evolution:
- Tristone: Stone Powder, Black Plume, Spider Eye
- Sphere: Quarry Bloom, Blue Scarab, Silver Leaf
- Radiant: Horn, Goldroot, Midnight Rose
- Crescent: Pepper Stone, Turquoise Fragment, Otherworldly Essence
- Prism: Crystal Powder

1 posts

Can someone explain Idol of Strength. It has a level up ability, but it doesn't do anything. I can't equip, doesn't give me any buffs, only sell for 25 gold, I don't know what to do with it and it's taking up valuable inventory space. Respond only if you speak proper English please, I can't understand internet idiot speech.

7 posts

That idol came from a tournament. Now that the tournament has ended, it has no use except as a sacrifice jewel. Don't sell jewels, instead sacrifice any jewels you don't want to level up another jewel.

The current tournament, Winterstone Tournament, give out shards. Collect all 13 shards to get a pair of earrings. Further details in-game (click the 'i' button).

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