ForumsGame Walkthroughsthis is the only level three walkthrough

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1: Switch the lever to max then enter the pipe. (Hint: The pipe is on the bottom-right of the screen.)

2: Switch the lever to the middle position. (Hint: When you have the lever in the middle position, jump and go right midair.)

3: Same as level 1, but with moon gravity. very simple. (Hint: Keep holding right while jumping.)

4: Grab the switch and click with the mouse when you are in front the gate. (Hint: It takes 11 shots to destroy the gate.)

5: Use pastries to switch the lever. (Hint: Press space to poop pastries.)

6: Go to the gate and say friend to open the door. (Hint: I can't think of a good hint here... can you request some good hints?) (easter egg: say mellon instead of friend!)

7: Right click and click open gate. (Hint: You must right click inside the game.)

8: Go in one of the doors and go out a door on the other side of the invisible blocks. (Hint: Do not go up and out the game or down and out of the game too far beacuase you will not be able to complete the stage. if you do go out of the game, press panic to kill yourself. the panic button is located on the bottom-left of the game.)

9: Yeah. if you have trouble completing this level, go play elephant rave also made by john. (Hint (Not an real hint): Even if you do not have trouble completing this level, go play elephant rave after you beat the game. itz a good good game indeed!)

10: Same as stage 1, but you need to poop pastries to get smaller so you can fit in the pipe. (Hint: C'mon you beat stage 5, right? you should know how to poop pastries by now.)

11: Switch the lever fowards and back until the gate opens enough to go by. (Hint: You must switch the lever fowards and back at least 5 times to fit through the gate.)

12: Press keys + and - to control the switch. (Hint: You must hit + 5 times to open the gate. and you can also hold + to open the gate.)

13: I'm not sure how to explain this... please request how to explain this. (Hint: Please request how to explain this part as well.) Aaah now i'm failing at this as well!

14: Collect the letters BLUE in order. (Hint: Do not collect letters that is not in blue and you must collect the letters blue in order or else you will die... no, not in real life, but in the game. and you also have to start over collecting the letters in blue.)

15: When the white bullets appear, race for the lever and go in front of the door in front of the gate and wait 20 seconds. then go in the pipe. (Hint: Hmmmm... what could I put here? comment what I should put here and you could be the lucky winner!)

16: Yes, you have to open another armor games window and play this is the only level 3. then you have to click on the switch, then go back to the other armor games site and beat the level. (Hint: Yeah, can you guys suggest that to put here? I'm starting to run out of ideas.)

17: Same as level 1, but you're floting midair. (Hint: Do not touch the walls, they will kill you)

18: Same as level 1, exept you have to keep going into the pipe over and over again. (Hint: You have to go in the pipe 7 times.)

19: The pastries explode! blow up the roof of the exit pipe so you can get in. (Hint: REALLY? you're asking me how to get pastries AGAIN??? you must be very forgetful.)

20: The elephant does what you write. (Hint: Type switch switch, then pipe.)

21: Same as stage 1, but the gate is already opened and you can go in. (Hint: If you flick the switch on, the gate closes.)

22: Flick the switch and head for the pipe. when you get trapped, go left than right and reapeat. (Hint: The more crippled the gate looks, the closer you are to breaking the gate.)

23: The more you jump, the higher you jump. (Hint: Above all the invisible blocks, one space you can squeeze through.)

24: Enter the first door, go to the forth door, any try to open it. (Hint: Opening the forth door opens the gate.)

25: Type PI and the gate will open. (Hint: PI is 3.141592645.)

26: Same as level 1, exept you move really quickly. (Hint: You guys suggest what to put here!)

27: Go to highscores and play the snake game and score at least five, then the gate will open. (Hint: The snake game is located on the top right of the highscores pannel.)

28: You move the forth door right in front of the pipe and enter the
first door. (Hint: Click and drag the forth door.)

29: Fall to the first door, go around to the lever, go back to the first door and enter it. then go right, then left, then to the pipe. (Hint: There are other paths that you can take, but this is the shortest of all of them.)

30 A.K.A. Finale: Go to the fourth door and shoot pastries through it to the first door, facing right so they hit the lever. (Hint: IDKWTPH... CYGSWTPH? AYAAAP... IYCRT.)
Thanks to: xXxDAPRO89xXx and ferret

  • 5 Replies
6,737 posts

Just a suggestion, you might wanna put each level on a different line as it looks kinda sloppy and having it spaced out would make it less of an eyesore.

6,737 posts

Looking good now Riku!

538 posts

What is this walkthrough for? I do not see any games like this.

538 posts

Oops. The way he wrote it didn't make sense to me until now. My mistake.

1 posts

what about the secret level 31 the undefned ????????

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