Great, seeing that my final program gives correct results I've decided to release the final version of all the gemforce results, including the one of my final program:
read the release notes and/or the readmes at the various folders to find all the informations you need.
Feel free to comment/ask question on this thread, I'll try to answer when I have time.
For who is still reading, I'd like to say I had a lot of fun with this project and learnt a lot, hope this may be useful also to you guys, I'll now move on to other projects, I'll come back here to check out 1.1 when it will be released.
When you open the link you will find some folders and files and then below them a readme. In the readme we wrote (other than a lot of other things) where to find the results.
They are in the folder "results" that you can see on top, read the readme to know more about file names and conventions, to find exactly what you need.
Haven't read recent yet, but can you give a bit more info on what you're optimizing? For example, I tripped over the 8 upgrade, and that really really really hurts fire rate (u is at 30 while it's still at something lol like 10).
I.e. mana gem recipes maximize mana leech primarily, then we look for x.
The attempt was to maximize mana leech, while minimizing cost.
The idea was that the more mana you gain per hit, the better. And opposing that is the idea that the cheaper the gems, the sooner/faster you can upgrade them.
So, by maximizing mana leech while minimizing cost, you can achieve a higher power gem overall, ideally.
I'm not sold on the concept though. Oh, its great if you are permafreeze farming, but that's got its own risks : computer resetting due to update, or power outage longer than the UPS lasts, that sort of thing.
When you are not permafreezing, you need stronger gems, because you don't have effectively unlimited time to use the most mana-efficient ones.
The gems are quite powerful. The issue I have is the amps. The gems were designed for weaker amps, but they are still stronger than the black-focus 32-spec managem and killgem.
Try them with the 16c and 10c amps. See how you like them. My next game is going to be using the 64c amps for both mana and kill gems.
As should be obvious from checking the site and the trees, the 128 spec managem is intended to be used with the 16c mana amp. The 64 spec killgem is intended to be used with the 10c killamp. All 4 gems are supposed to be upgraded using your favorite upgrade technique, whether that be the 16 gem upgrade, 64 gem upgrade, 1024 gem upgrade, or whatever.
You're supposed to keep the amps at the same relative grade to their gems : gem - 3 for the mana side, and gem - 2 for the killing area.
Am I right when I say "managem_128 is not first choice in use with six amps"? And I guess you have no parenthesis version of "managem_amps128-16"... So I try translating tree I'm curious, if I get it right
Is this a valid managem128amp16? Took me more than half an hour to translate (((((b+((o+o)+(b+o)))+((b+b)+(b+(b+(b+b)))))+((b+((o+o)+(b+o)))+((b+(o+o))+(o+(o+(o+(o+(o+(o+o)))))))))+(((b+((o+o)+(b+o)))+((b+b)+(b+(b+(b+b)))))+(((b+b)+(b+(b+(b+b))))+((b+(b+b))+((b+(b+b))+(b+(b+(b+(b+(b+(b+b)))))))))))+((((b+((o+o)+(b+o)))+((b+b)+(b+(b+(b+b)))))+((b+((o+o)+(b+o)))+((b+(o+o))+(o+(o+(o+(o+(o+(o+o)))))))))+(((b+((o+o)+(b+o)))+((b+(o+o))+(o+(o+(o+(o+(o+o)))))))+(((b+(o+o))+(o+(o+(o+(o+(o+o))))))+((o+(o+(o+(o+o))))+((o+(o+(o+o)))+((o+(o+o))+((o+o)+((o+o)+(o+(o+(o+(o+(o+(o+o)))))))))))))))
I have great news for everyone who wanted bigger recipes.
I partially rewrote the algorithm and overcame all the memory issues, now, given enough time, it's possible to compute much bigger recipes (and it's 2-3x faster than the old one, too).
I was able to complete the new 256spec for managems with 30c amps, you can find all the info here:
Killgems will follow shortly.
I also remind you that the gem/amps ratio is intended for very high grade gems, in the beginning is greatly recommended to go for the biggest gem/amps you can do, disregarding the 1:8 ratio.
Happy gem combining to everyone.
P.S.: I suppose we are still looking for someone to make those ugly walls of text into easy to understand graphics.
Could you generate a 16384 combine along with a 128 spec killgem focused on amp+1, for towers? I find amp+1 to be my favorite setup, and towers allow shard farming to really take off.