ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe chronicled adventures of Eliakith

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I'm Eliakith, and the best way to tell you about this is by you reading the series. Its complicated.

Day 1 1/7
I wake up, lying in my bed. Looks like another boring day. I get dressed in my basic black robe, and quickly head over to the School of advanced Materias usage and creation. During the creation safety lecture, I take a void and a mechanism materias, and pray that the golems don't catch me. After the rest of a normal school day, I hastily return home, becasue the golems have been acting weird lately. I lay down, and pray I can do something with the mess I left myself with yesterday.

Day 1 2/7
I awaken in a cell. It appears my mech has been relieved of me. I carve at the cheap wall behind my desk all day with the knife I stored last week. Stole several plastic knives during lunch for monster and guard bait should i need it. Nothing else notable happened.

Day 1 3/7
My commander calls me. I exit my pod and dawn my armor, hiding a few more bullets in my only dimensional pocket that still works. To my delight some explosion Materias is still in there from last week at school, which will help me get my mech back tomorrow. I pick up my customized sword and exit my room. "Good morning sir." I say, standing ready for whatever hell he wants to unleash today.
"A rift has been reported several miles from here. I want you to check it out. Also make sure you bottle a part of it for the lab." he says in his regular, deep voice.
"You need me to get in close?" I question, realizing what I've just done.
"Yes. Your suit should be able to handle it, assuming you haven't been taking parts off again..."
"Yes sir." I say as I take my leave, thankful that he didn't punish me for questioning him. After getting my own tests done on the rift, I get in close and get two vials of the rift before containing it. No monsters came out of the rift today. I return, give a vial to the lab, and use my own in the centrifuge, praying to get some of that vital dimensional essence. I return to my pod after a productive day.

Day 1 4/7
I wake, anxious to find this elusive tower. My sleeping companion, Lilliana, is unaware of my higher goal. I leave a scribble on the wall near where she rests, telling her I'll be out until midday, foraging for food and clues in this dammed forest. I am overjoyed when I find a cluster of fruit trees, only for my joy to be shattered when I realize I forgot the rune of locking back at the cave. I pick what I can from the trees before Inevitably leave the area. I climb up the hill I locked in place to graph today's layout. The landmarks I left yesterday (in this dimension) are in completely different locations. The fabled tower isn't in sight. I return to the cave for lunch with Lilliana. One small meal for two later, I set out for the daily merchant raid.
3 unidentifiable runes
1 wooden sword (enchanted)
2 elvish daggers
were taken. No injuries on either side. I return to the cave, to find Lilliana questioning my ethics.
"How can you do this? Daily?" she asks.
"I don't do anything to mortally wound them. I leave minimal damage to the cart, men, and animals. I do my best."
"But these [i]aren't ours[\i]."
"Neither is the air we breathe, nor the ground we set foot on. No one complains about those. I'm sorry Lilliana, I only do what is needed. Forgive me, but I need to go to bed. Until tomorrow Lilliana." I state as I lay in my predetermined location.

Day 1 5/7
I wake up in the middle of a lot outside the AG training center. Foggy memories start to come back. A battle. Two allies. One friend. As more and more starts to come back to me, I remember how much that battle against one of the kongregate leaders drained me of energy. I take the worn down subway to the hospital and get myself cleaned up before hiring a google taxi to the prison, where I remember StormDragon was being dragged off to. I ask to see her, and we chat for a bit, but our morse code conversation about getting her out of her went un noticed. As I exit to find equipment to get her out of here, I pass out.

Day 1 6/7
I awaken in bonds, and realize that today with be a fun day because I can let loose. Six light mage scouts captured me and my group while we slept, and they just finished a chalk circle of healing. I begin casting spell void, while my unskilled group casts dark beams and fireballs. Minor damage to the light mages, which was immediately healed. They wound the group before they start combining their strength to attack me. My spell finishes, removing all spell effects in the area, destroying the magical power of the circle. My group continues with dark beams, except for one who begins casting eruption. The light mages begin to run, but are cut off by lava and water raining down on them. Our group rests, so that we can make good time tonight.

Day 1 7/7
Hazy. Something about answers, an attack, and time. I pass out again.

  • 5 Replies
2,613 posts

It is quite decent, that is all I shall say. Although I am no better from what one might read on the AMW, I actually have about 14 stories I am 'editing' to go into said AMW. Either way, im going to point out a few errors in spelling, or ask if you did that purposely.

siris - I dont know what this even is, im sorry, but I think you meant Series, but correct me if i'm wrong.
Materias - Is this how you spelled it in the FRPG? I'm pretty sure that this isn't an error as you wrote it multiple times, but im just checking.

Either way, I shall rate this story... 6.4/10. Good luck in future stories!

2,419 posts

This is continuous. You can't rate it yet.

2,613 posts

I can rate whatever i want, because im evil. >:3

2,419 posts

Two days added right now, and most likely another later today. And to
answer some questions...

Day 1/7
This is one of those ideas I had that didn't quite flesh out past a story. I tried to add a battle mechanic but nothing fit too well with the style I wanted. Materia was going to be the key item in the game. It would be used to enhance abilities in battle, to craft items, and to cast spells in and out of battle. Materias is the plural and Materia is the singular. Looking back I should've switched them.

Day 2/7
This is from single minded, by R2D21999. I didn't get too far in my story, so I'm using my brother's. A strongly built RP by R2. I've never seen another open world quite as good as this.

Day 3/7
A secret to everybody... For now.

Day 4/7
The kingdoms of (I know I'm going to butcher this) crystallphoia, by Ajgelaga. Loved this game, Ajgelaga put a ton of time into it, but she's no longer active, so I never actually finished the story.

2,419 posts

Sorry about the late update. Way too sick to get anything done.

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