Welcome to Slap the Cheese, a cheese-slapping game where you slap cheese.
1. Generate a Cheese if the cheese is dead by rolling d4 for hardness 1 = 10 HP = Soft 2 = 50 HP = Medium 3 = 100 HP = Hard 4 = 500 HP = Brick!
2. Update the cheese HP.
Optional: Narrate the above poster's action.
3. Roll d20 for Slap Damage.
edit: hey i found a way to display colored text! hopefully it doesnt look like a knight/mod/admin
another edit: sooo it seems there was a user called "Override". sorry for mis-tagging
* JAVA TEIM!!!1!1
* imma confuse the cheese with the source of a "process" instance written WITHOUT proper line breaks
* actual dice is at the bottom
Cheese nightmareCheese = new Cheese();
nightmareCheese.setHardness(Cheese.HARDNESS_LEVEL_BRICK);/* reminder: this cheese is a brick cheese */
nightmareCheese.lookAt("new Process() { [url=http:/user/Override]@Override[/url] public int waitFor() throws InterruptedException { return 0; } [url=http:/user/Override]@Override[/url] public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return System.out; } [url=http:/user/Override]@Override[/url] public InputStream getInputStream() { return System.in; } [url=http:/user/Override]@Override[/url] public InputStream getErrorStream() { return System.in; } [url=http:/user/Override]@Override[/url] public int exitValue() { return 0; } [url=http:/user/Override]@Override[/url] public void destroy() { } }");
/* ok that was a bit too hard */