ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Gemcraft Chasing Shadows - Can't start the game anymore

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As of now, I can't load a savegame. GC-CS stops working once I access the "Start Game" save-game selection screen. The savegames are not listed, and my entire browser (all tabs and windows) hangs up. I assume that the game tries to access the online savegames and fails horribly.

Things that might be important:

-I have paid for the pouch.
-Flash player just was upgraded to
-The game recently upgraded to 1.1.1, it now has autosave during endurance mode, and my guess is that it crashed during saving in endurance, resulting in a destroyed savegame.
-I sometimes had connection issues during playing GC-CS in the past, resulting in "can't connect" messages. Maybe this was related to a conectivity problem.

The 3000 level savegame is not the problem, my pouch and not beeing able to play the game IS a problem.

  • 3 Replies
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I havn't tried another browser or clearing the cache or logging out and in again. Thanks for the tip, I will try that. I don't use local saves (no pouch there), so I can't lose any progress in local in local saves.

I also have news.

I tried it again just now and got into the game two times. The magic pouch seems to be intact.

One save seems intact as well (luckily my main save with 3000 levels).

The second save is seriously broken. So broken that I didn't even manage to take screen shoots inside it. It apparently has 999.999.999 levels and 999 fields explored now, but once inside it only has 2-3 fields explored (which is how it was when the problems started). Inside I could not acces skills or the talisman and the options screen had no "return to main" option anymore.

I only managed to log into both accounts after some serious waiting and reloading, it took over a minute of wait at the start game screen (the one with the save game list) before the saves showed up.

My plan is: I want to get into the broken save one more time to take screen shoots (with a camera if anything else fails) and then delete it and hope for the best. Wish me luck.

5 posts

News again.

I managed to get into the broken save again, on firefox and ie.

It was broken on both.

I took some screen shoots and deleted the corrupted save. That resulted in an error msg. I restarted the browser, now the corrupted savegame appears to be gone.

As a result, my gamestate appears normal for now.

I assume all I can do now is hope that this doesn't happen again. Or maybe hope that it happens all the time, so it gets adressed.

9,323 posts

@Cisz Glad to hear it.

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