ForumsGamesGC:CS The Vision Field Walkthrough Thread

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323 posts

Here are the walkthroughs for the new (V1.1) vision fields (V5-V18) in GemCraft Chasing Shadows. Some are more detailed, some less...

When you don't know how to get these fields, read http:/community/thread/12403818/gccs-new-vision-fields-in-v11/page/1

Left tower: G6, 2yrb, lower tower: G4 2orb
Enrage w1-w6 with 1g1
DO NOT use gem Enhacement shrine whenever charged and monsters are in range with killgem - you might be happy when a shadow is in range of the shrine and you can use it! Make sure, no monsters will pass due to this - (recharging time, recharging time can be cut off with spell),
Upgrade killgem to G7, use beam on managem when monsters are in range
First specter: No problem
First Spire: Tower top right, above the monster nest, G7 green with beam
First shadow: place three towers to the orb, g3 g/m against the projectiles, the green gem somewhere next to the shadow, use bolt (or beam) on your killgem when shadow is in range, select the shadow, WoE the Shadow to reduce armor
Next spire from below: the g7 green again with beam, new tower
Next specter: you should have enough mana to upgrade your killgem to g8, use bolt to kill it, do so with the next one, too.
Next shadow: WoE twice, maybe you are lucky and the shadow is in range of your shrine.
Upgrade you killgem!
Next Spire: Use your poisongem again: freeze it, curse it, beam it - Wooosh!
Next Shadow: WoE twice, bolt on killgem when shadow is in range, freeze the shadow to slow it down
For Wave 45 (mana burner): use barrage on your killgem
And... done.

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I think it is pretty easy: In the traps some green gems and from right to left a pure yellow gem...
Here is a pic:

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Start with a few walls and a g4, pure poison, anger w2 with 1g1,

Build a maze with some more walls, change priority to random, freeze, curse and beam the monsters add a new tower

Build some more towers next to the monster nests, g3, later g4, random
Uügrade your main gem to G6, G7, the adjuvant gem to G5, G6

When the tombs open, make sure you have all spells available, when the monsters are in the center of your maze, freeze, curse and beam.
By Wave 29/30: It is ok, when the giants pass your orb, select the reavers manually
When you have a frozen cloud of monsters, it might be helpful to beam a giant to get a frozen corpse explosion...
At the end of the map, when the expensive giants walk through, it is useful to make a new path, let them run half through your maze, open the other end and block the old path... sad enough, the ammount of demolitions is limited
In the end, a g8 and a g7 gem should be sufficient

It seems, Tulamides maze-setup is easier to follow and so here are some more pics:

Start like this:


And finish

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I think, no text needed...
If you think there should be some text, here you are:
Use a 2yrb gem, upgrade asap, use a g3y for the monster nests.
When nests are destroyed, move killgem, surround it with amps (g3y) and finish the map.

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Place a g7 5y2ro in a tower, 2 amps g1y
Enrage the first 3 waves with one g1 - later enraging is very cheap, thanks to the forgotten
When the first monsters coming from the right side passes your tower to the left... next gem, g6.

Should look like this:

The rest of the map is freezing, bolting and beaming...
In the end, join your gems for a g10
Ah: built some walls next to your gems to prevent the discharging beacons spawn around it!

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Build a g4 3y1r and an amp g1y
In traps, place g2 gems(o,o,g,g,b)
Upgrade killgem to g5, add another amp

Upgrade to g6, add another amp
By wave 12 you should have the 4th amp
Place a tower to the shard, g5 yellow [That's not really necessary, but such a big shard - I can't resist!]
For the giants w14, use bolt. When the shielded friends appear, you might need curse the first time
Get your shard gem, upgrade it to g6 and combine it in your killgem for a g7! Use a new shard gem, g2 or 3
Upgrade your amp gems to g2, later to g3
Upgrade your shard gem to g5
Btw: Don't forget to curse and bolt the monsters
Upgrade your shardgem to g7 and combine it with your killgem for a g8. This should be around the time the first swarmling spawn from dying giants
Use a new shard gem, g3 or 4
If you like, place some walls to prevent beacons from spawning - I did not do so...
Around Wave 30 you need some clicking on monsters to prevent firing at the first one but on killable monsters
HEY the shard is open!!
In the end, when reavers and giants are on screen, use "least hp"

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g1 green in first tower, G3 (1r3y) in second tower
When first giants reach second tower, upgrade gem (g4) and use bolt...
When bolt is recharged and you have enough mana, upgrade gem (g5) and use bolt
When you have not enough mana but bolt is charged, use bolt.
That should be enough to win!

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Place a tower like shown in the pic, pure red.
carefully angering the first 2 reaver waves with one g1

Most important: Keep the sealed armorgem selected the whole time till it is freed by the end of w12
Upgrade the towergem asap - pure red till g5, after that combine with pure black.
When you've got the armor gem, place it in a tower near the sealed yellow gem and select target: structures
Sell the other free gems (red/white, later the white/black and cyan/black)
upgrade to g7 - the gem should deal >12.000 damage on structures, throw it on the sealed yellow when the seal has less (Hit points+Armor) than damage of gem bomb! Place the yellow G10 in tower! You can do this by w15! (idea by IvanYiu247)

Build some walls to protect from beacon-spawning if you like to.
Fast forward and done.

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Place a tower at the second inner ring, top left, G4 green, random
Enrage W1&w2 with 1 g1
Place a tower at the second inner ring, bottom right, G4 green, random
Place a tower at the third inner ring, bottom left, G4 green, next to orb
Place a tower at the second inner ring, top right, G4 green, random
Upgrade gems when possible
When only giants left, combine gems so you have a g8, a g7 and a g6, that should be enough to kill all monsters

Tower setup:

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Combine the gems until you have 2 g8 gems set one to least hp, build two towers where you can add 2 or 3 amps, g3, later g5, gems in amps are enough.
By Wave 17, start with selecting targets, the giants don't have to pass.
When W22 has started, call the next wave, so the swarmlings do not disturb the gems from killing the giants.
When W22 giants go to orb, select the last monster of the group. Change the target priority from least hp to swarmlings. In the end, last 4 or 5 waves, do some micro-management to kill reavers and giants. Select monsters carefully, often it's better, to select the last monster of a group and fire the whole time on it than to shoot at the first and have only a few tiles to fire on it.

This is a working setup:

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Setup new tower and some walls.
G4 2yrb gem, anger wave 1,2,5 with 2 g1
place a copy of the gem in the first tower right before the swarmlings (W3) come.
When the swarmlings are gone, combine the gems, first amp (g2, y)
use bolt on giants (w4)
place a copy of the gem in the first tower right before the swarmlings (W3) come.
Freeze, when a shielded runner wants to escape, maybe you need some micromanagement for the shielded ones (target selection), use bolt on them
When the swarmlings (w7) are gone, combine the two gems again (G6 now), 2nd amp and two walls to cover the gem from beacons!
Your map should look like this:

Freeze, when a shielded one (w9)will escape, use some bolt for remaining monsters
Say hello to W10
W10-12 should be no problem now
Build a second gem (G5, 2yrb) and place it in first tower right before the swarmlings come, update it to g6 ASAP
When the fast manaburner (W14) are gone, combine the gems to g7, third amp
Welcome the giants of W15, game should run till W19 now.
The fast reavers of W20 are crying for some freeze and some bolts... Give it to them!
When you have some bolts left, w21 is killed almost immediately.
When W23 wants to pass your tower, freeze them, when the giants try to break through, bolt them!
DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR GEM (unless you know what you do), you might need the mana more than a higher gem!
W25/26 are a little nasty, the come through, but that should be no problem, pay much more attention to W27, mana burning freaks! Kill them with bolt and select every single monster.
The remaining monsters might pass your orbs but that should be no problem...
When you select the monsters as target, make sure they are long enough in range to be killed, it is not helpful, when you select the first monster and it survives, select the next, it survives, too - better select the second or third monster and let the first pass...

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First 2 traps: g2 o, next trap: g2 m, next trap g2: c beam asap
Middle trap last row : g4 3y1r, bolt asap (All Killgems always bolt to ignore armor!)
Duplicate killgem asap, right trap last row and so on until the last four traps on the map are filled with killing gems.
When the monsters turn, use freeze, wait till the next monsters are in the ice-cloud and WoE them all! Upgrade the gems from the orb to the front.
Upgrade the cyan to g4 or 5 when you have time and mana for it.
In the end, a little micromanagement can be helpful, in the end you should have 2 g7 and 1 g8 killgem.

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This is pretty easy: start with a g3 2yrb in the center with g1 in all the amps, make a path, i.e. outside clockwise, inner circle other direction. In the beginning farm hits with beam, enrage the first 30 waves with ie 1g1 (or more, if you like). Upgrade , when you have enough mana update the amps to g3.
When a spire arives, fight it with poison&beam. That's it

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Pretty easy, too... Nevertheless:
g4, g3, g4,
After W2: g4,g4,g5
After W4: g5,g4,g5 beam on the last gem
After W7: g5, g4, g6 add a wall on the path in the first inner corner so that the last gem will cover the first part of the path
Freeze the W11 giants and beam them
Add a new tower in the middle, g6.
Combine the left gem to the new, upgrade
freeze and beam if neccessary
build 2 amps, g5, g6
Upgrade to g9, bring the other gems to the amps.

Soon it should look like:

Greetings from the shire!

  • 42 Replies
258 posts

It's a tough one to win. I couldn't manage it with green alone, I used green/black. Watch the creeps, you have to kill the mana burn ones, then get the fast ones. Giants can wait compared to losing 1/3 of your mana per creep

Disqus thread has a few people complaining about V2, it's still easy. Just do something like this:

8 posts

Here is another option to beat vision field v10. I tried several times before following all the tricks on this forum but, none worked for me. Finally, I came up with my own strategy... I built 1 tower just above the first 2 traps and left of the middle two traps where I could surround it with 4 amps (over time) and put a kill gem g4 (by combining 3 g1 yellow and 1 g1 red). I put 1 g2 (1 g1 yellow + 1 g1 red) in 1 amp initially and gradually upgraded to 4 amps with all g3 while upgrading the kill gem to g8. That was it... used the bolt and curse spells judicially and set to 'least hit' priority so that reavers and swarmlings did not mess up with the giants. At the end, there was over 12k mana left that I didn't use.

24 posts

At this point, I think that links should be posted for the clips that tell how to beat the vision fields if they are currently up and more clips should be made for the rest.

This thread is helpful, but the complaints prove it too fallible to stand alone. At least clips show how they're done from start to finish with no room for incomplete thought inbetween any parts.

258 posts

Someone did record of the tougher fields:

Very interesting V7 and V12 solutions, would have never thought crit would make it to the end on the tombs of horror map. Can't verify that it's stock game, but doesn't look that cheaty if at all.

1 posts

v9 is the easiest one, i did it with the first try just put a pure mana near left to your orb to cover the short route, next i put yr next to the tower and added another one after upgraded them, at the end you have alot of mana and few beacons to kill, but was one of the easiest one.

5 posts

How do you beat the higher vision levels... there are some that kinda look like they were modeled after the epic fields from GemCraft Zero. Like, v20 and v21, I don't know how to make a strong enough gem to kill those danged guardians. How do you do it?

5 posts

Can't edit my previous post so I'm replying here. I've got somewhat of a solution to V21:

You start out with a red level 3 gem in a tower in the middle of the field, and build on it with either green or yellow, and add either green or purple later, as you accumulate mana. Upgrade your gem to around level 5 or 6, and start making new gems to help kill most of the monsters before they reach the orb. Keep doing this, until all of the waves are killed.

Then, when the guardians appear, recycle all of your gems and build ones with 50% purple, 25% green, and 25% yellow. The small chance you have of giving a critical hit is good for killing the guardians.

Build a tower near the top right building and put your first gem in there. Build another slightly lower level gem with the same mix. Upgrade it with another purple gem once you have the mana to do so. Make sure to click on the first guardian to appear since it has the most hit points. Gotta wear down the armor, but don't focus on it for too long because the other guardians will be approaching your other towers and you'll need to combine the two level 7 gems to make a bigger one that will deal more damage.

Hope this helps!

2 posts

V21, (the first new one I reached since I started playing on Steam yesterday)
I did it a bit differently. Started with lvl 3 Y/R, near the orb path, upgraded to 4, made second one nearby. Set one of them to lowest HP and kept upgrading them till the end (nearest to the orb first).

After seeing the guardians I sold all my gems and made 8 lvl yellow/purple and killed them moving it around the map.

5 posts

Very good idea! I may try something like that for V20, which currently has me stumped. Maybe I should go for a level 8 50/50 purple/yellow gem at the end.

19 posts

On V21, If you have a G8 yellow and at least a G6 purple, you can shred the guardians' armor very quickly by placing a series of traps in their way until they run out, at which point the killgem will kill them well before they reach the orb. The harder part is getting there.

5 posts

Has anyone beaten V20 yet? This one is harder than V21, and I have no clue how to get enough mana to make a strong enough gem to kill those stubborn guardians.

5 posts

Update: I finally beat V20 with the help of this video:

I did things a little bit differently and didn't waste any demolitions, and I had more mana saved up by the time the guardians appeared. Basically, you start out with a pure red g4 gem and put it in a tower that blocks the left path leading to the orb. You later upgrade it and then build a tower near the monster nest, and put a g4 yellow gem into it. Then when you can, you switch the gems and upgrade the yellow one. Keep upgrading the gems as you go, red first and then yellow, until the guardians appear.

Pause the game, combine the two gems, and build two towers near the nest where the big guy comes out. Put the red/yellow gem into the nearer one and then make a g7 purple gem, and put it in the farther one. Unpause and start doing the switcheroo game.

Each time one side gets too close to the path for the orb, bomb the tower that blocks the path and block the other side, turning the monsters around. The combined gems will finish them off if you keep moving them so the monsters are in range. The combined red and yellow gems will mean lots of critical hits and a wide splash range, so if two monsters are close together, both will get hurt. If you have enough mana, upgrade the purple gem, packing a bigger armor-tearing wallop.

This is one interesting and challenging level.

2 posts

V17 being easy is bull****.
When a/the first spire comes from the sides, you virtually have no chance to deal with it and 80% of the time they come from the sides.
This field is stupid and aggravates the crap out of me.
Cant freakin beat it ...

258 posts

R.e. V17 problems: First you want to make the creeps walk a long path, you can start with walls. Red/Black (think those are available) to kill them tower somewhere that covers a lot of ground. Spires = beam + poison, dedicate a gem to killing them.

It can be tricky, there's certainly creeps to watch out for (mana burn, etc), so kill them selectively. There's some randomness to where spires appear, true. But it's certainly not as hard as V7 and a few others normally.

2 posts

Yes black and red are available.
This is the layout that i go for and that doesnt give me a hard time with the mobs themselfs.
Its only the spires that i just cant deal with because they always end up spawning on the sides.
Im almost considering just building my own tower and amps near the orb :/
On a side note, v7 was relatively easily/quick beaten, this however ... makes me want to tear my hair out

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