ForumsNews and FeedbackNew rating system and

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So i was thinking , why is the rating system for games so simple ?! i mean i remember that about 2 or 3 years ago we were able to give a rating between 10-1 and i think it was a good rating system (Not perfect , but good) i think AG , As a dedicated flash game site and a great one, should upgrade the system i mean come on guys ... Every thing in the site is almost perfect, the games the forums and ... We just lack the rating system . I mean if the site had a great rating system not only it would have been great for the gamers to see what game to play and what not to (or post pone or something ...) the creators and the people who try so hard to fulfil our urge of gaming can see where did they go wrong in their games and what part of their game was good so they can focus on it in the future games and ... i just think the like and dislike is ... well childish or a little inappropriate for a great flash game site ...
I have a few ideas to make the sites atmosphere a little bit more professional ...
First : I guess as we have knights and moderators in the site you guys should add a rank or a status or ... as a Critic : someone who is main role is to criticize the games and value it or ... in the forums and ... and maybe if it was good enough put it in the game page so as we are choosing to play the game we can read it ... (These guys can be volunteers or paid staff or ... its up to to you guys to choose)
Second : We need a enhanced rating system my ideas are : we can add a couple of forms to the rating section like graphics like sound and ... and we give a point out of 10-20 or ... then we write why and ... (Its optional and not necessary but if we truly care about the dev team then i guess its the best thing to do) and the end when all the sections (or forms or blank space or ...) are filled the there will be a overall score like this :

sound :10
[Why ...]
graphic : 9
[Why ...]
gameplay :10
[why ...]
(there can be more sections this is just an example)
overall score: (10+9+10)/3 = 9.6
And in the end i just wanted to thank all the staff in AG and all the gamers who have created this amazing place ! GAME ON !!!

P.S : sorry for my bad english

  • 21 Replies
16,587 posts

King of Towers has a "Prison" where players torture and rape weaker players.

and I'd rather not have to explain to him what prison rape is.

I guess you don't have to explain that to him in literal terms. There are other phrases you could use for these kinds of situations, like... well, let's just say there are other terms.

Also, you can discuss this in the Flash Games system, look for a thread made for the game you are specifically playing, or a thread about tower games.

14,745 posts

@AlanSmithee has a point there... lets' s call @Ferret and see what he thinks, ok?

9,323 posts

@AlanSmithee Rape? Could you please give me a screenshot of this, I'm going to have a talk with the team.

As far as a rating system, I don't think we're against it. The difficult part of the equation is the policing of the rankings, and locking down content. I don't disagree with the idea, but with our small team I can't see us playing a game fully to understand it's true ranking. That being said, everything on the site should be PG-13 for the most part.

5 posts

Thanks for the quick reply! I quit the game before getting to level 35, but here's a screenshot from google image search:

As I understand it from the King of Towers wiki, the icons in the bubbles above the cages are actions a player can do to the captive player to make them give up various in-game resources. There's a whip (not pictured), a bar of soap and a candle.

To be perfectly fair, the KoT wiki contends that the soap and candle are some kind of "trade goods." I find this explanation entirely unconvincing, given the context of the situation.

Otherwise, yeah, I can see that would be a time burden on a small team. Maybe it would be best left to posting in the comments section. Anyroad, thanks for your time!

3,171 posts

To be perfectly fair, the KoT wiki contends that the soap and candle are some kind of "trade goods." I find this explanation entirely unconvincing, given the context of the situation.

I'm not sure I understand how a green bar of soap implies rape. I don't think that I want to, either.

Cigarrettes are generally the most popular prison commodity, but this game looks like it takes place in a pipe, snuff, or pre-tobacco era, so why not soap and candles? If old crime dramas are anything to go by, both can be carved into convincing shiv replicas.

5 posts

The soap is pretty self explanatory:!

it's the candle I don't want to think about! Anyway, I've warned my nephew away from the game. It would have been nice to have some warning, though. Prison rape and torture is the kind of thing I'd have expected from GTA, not a tower defense game.

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