Well this thread is branched off of the Mudkip drawing thread. This will be the same accept for a new rule.
RULES All pictures must be made using MS art.
The pictures must be appropriate (I will accept constipated Pikachus )
The pictures must of course be of the pokemon stated.
There will be a designed date for all entries. No prizes unless a md wants to. The real prize is knowing that you own at drawing pokemon!
Well, I will go first, EVERYONE, draw a Pikachu! The start date is now, and the end date is July 10th.
The first contest will be judged by me, and I will chosee the winner. The winner then chooses a new pokemon, and he/she is now the judge. If the winner declines, the judging and assigning duties will go to the runner-up chosen by the prior judge.
You might wanna check out crimson's BBcode guide in the Newcomers section if you're having troubles figuring out how to post images and links~
Anyway, here's my "I won last week, mwahaha" pic, I figured, since it's not a real entry, I could animate it. I'm not sure animated pics would otherwise qualify?
(And there's at least 3 things wrong with its anatomy, but I didn't have a ref when I drew it...)
It doesn't have that buttfuzz. Typhlosion does, though.
That is where the fire is.
Incorrect. The fire is not at the very back of its butt. Sprite as evidence: It is on the upper part of its butt. Where the fire on mine does erupt.
Where did it's ears go? It has none.
Yeah, I was wondering that too. >_> Forgot them, plain and simple.
So that was the buttfuzz and the lack of ears. The other two things (total of four, yes, I said at least three), are: The part of its neck where the fire comes out. It was supposed to erupt on top of its head, not at the top of its neck. The colour and amount of - flame sacks or whatever it is. I drew one, there's supposed to be two visible from that angle, and they should glow red when about to erupt...