Well this thread is branched off of the Mudkip drawing thread. This will be the same accept for a new rule.
RULES All pictures must be made using MS art.
The pictures must be appropriate (I will accept constipated Pikachus )
The pictures must of course be of the pokemon stated.
There will be a designed date for all entries. No prizes unless a md wants to. The real prize is knowing that you own at drawing pokemon!
Well, I will go first, EVERYONE, draw a Pikachu! The start date is now, and the end date is July 10th.
The first contest will be judged by me, and I will chosee the winner. The winner then chooses a new pokemon, and he/she is now the judge. If the winner declines, the judging and assigning duties will go to the runner-up chosen by the prior judge.
Oh! Haha, that was the last pokemon card I collected. Those things are weird looking. Of course all pokemon look weird. He was my favorite for a little while.
I just looked my card up and apparently its a 1st Edition Neo Discovery, anyone care to explain what that means? haha
Neo Discovery was the name of an expansion for the Pokemon TCG, with a theme around the Unowns. If you choose to keep yours, know that a first edition rare card like yours could fetch hundreds if you keep it for a sufficiently long time. If it's holographic, even better.
What is it with these threads that keep coming back to life!
I have no pokemon cards...what a pity (sarcastic tone)....
I like playing the pokemon games though...they are fun.
Lol...remember bum rash mudkip anyone? If you can't, I'll find it and post it!
Do you think that the whole 'It must be done in MS Paint' rule could be abolished? I mean...Estel made it when he wasn't a mod...so I think that it could be removed by him....
I suck in GIMP...so I will suck even more in Paint...
I suck in GIMP...so I will suck even more in Paint...
At least MS Paint has lines and curves, GIMP is strictly done by hand. Plus, it makes it funnier if it's done in MS Paint because it's not fancy so you can't really get these uber drawings that pwn everything else, may the strangest win!!! Whenever that may be o_O?
I HAVE POKEMON CARDS! In fact I have my holographics sitting right here(yes, they are in a stack on my bedside table^^)....there's Entai, Raikou, Lugi, Zapados, Articuno, Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Typhlosion, Meowth, Mewtwo, Kyogre, and Groudon. I also have a Darkrai, Dialga, and Palkia but those are gifts for a fellow nerd >_> And by nerd I mean he can name all 49...3? Pokemon in order without stopping, and he can also name any pokemon by the noise they make on the game o_O.
Grand winner: TheSid Really cute and baffled expression, excellent shading for an MS Paint drawing, and nice touch with using a coloured outline. Makes it look smoother, I think. So congrats, you win the right to decide the next Pokemon.
LolAward: thoadthetoad I don't even know Solid Snake, but that Poliwag is lol nonetheless. So grats on getting the LolAward~
The rest of the entries, in submitted order:
deth4: A good replication of one of the classic Poliwag poses. Thick lines that cover up any insecure waver of the mouse nicely.
RaptorExx: I find this one very cute, though the lighting of the eye looks a bit weird without any shading of the body. Still, it's a nice pose.
Cholokid: XD Poor Poliwag needs glasses to make up for that lazy eye...
Estel: I was looking through the thread again, trying to figure out if you referenced it back to a previous entry, since you said you were "going to bring back an old memory from the beginning of this thread" - but I found nothing. O.o?
Next theme will be selected by TheSid, or by me if he hasn't done so within two days! That aside, it's pretty cute~
YAY I GOT LOLAWARD!! But, sadly, I cannot accept it You see, I unintentionally used a program suprisingly close to MS paint, which is how I fooled you. I accidentally (I forgot it had to be MS brand) used a place called Iscribble where it is both a chatbox and a drawing with mouse place. Sorry, but I technically went against the rules unintentionally :P
X) I thought it looked a bit off, but since there's no merit on stakes here (not even a top three), I let it pass... It's still lol, even if it is technically disqualified. :P
lolthx XDDD. I just gotta remember that it's paint. Too bad I'm just SO much better on Iscribble than MS paint XDDD. ...Did I mention it's free? *hopefullookoffailplzthx*
This is very hard. Erm... OKAY I SAY GENGAR http://virtualatdp.berkeley.edu:8081/pokemon/files/images/gengar" alt="http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbnhttp://virtualatdp.berkeley.edu:8081/pokemon/files/images/gengar" />