ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Need Help Jungle Wars

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6 posts

There have been several issues that seem to remain unaddressed in Jungle Wars.

#1. A glitch that occurs from time to time, after a battle sometimes one will receive negative food or manna. This has happened to me several times, I've lost as much as 15k of a resource in one shot when I should have gained. I understand if only the developer can fix this problem.

#2. Recently there have been complaints from several people. The posts about these complaints can be seen on the developer message bored. http:/user/tensquaregames2014 , as well as in the game comments. There is even a video of said event happening to others. . Some people are saying this isn't a glitch but a hack. What happens is, in the log it will say 100% damage was done, and it's a total loss. But on replay not even 50% damage was done.
Again I can't say that this is a hack or not, I do know several people have had the same problem with the same people, and it seems to occur with these people regularly.

Beyond those two things the rest of the problems such as with the in game chat being glitchy seem relatively minor. I would be grateful if someone would please look into this, or give me information about who I should contact in order to make sure the right people are aware of said problems.

Thank you

  • 8 Replies
14,745 posts

Hey @SunDragon! The problem about the negative resources needs to be looked at by the game's developers so we'll put a callout to @tensquaregames in here and have them take a look for you, ok?

As for the hacking problem; this is a known situation which is currently already under investigation by the game dev team. So this will hopefully be resolved soon!

And the game devs are grateful for any feedback, so it's worth to even mention the small bugs and glitches to help them fix those and improve the game, ok? Go ahead and tell them!

14,745 posts

Let's put the correct callout in here... heh... @tensquaregames2014

6 posts

Thank you very much for getting back to me. Many of the people I play with are getting frustrated over theses things. It's always difficult when it seems like in a game that not everyone is governed by the same rules, or some people seem to be circumventing the rules altogether.

To add onto the glitch about the receiving negative resources after a battle. There is a glitch that sometimes occurs one where you will win with 100% but only receive 2 sculls. And number two, where you win but you receive no cups.

Chat problems
As for the small things, like I was saying, the chat glitches sometimes. It will sometimes cause a peace of text you wrote or someone else wrote appear multiple times. I've also had happen, where I'm still connected to the game. But the chat stops working altogether. So when I reload the game the chat that I might have been participating in is 20 frames different, from where it was before I reloaded the game. And I would only notice this to reload the game, because when I try to write in chat my text does not appear. There is also a problem with the chat glitching where rather than seeing a persons name you see a number which I assume is their individual UID.

Spamming problems
Beyond that, some people do take liberties with the chat as far as spamming goes. Constantly spamming to join their clan, or simply spamming to spam. Some sort of mute function would be nice. Which would allow us to block those people at our own leisure, and not have to worry about a mod or anyone kicking someone.

Clans like to stay active, and have active members in them. However, it becomes difficult to track who is active or not. Yes there is a number that says how many troops a member of the clan has sent, but if a member was active at one point that number would not change. And it would at a glance seem that all members are active. Perhaps a way to see when the last time a member logged into the game. So if they haven't been active for 2 or 3 weeks, they can be moved out to allow room for an active player.

I hope these are helpful to tensquaregames in some way.
Thanks again.

3 posts

i do agree with Sun, and thank u for reply, AG moderator
Unfortunatelly, people start getting frustrated and that doesn't help the game and the AG server... i don't want to loose faith in games like that, i just want to be the right way... there are several names vehiculated about dubious wins... tensquaresgames should start with those.... people with Totem7-10 getting plundered 100% by others with totem5-6 is just not right....

I do have faith in u AG, and tensquaregames team, that u will do the right thing

4 posts

Developers, please, include in the battle log the information on a level of troops (1, 2, etc)!

4 posts

Developers, please do not remove the shield (shield against attack) due to the fact that I started looking for an opponent! I just started looking for - "not available players" (or one is not suitable for attack), stop looking, no one attacked, and the shield is removed! For what, I ask, removed the shield? Turn logic!

4 posts

SunDragon, you attacked me some times at a time with an interval in a minute and then as with an interval in a minute me two others attacked, it that, a bad joke?

4 posts

I was attacked by 3 different players at a time. It is a bug of an attack, or display of attacks?

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