ForumsThe TavernAG Retirement Home

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3,766 posts

Many users have come and gone from AG that we have known and loved. After they leave AG, where do they go? The AG Retirement Home of course. This home is always slowly growing while people are living life on the outside of AG.

So what are these people now doing outside of AG? What did we last here about from some of our favorite users that are now in retirement.

For those of you that still don't understand what this thread is for it is what you believe happened to AG's users that left. You can post things such as why you think they left, ask people if they are really gone, what you think they are up to on the outside etc.

  • 46 Replies
1,946 posts

I have fond memories of two guys who have been banned for years. @Klaushouse and @ThePossum were always fun dudes to hang around, but always had a habit of pushing the rules, which eventually got them banned.

One of my favorite Klaus moments was his Don't Like Ads post.

4 posts

Was I summoned?

Hey Waluigi, nice to see someone remembers me.

Appreciate that you remember such old antics.. god bless you, and I hope everything is going well for you as well as everyone else on AG.

I've just started a new degree in Psychology, and I am going to be pursuing working with small kids up to 12 years old. Teaching is an option but I might want to specialize a bit more and work with troubled youths.

I've also adopted a little pug since I left. (banned? what ban?)
Her name is Raisin and she is my little loaf of bread.

I'll attach a picture.

4,013 posts

And who remembers @Ernie15 's sparring buddy for 2nd place in the all-time highscore board for AP? That's right... @Google567 left, but occasionally pops his head around the door! Maybe he will now...

You know it or when I get tagged and an email brings me to a thread suh as this. I've been an active member of Kongregate and this Forum. I'm a mod there and will be playing the game on Steam when it moves. Of course I'll be on the kongregate flash version as well so if you play if I might run into you.
1,946 posts

I've also adopted a little pug since I left. (banned? what ban?)

I just assumed it was a ban since your old account's been gone forever. Also, holy hell it's been years since of heard anything from you!

3,766 posts

All you silly people saying college is getting in the way. I am at college right now and pop on enough to be alive. No excuse @waluigi. O and @kingryan where are you working? Sucks that it is unpaid btw.

@Google567 It sucks that SSL2 is on different servers depending on where you are playing it. I wish I could play with everyone and have it all go to the same account.

4,013 posts

@Google567 It sucks that SSL2 is on different servers depending on where you are playing it. I wish I could play with everyone and have it all go to the same account.

I agree and often forget that. Anyways Steam will be one server on many platforms so I heard then everyone could play. Its expected to be $10 though but that isn't that much compared to a console game.
8,231 posts

The only two people that I really remember that haven't been said yet are Delontossanji (which I spelled wrong) and JohnGarrell (also don't know if I spelled that right). I never really knew them, though I think John was a little older than me? I don't know, maybe one of you people knew them better.

5,857 posts

Was nobody going to mention the fact that Jeol's account was deleted (or banned, but I can't see that happening)? It's pretty sad to see someone like him, who had been a longtime, active member, leave.

It seems like @Terry_Logic is also playing hide and seek. Probably thought he could slip off quietly, but he can't.

18,319 posts

One of my favorite Klaus moments was his Don't Like Ads post.

We need to post this thread every time someone complains about ads. So that means every week we need to post it.

1,322 posts

I'm busy busy in my third year of medical school... I'm 25 and a little too young for a retirement home just yet lol. If all goes well I'll be a physician in May of next year. Last I checked Jeffreysinspiration was getting married to her gf soon, so there's that.

I'm not dead. Just drop me a message if you'd like to chat, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Permanently have one foot in the door, but I always return to the front time and time again.

4 posts

hahah Waluigi I am perma banned, yes.. I was just joking.

We need to post this thread every time someone complains about ads. So that means every week we need to post it.

Hahahaha i love this^


1,573 posts

Still making music thanks @MrDayCee for resurrecting me so that I may expand on that fact here at ArmorGames.

Spending most of my time getting pretty darn high, making music and playing games... also Im a respectable self employed business owner so dont tell my boss who is.... ME! Oh well.

Here, download 43 tracks from bandcamp that I'v made and pass them to anyone in whatever format you want, just give credit

Nice to see this draw back some old forum names. Was always fun to take part in some conversations in the WEPR forum especially
Nowadays? I mostly use the internet to find and learn information and hear opinions, spread some free music and play online games with close friends.
I got rid of my Facebook account and dont log into any google service (that I know of), maybe Im regressing into an old fart? Youtube, and in some respects AG, veered me away from talking to people about my opinions in forum style posts. I loved my days here on AG while I had them and there were some truly interesting and patient people I had the fortune of learning from and conversing with... but overall, humans are really annoying, I love us dearly, but in small doses.

You should really listen to my music, its great!

7,024 posts

The only two people that I really remember that haven't been said yet are Delontossanji (which I spelled wrong) and JohnGarrell (also don't know if I spelled that right). I never really knew them, though I think John was a little older than me? I don't know, maybe one of you people knew them better.

@StormWalker I think it was delossantos though I am not sure. And I remember JohnGarrel too.
Uh, what else? @firetail_madness has a place here, also don't know what happened to idon'tsuckthatmuch.

3,086 posts

Firstly, I apologize for resurrecting this so late, I was struggling to revive my account.

And if you see a buffed up athletic blond tall guy working out in the retirement home's gym? That would be @Efan for sure! Dude's way to busy keeping his fitness up to standards! Miss him a lot!

It's wonderful to have this opportunity to share what I've been up to. And I've been up to a LOT so I'll keep it short.

Since 2013 finished I have: dropped out of school to tackle my mental health, made a YouTube video, began my quest to become a responsible adult, took on a few minor acting roles in the state's film company, and spent a lot of time exercising, which led to me starting a course to become a personal trainer, and at the same time cemented my decision to move out of home, which I will do sometime in the next couple of months.
AND I'M NOT BLOND! ((I'm, er, orangey brown)

Lastly, I want to call out to everyone I was friends with here, I have fond memories of growing up through highschool with this site, and at the time it probably influenced me more than I know. So it would be great to catch up with anyone who wanted to!

Oh, and as much as it bugs me to self promote, here's my video if yer interested:

Showing 31-45 of 46