To celebrate my 1000th post, let's all share 1000 Happy Thoughts
1. Being a part of this amazing community
226 when you start to have ideas of more happy thoughts
227. When you post in this thread!
228. when you get the 228th happy thought and remember about GemCraft
229. When you don't know what to post here!
230. when you get home after a long day which was actually a normal-sized day
231. Listening to great music!
232. when I look at my water bottle and I see it's full
233. Completing this game. C'mon guys!
234 Sleeping on the weekends.
235. being able to use the computer at 2:30 AM in the weekends
236. The weather today! (Sunny)
237 Eating cornflakes lazily.
238. Having lunch with my family.
239. Having filter coffee made for you.
240. Having a relaxing nap in the middle of the day.
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