Recent security updates to our site have caused a small group of users to get "CSRF Errors" when posting on the forums. You'll notice often that one browser will do it, while others won't. The problem has to do with old cookies that aren't compatible with our new security settings, thus clearing your cookies will fix the issue, or likely posting from a "Privacy" or "Incognito" mode.
Create a BACKUP of your local SAVE game files FIRST to ensure they are not lost during the process of fixing this, as they are all deleted with the clearing of the cookies as well!!
I'm having the same issue across multiple games. I've tried several different things AG has mentioned, they don't appear to be helping. I'll come back in a week or two and see if anythings been fixed. Not super happy about all this.
Well i just got logged out again. But i did clear hat cookie thing from history.
It works for now but do i have to do that every time i wanna come to AG??
I've noticed that adblock can be a problem when you want to log in, at least it's the case with me, simple solution would be disabling adblock while you log and enable when you are logged in (or find the active element responsible but I can't be bothered at this point)
In regards to locking my post:
This is unaffiliated with the new security updates. I had been having problems like that since I started playing the game at the beginning of the year, or before christmas. I had been working around it all throughout that time. Finally it happened on both of my browsers and I couldn't get around it. While I do understand your earnestness to consolidate what could be the same problem all around, I do not believe every problem centers around these new security features. Locking a thread in the midst of a troubleshoot puts me back at square 1... My next course of action would have been to contact the administrator site of the game. I was just trying to go through the chain of command...
Still can't log in Swords and Potions 2. Able to play King of Towers just fine. I don't log in through facebook. I cleared cache, logged out and back in No joy