ForumsGame WalkthroughsClicker Heroes guide

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And so I saw that walktrhough guide quest e.e"
seriously this quests that asks me to be active on forum ...
I hope this guide serves to someone or not
but more like I hope to get that quest :3

Here you go with my guide :3
game link: http:/play/16083/clicker-heroes

Let's start
for play a game you have to follow some rules actually you can call them your style to play a game, whatever my style is to get that quest
and me is still getting that quest of beat zone 500(yeah I didn't finish yet but who cares?) follow this and my advices and you can be faster :3
Of course you can always close this window right now :/
but it won't hurt you to listen someone advice, isn't it?

Note: for beginners if you just start play today is a must to reach zone 100!!

Legend(I won't use a lot but whatever)
Dps: Damage per second
HS: Hero soul

Play style:
1) click fast and make your heroes level up and learn their abilities first of all the skills.

2) if you can hire King Midas and make him level up at least level 10 and still have save up 40b gold is a must to do it right now!!! same for the next levels. it is a must get already king Midas level 75 and make him learn his abilities(total gold increased by 125% ), so it make things far easier :3

3) always start hire and level up the heroes that are bottom and learn abilities

4) After a certain level, heroes' dps quadruple for each 25 level up (it start when you hit level 200 so i suggest to stop here and make the other heroes level as well level 200 cause the heroes that was on top are not worth to level like the heroes that are on bottom lol)

5) Fast ascension: You need get Amenhotep and make him reach level 150 and learn the ability ascension but no do it if you can still go above on zones and remember to make level up all heroes when you want ascend cause when you level 2000 times you gain 1 hero soul ;3

6) The duel wielding skill: yeah you understood well the duel wielding skill is a special ability that you have learn by yourself, read carefully and if you are telling me this is cheat then stop to read cause if you consider this is cheating then you are asking help to someone so is cheating as well lol. anyway you got 2 hands so use both and get 2 mouses

7) Use only your skill against a bosses except when you find a chest anyway when you encounter a chest use clicker storm golden click and metal detector you will be rich in short XD

8) Ancients are helpfully guys but me that is interested in quests i suggest you to never re-roll and never change gilded heroes(increase Dps of the hero by 50%) cause is going be a waste of Heroes souls(that increase your DPS by 10% each) remember always to have a save up of heroes souls and never buy an ancient that cost you 16 souls and you have just 16 souls follow this my advice use only the 10% of your total souls to buy and to make them level up(i.e. you got 20 souls you can buy and make level up ancients that cost you 2 souls but just once cause after you have done you will have 18 and the 10% of 18 is 1,8 more like 1 spendable soul. get it?) and never sell them .-.

9) Buy wisely the ancients always find the best on the four that you can choose example never and never buy Kumawakamura is worthless lol (decrease by 1 of each level the total enemy that you need beat, what the point man if you end stucked? e.e") my best advice are buy those that increase your chance to get more Heroes souls

10) Sometimes combined by the season appear things on the screen ... get them!!!! click like if you won't you will live the regret for the rest of your life XD

11) After you have learned these I don't think I have nothing to teach you so go and have fun on the sword path or was the click path? XD

Hoping to get my quests see ya :3

  • 2 Replies
413 posts

why u make a guide to a guide?

107 posts

because I am suck with guide and they told me i wont get the quest so nvm i finished the quests from the game ... well i don't care anymore here my results of my playthrough

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