My comments were deleted twice for non-english-language.
Is this barely legal?
Got screenshots as proof if needed.
Extract from therms and conditions:
a.) Your use of the Site is subject to all applicable local, state, national laws and regulations and, in some cases, INTERNATIONAL TREATIES. • violate any laws, regulations ...
You can find the comments rules in here: http:/page/Commenting-Rules
Hope that helps.
Rule #1 - This is an English website, so all comments must be written in English. Any game comments written in a language other than English may be removed without notice. Non-English messages may be left on user profiles only after you determine that the recipient of your message can communicate in that other language. Writing messages in an alternate language to bypass our profanity filters or will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
I'm not sure why English use hasn't been added to the list of rules yet, but it is a must. You are able to speak with users in another language if you both communicate it, but in public comments like in flash games and the forums, you have to post in English.
Rule 5a means what you do on the site is under jurisdiction of [Country Here], US, and UN law. What this means is that what you do has to abide by your country's laws, then it has to abide by the US's laws, since ArmorGames is headquartered there.
We're not necessarily forbidding other languages from being spoken here, just limiting where it can be spoken.
a.) Your use of the Site is subject to all applicable local, state, national laws and regulations and, in some cases, INTERNATIONAL TREATIES.
• violate any laws, regulations ...
The rule you are quoting is basically saying that you cannot use this website for illegal activities such as; selling drugs, defaming someone (libel), distributing viruses and other malware, and other illegal activities. Also, the rule is saying you must abide by U.S.A. laws and the laws of the country you reside in.
@syanure Here is the reality, if we can't understand what your saying - we don't know if your breaking site rules. You could be offering to sell drugs, adult services, or harassing other users (who are often as young as 13) and we'd not know. This is the main reason for us sticking to English on the site.
As far as human rights, it's a private website. You agree to the commenting rules when you post here.