Case in object: "Gemcraft CS: important links "
Most of the links mentioned here are for threads that now contain outdated information.
Those tends to be quite misleading for people starting the game and I'd like to correct them.
To do so the easiest way would be posting at the end something like:
"Hey, the most updated info are available here (link), disregard most of the thread"
as a new post.
Doing so would mean necroposting in 4-6 threads.
I didn't want to have those last post removed and the topics locked just to correct the misleading info with a necro-post, so I ask, what should I do?
Possible solutions:
1) Allow me or a select group to necro-post on the linked threads and correct the outdated info.
2) Allow me or someone else to edit the message stickyed, since the person that posted it is no longer active, stating that some info are outdated and providing new links.
3) Allow us to create a new sticky topic (I'd rather not do this, because we'd lose the discussion on the old sticky post).
The point is, entire threads are misleading, since they discuss about tactics that now make no sense at all (due to the 1.1 update) or they forget to bring some key points in (that weren't key points before).
This does not help the people who start the game now and make for an influx of people continually asking how to do A, how to set up B and what is the best C arrangement.
I or other good players can easily answer, but it's getting old, I'd like to have a sticky take care of it, or at least write at the end of every linked thread the updated information.
Hence this question.
Not native speaker, forgot to mention, sorry for the English.