ForumsGame WalkthroughsSurviving the Apocalypse-The Last Stand Union City

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6 posts

Hello, and thank you for reading my Guide for The Last Stand Union City.
In this guide I will give you tips, strategies, and tricks for this game to survive and thrive. I really love this game because it's not too fictional like some other zombie-survival games. I hope you all enjoy my guide, and use the tactics that I give in the game. By the way, this is for the survival mode.
Part 1: The Beginning of the End
You are driving home in your car late at night, just wanting to get home to your wife/husband. All of a sudden you hit some ugly walking green thing. Your car keeps going when you hit it but the chaos has caused you to hit telephone pole. You get out of your car in confusion. It has begun.
Your character is shocked, and your first objective is to get to Brookvale, where you and your wife/husband lives. Move down the street and you will find another crashed car (he must've had a little accident too ;D). In the car's trunk you will find a damaged pistol, some ammo for it, and a damaged tire iron. Equip then in your inventory and keep moving into the next area. You will see some zombies in the next area, so kill them WITH THE TIRE IRON. If you use the pistol in the early game you will most likely miss, as your character probably isn't the best shot. Don't worry though, you will use your pistol more when you level up. Keep moving and you will find a house. Make sure you alway enter houses, they always have something useful in them. But it is more dangerous than outside. If you stay too long in a building out of nowhere zombies will crash through the roof and attack you. And trust me, playing with volume in this game and hearing that is pretty scary. I jumped out of my seat and yelled the first time it happened to me. When you move into other neighborhoods, the zombie danger level gets higher, and more zombies will come out of the ceiling each time too. Move to the next area. STOP...take a minute to compose yourself because...
Part 2 : Now it's Legit. >
When you get to the next area, you will see a house with a yellow house sign on it. These are safehouses. A safehouse in this game is a house or room with no zombies at all. They don't even come through the roof because...well it's safe. You get the picture ? There is also a bed. That's right, there's a sleep bar in your inventory :O :O :O. And if your sleep bar is almost empty, you can't do some actions like level up your strength, jump, sprint, etc. You may think this is ridiculous >. Well, you try fighting zombies, jumping, sprinting, and using your muscles without sleeping for 2 days . Make sure you sleep until your sleep bar is (almost) full. You will also see another bar on top of sleep...hunger. Finding food isn't THAT difficult, but it is if you don't enter houses, stores, buildings, etc. Always take them though, even if you don't use it. I once had like 40 food items and they went away FAST because I was in a building (won't spoil what the building was) with almost no food . Same consequences you get with not sleeping if your hunger bar is almost empty. Health is also an issue. You will find medical kits, bandages, etc in buildings, and zombies can drop them too, along with food, clothes, blah blah blah :/. I won't tell you where to go from here, I just wanted to get you started correctly. Now it's time for...
Part 3: Tipz and Strategiez! (admit it you type like that too )
I will do this from 10-1. Ten least important, 1 most important.
10. Make sure to do all the objectives, even if they aren't necessary. Some are optional, some are mandatory. Either way, always do them since they give rewards and xp needed to level up.
9. Always level up. It's safer to do it in safehouses since zombies can attack you while you are outside. Make sure to do give skill points to all skills. Give 3 to searching, maybe 1 or 2 to fitness, maybe some to intelligence, etc.
8. Use your medical kits when needed, eat when needed, and sleep when needed. If a safehouse is far away you can take Zzzz pills which you will find in buildings. Never leave it for later, you never know when you will be in a bad situation, especially in buildings.
7. When you find companions, make sure to give them weapons that you will find useful in your playing style. I like mine to have automatic guns or sub-machine guns since I usually use melee. You might like them too have a melee weapon instead. They never run out of ammo too, so give them good weapons.
6. Always pick up ammo, food, medical kits, and money. There is a gun store so you can buy weapons and equipment from the store, and the guy only uses cash. Like cash is going to be useful in a zombie apocalypse, so you may as well rip the guy off . You will find money in buildings and drops from zombies. Always pick them up because the guy sells his stuff EXPENSIVE :O.
5. Try not to use weapons that make HUGE sound. Some are ok when the situation demands it, but try to use silenced guns, or maybe guns that aren't that loud. Because when you make noise, all the zombies hear it and rush towards you, which is not a big deal in the early gam, but late game it's your funeral :O.
4. Don't worry about your clothes, they don't do much at all. I keep the clothes I get when you start the game and put on sunglasses and a medical mask. Yes some clothes do look really cool, but don't go looking for clothes everywhere, they only change your appearance. Same with the medical mask and another suit you get later in the game (spoiler ).
3. Only pick up guns that you will actually use. Don't see the chainsaw and go, "COOL!" and then not even use it :/. You still can pick it up, but make sure you use it. Also only get guns that fit your playing style. I don't like shotguns because of the long reload time so I don't pick them up.
2. Don't, and I mean DON'T camp in buildings, especially if they aren't safehouses. Zombies will come crashing through the roof and slaughter you. So don't try to level up in the middle of the street, ok?
1. Don't pick up stuff you won't even use, especially trash. If the item has a trash icon on it, you can't do anything with it and it takes up space in your inventory. Seriously, I did that when I first played this game . It's not such a problem in the early game but late game it starts to add up, and suddenly you have 70 pounds of trash in your backpack. >
I hope this guide had helped anyone struggling with this game. This is my first time writing a guide, or in a forum so please take it easy on me. But also tell me what I did wrong, and I will try to do better if I ever write a guide again. Thanks again, and have fun!

  • 7 Replies
6 posts

Sorry for the stars all i said was cool. I didn't curse or anything, sorry again.

56 posts

This is a good guide!
Make me want to play the game once again

Maybe you can give a suggestion about how to get more money? because the gun price in gun shop really expensive

6 posts

Edited. I fixed it starring a word in the tips, fixed any spelling or grammar errors, and I added how to get money the easiest way. I also added faces but for some reason they didn't become cartoonish like yours.

56 posts

Glad to know this is improved
Can I add some information?
When the companion are equipped with a weapon (rifle,SMG,handgun), they have unlimited ammo with it, so it's good to equip them with a great weapon

6 posts

I added that. How do you put smiley faces like you did?

56 posts

You already put a smiley faces on your first post!
here :
:_D (without an underscore) ->
:_) (without an underscore) ->

6 posts

Oh ok. Thank you GoodyPundit, and thanks for reading and supporting my walkthrough.

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