ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Dream [Story]

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Authors Note

I always wanted to be a writer, and I was in love with it since I was in grade school, so I'm here to test out my abilities. This will be a story from scratch, and any editing will have to be in the future. Consider this as a story that isn't completed, even after the final chapter is out. I will be compiling all the chapters and posting a complete and edited version after I have written and posted everything.

Chapter 1

Did I really just wake up?

It came to my attention that I was under thick layers of sheets and pillows. Everything seems to be very comfortable, yet cold. After minutes of escaping the sheets, I sit up to what feels like an incredibly chilling room. The air condition seems to be on at full blast, and I seem to be in an apartment room.

As I unravel the sheets from the rest of my body, I stand up. Unusual, I can't recall anything, from the past day, week, no... everything. I didn't know my name, I didn't know where I was, and what I planned to do. As I stand from the bed, I fall to my knees from the pain coming from my forehead, a sharp, yet broad sense of pain I could feel all over my face.

Standing up again, I notice blood on the left corner of the room, next to the window under the air conditioner. The room was white, so it wasn't hard for me to notice. I look around, and it isn't such a big room, at the end of the room, was a small kitchen, extending further to the bed, and then the window side, where the blood stained wall was next to the locked window. The floor was white marble and tiled, with the screaming hammer on the floor, that too had blood. On the kitchen side of the room was a bathroom.

The apartment room was small, but it had everything someone needed to survive. I walked towards the door where the kitchen was, and as I put my tired hand on the cold steel door handle, I noticed it was locked, everything was locked. I was stuck inside, but the door was barricaded like I wanted to keep something outside, from getting inside. I couldn't bear the pain anymore, so I sat back down on the bed, thinking what the hell could have happened here.

Checking again at the window, I notice a street below, with cars all over the road, yet none of them moving, not at least for half an hour. I couldn't keep myself from wondering why everything was so quiet, except for the surprisingly quiet air conditioner, of course. That low yet rumbling sound was the only thing that I could hear.

As I walk back to the door, climbing on top of one chair that was barricading the door, I look through the peak hole and see a black figure, just standing there. A shadow of a man, not moving but staring, and waiting. I had Immediately felt fear, but not for the reason of seeing something unusual, but for something I could not comprehend. "What have I done?" was the first thing that popped into my mind.

  • 10 Replies
167 posts

I'd say your abilities are pretty darn good, better than mine that's for sure.

2,300 posts

I would say it's pretty good. Not too much but not too little. Please get the next chapter out. I want to know what he 'had done'.

16,587 posts

@Rapyion I had actually written this while I was sleepy, so I'm still going to post an edited version of Chapter 1 which I am nearly done fixing. I realized how bad and messed up my thoughts were after reading a few hours ago. Chapter 2 will come with the next post

7,572 posts

Looks like the start of another great story, Legend! I just love browsing through this section of the forums and seeing all the hard work.

16,587 posts

I've edited chapter one, and will be posting chapter two very, very soon.

Chapter One
Did I really just wake up?

It came to my attention that I was under thick layers of sheets and pillows. Everything seemed to be very comfortable, and warm, especially under these thick sheets, despite my head throbbing and my difficulty to breathe. The more I struggled to get out, the worse the pain got.

After minutes of escaping the sheets, I sat up to what felt like an incredibly chilling room. The air conditioner seemed to be at full blast, and I seemed to be in a dead apartment room. It was freezing, I almost wished I didn’t get unwrap myself from the covers. It was like coming out of a warm, sweaty sauna and into the winter cold.

As I unraveled the sheets from the rest of my body, I stood up. Unusually, I couldn't recall anything, from the past day, week, or just the past in general. I didn't know my name, I didn't know where I was, and what I planned to do.

As I stood from the bed, I fell to my knees from the pain coming from my forehead, a sharp, yet broad sense of pain I could feel all over my face.
Standing up again, I noticed blood on the left corner of the room, next to the window under the air conditioner. The room was white, so it wasn't hard for me to notice. I look around, and it didn’t seem like such a big room. At the end of the room, was a small kitchen, extending further to the bed, and then the window side, where the blood stained wall was next to the locked window. The floor was white marble and tiled, with the hammer on the floor, that was definitely meant to be seen, that too had blood. On the kitchen side of the room was a bathroom.

The apartment room was small, but it had everything someone needed to survive. I walked towards the door where the kitchen was, and as I put my tired hand on the cold steel door handle, I noticed it was locked, everything was locked. I was stuck inside, but the door was barricaded like I wanted to keep something outside, from getting inside. I couldn't bear the pain anymore, so I sat back down on the bed, thinking what the hell could have happened here.

Checking again at the window, I notice a street below, with cars all over the road, yet none of them moving, not at least for half an hour. I couldn't keep myself from wondering why everything was so quiet, except for the surprisingly quiet air conditioner, of course. That low yet rumbling sound was the only thing that I could hear.

As I walk back to the door, climbing on top of one chair that was barricading the door, I look through the peak hole and see a black figure, just standing there. A shadow of a man, not moving but staring, and waiting. I had immediately felt fear, but not for the reason of seeing something unusual, but for something I could not comprehend. "What have I done?" was the first thing that popped into my mind.

16,587 posts

Chapter Two

I hurry away from the door, putting more things against it out of the rawest form of fear possible. Where am I going to? I’m not unlocking the window just to jump out and die. What about the door? No, there is no way I’m facing that… Thing, outside. Not at all.

I knew I had to look for clues, but where should I start? Everything was in chaos, my mind, my body, and this room I was stuck in. I couldn't understand, what had I done. I knew it was me, I knew I had done something, but how did I know? I don’t know.

I pace around the room, and realize, I’m not getting any hungrier, nor am I getting thirsty. I didn't feel anything, but powerful emotions. Why was I so angry, and then upset, and how did all of my emotions turn into laughter. For the next five minutes, I was laughing hysterically as I looked in the mirror. I wasn't the best looking, but neither was I ugly. I looked deeper, into my eyes, not that I felt like I was seducing myself into another weird reality, but I did to see who I was. But I couldn't, and my eyes did not give me answers because I started to figure out that I was blind.

I stared further and further, longer and longer, it’s not like there was a time limit. As two hours passed with me pacing back and forth and looking again into the mirror, I noticed something. My reflection had stopped moving, and it was in the position of when I last looked; leaning into the other side. I stepped forward, anxiously, and looked again. It was frozen.

I tapped on the glass, and nothing. I tapped even harder, still no response. My mind was suddenly escaping into stupidity and a day dream state, but before I could react, the reflection had turned pitch black, and it started crawling into my side of the mirror. It crept slowly, and I stood back in horror, had the thing outside found a way inside?

My deepest fear was not that it would kill me, but that it existed.

16,587 posts

Chapter Three

I picked up the bloody hammer on the floor I saw earlier, it was heavy, and it was rusted. As I walked back to the bathroom where mirror was, it was gone, but so was my reflection. Nothing except the room was shown in the mirror.

I already felt my blood starting to boil. My patience was wearing thin, and I had no clue what to do. I couldn't remember anything, and it felt as if I was so light headed, like I was free'd from the weight of what memory is. It was like being light headed, without the dizziness, though I was still kind of dizzy from the wound and bruises on my head. Maybe it was just that. Maybe I didn't know who I was anymore.

I screamed, I screamed louder than the empty buzzing of the room, I screamed louder than the meaningless thoughts in my head. I screamed with all my anger that was deep in the pits of my stomach. I picked up the mirror, not thinking of anything, and I threw it against the wall. As it fell to the floor, I started smashing it with the hammer, still screaming as I hit it again and again, not stopping, closing my eyes so the glass would not fly into my eyes.

I stopped, breathing heavily, and as I opened my eyes, below me where the glass was, a figure, the very same black figure that was outside. The very same one in the reflection of the mirror. My breathe stopped as I jumped off of it, and as I open my eyes from the random blink, it was gone. Though the mirror was still there, and my feet and my back had glass shards sticking out of them. But the pain was nothing compared to the throbbing of my head after breaking the mirror.

2,300 posts

Okay, for the third chapter, it was a bit too bombastic. The part where he screamed was a little too much. There are a few spelling mistakes.

But I still want to know what the hell's going on. Keep it up!

16,587 posts

@Rapyion glad you read it, and I appreciate the feedback. But it was meant to be dramatic that way. Also, this is all midnight-I-Can't-Sleep thoughts and writing. Most of it is just my brain trying to organize my incoming thoughts into writing and like I said, these aren't final. Thanks for the heads up on the spelling errors, I'll get to it when I can. The chapters will keep on coming, don't worry. Hopefully the next one by tomorrow, or even tonight, if I feel like it. Definitely by tomorrow though.

2,613 posts

I had a dream once.
It was the most terrifying thing in the world.
Completely Off-Topic to whatever you're writing, I hope the story is great.

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