ForumsSupport Forum[Locked] Moegreche MUST BE TIRED (Of this thread)

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413 posts

The "moderator Moegreche flames and trolls and bans users abusing rule #12.

Still got no answer on debating my ban, but got threatened for insiting an answer for my questions.

Still no reason why I got banned the first place aside having opposite opinion as Moegreche.

Did contact Ferret, gaining no reply at all.

While MrDayCee says "both sides of a topic should be responsible", I still only see the atheist side (me) being persecuted/punished, while no action is made against the other (no warning, no ban, no posts removed).

Moegreche also broke Terms&conditions when acted jdge&jury&exeutioner in a case where (s)he was the accused.

The claim that I made an inapropriate conversation by topic is FALSE EVIDENTLY, as the topic was not made by me, and amongst others Moegreche, a moderator posted there several times, both remaining in-tpoic.

Therefor I demand Moegreche being FIRED FOR GOOD.

  • 15 Replies
2,825 posts

I have on a number of occasions, witnessed you breaking site rules, and behaving in an unpleasant and aggressive manner towards users and moderators alike, and refusing to take any responsibility for it whatsoever. The other users in the case of the rather nasty little religious debate that took place in the game comment section, which I myself reported, were warned by MrDayCee. The Moderators are at their discretion to manage the community as they see fit, removing undesirable elements where appropriate. Mistakes have been made in the past, but yours is one case where they are entirely justified.

413 posts

You do not, because you CAN NOT show any of those claimed cases.
You are falsely testify, what is breaking terms&conditions, therefor you shall be banned 09philj!

Not to mention you have nothing to do here! This is stricktly moderation-issue, and you are NOT moderator (as far as it can be seen)!

And even IF the ban would have been justified (which is not), there is still the issue of not answering the debating the ban!

3,171 posts

The "moderator Moegreche flames and trolls and [...]

Um. No, actually, that's you.

While MrDayCee says "both sides of a topic should be responsible", I still only see the atheist side (me) being persecuted/punished, while no action is made against the other (no warning, no ban, no posts removed).

Let me be very clear on this, @twillight2 :
You do not speak for atheists. You are not representative of atheists. Your overzealous extremist attitude is an affront to atheism and all that it stands for.

Moegreche also broke Terms&conditions when acted jdge&jury&exeutioner in a case where (s)he was the accused.

No; see, that's what you're trying to do. You are trying to force his removal, simply because you don't like him.

You do not, because you CAN NOT show any of those claimed cases.

And where, pray tell, is your evidence? You are the plaintiff in this matter, yet you've provided absolutely nothing but empty and unsupportable accusations.

You are falsely testify, what is breaking terms&conditions, therefor you shall be banned 09philj!

There you go again, trying to enforce rules without any authority to do so.

And even IF the ban would have been justified (which is not), there is still the issue of not answering the debating the ban!

1 Every statement you've made in this thread is justification for banning you again.
2 The moderators are not required to answer to users contesting bans.
2,825 posts

Technically, he's right;there is no evidence. The evidence was deleted as offensive material.

9,323 posts

@twillight2 @Moegreche has long been a Mod here at Armor Games, and is most upstanding of character. I'll let him respond to this if he wants to, but as far as I'm concerned the Armor Games admins support his ruling in this matter.

If this thread derails itself into harassing/bashing a Moderator, I will personally obliterate your account. So please continue with caution.

9,504 posts

This can benefit as a learning experience. Remember, @twillight2, we Atheists make it our duty to support every claim we make or pass along with evidence to back it up. Am I wrong? So this can apply not only to science, but to everyday examples.

Here is the definition of flaming: "irrational online abuse where flamer attacks the flamee itself rather than the merits of his/her argument. An ad hominem if you will". Where is the evidence of Moegreche flaming you?

Here is the definition of trolling: "intentional debauchery with the goal of causing a negative reaction to the trollee." Where is the evidence of Moegreche trolling you?

Making claims without evidence to support them is something a proper Atheist wouldn't do.

413 posts

So you support a LAWBREAKING behaviour. This means YOU MUST BE FIRED TOO.
Saying that an accused can judge his/her own case means only one thing: you are corrupted, and not fit to be a moderator, especially not be a chief-moderator.

You want proof there is moderation-issue?

Well, here is evidence I debated the ban:
These prove I DID debate the ban, but the ban was neither removed, nor I got any reply on the contesting. This in itself is a serious moderation issue.
You can also see I signed I have no idea why I got the ban.

Here is the next part, proving Moegreche is flaming, trolling by laughing at my face, and still not answering the questions:
Also, (s)he says "you must realise posting in that forum was a bad idea", what points out he is biassed for the topic (it was a religious topic), and thus not sufficient for moderating the issue to start with.

Also here it is shown that Moegreche moderated in a conversation which he participated, and his reasoning for "being right" is that (s)he is &quotrofessor of phylosophy", what has no merrit to the question AT ALL, it is simply trolling:

9,504 posts

Here is the next part, proving Moegreche is flaming, trolling by laughing at my face, and still not answering the questions:

You must have not read the definitions of flaming and trolling. The two screenshots do not pose any insult nor intentional ignorance with the intent to cause negative reactions.

This is flaming: "Freakenstein is a fat dwarf who lives in his clanmother's den, I hope he falls over his own pipe and burns his beard."

Do you see any flaming of the sort within the appropriate context? I sure don't.

you must realise posting in that forum was a bad idea

He actually said "your post in that forum was a bad idea". He wasn't infringing on your privilege to post--he was pointing out what you posted is tiptoeing over the line in the Conduct section of the T&C. You do not call people names, you do not insult someone's religion.

14,745 posts

So you support a LAWBREAKING behaviour. This means YOU MUST BE FIRED TOO.

Seeing as you wish to happily throw this out onto the public square to openly discuss, I will comply to your need and answer in here as well.

Allright... let's get the main, most important, fact straight here @twillight2... I was the one who banned you. And the reason for temporarily banning you was simple, short and clear:

Trolling, flaming and swearing in game comments. You chose to start and maintain a discussion with a religious topic that had absolutely nothing to do with the game in question. Not only did you directly insult the other users who kept the discussion on-going, you also kept trolling and flaming them, trying to have them take the bait, which created a new opportunity for you to flame and troll them.

All participants in this discussion were warned. All of them. The only reason why you were also temporarely banned from posting/commenting was because of what you did as stated above: you were the only one trolling, flaming and swearing in that discussion.

Please look up the meaning of trolling and flaming online and compare your own, as well as our comments to you, against the definition and you will see what is the core problem here.

Last but not least...

Do not accuse @Moegreche of banning you, it was me. If you wish to talk to me about it in a normal manner, please do so. Contact me if you wish and we can all straighten this out in a civil way, as it is simply a matter of mis-interpretation and an unfortunate pile-up of events that lead to where we stand now.

3,826 posts

First off, thanks for the kind words, everyone. I'm just going to address each point in turn. As MrDayCee has pointed out, there's quite a bit of misunderstanding on offer. However it's worth pointing out that this thread is precisely the sort of thing that demonstrates your state of mind. I really would recommend a cooling off period before responding.

The "moderator Moegreche flames and trolls and bans users abusing rule #12.

I've had run-ins with users before. And I've always apologised. One of the images you linked to was me doing just that. This was one of those situations that I considered to be a preemptive apology. In other words, I didn't feel as though I had done anything wrong. But you were already pretty grumpy with me, so I apologised to try to calm things down.

Still got no answer on debating my ban, but got threatened for insiting an answer for my questions.

I don't deal with users contesting bans, so this has nothing to do with me. And I certainly didn't threaten you in any way.

Still got no answer on debating my ban, but got threatened for insiting an answer for my questions.

When you get banned, there's an explanation on your profile. You were banned for game comments, as I understand it. It's pretty hard to miss, though this isn't really the place to discuss past bans. In addition, I don't answer these kinds of questions, so again, this has nothing to do with me.

Did contact Ferret, gaining no reply at all.

Again, this has nothing to do with me. Though I would imagine this is false, as Ferret is very good at getting back to people.

While MrDayCee says "both sides of a topic should be responsible", I still only see the atheist side (me) being persecuted/punished, while no action is made against the other (no warning, no ban, no posts removed).

This sounds like you do know why you were banned. In any case, what MrDayCee says to you has nothing to do with me, though I do support his decision to (attempt to) correct your behaviour.

Moegreche also broke Terms&conditions when acted jdge&jury&exeutioner in a case where (s)he was the accused.

You've accused me of some things that were just silly. But there was no case - no judge or jury, and certainly no execution. Judging by the accusations you've made in this thread, I see no compelling reason to think other accusations you've made hold water.

The claim that I made an inapropriate conversation by topic is FALSE EVIDENTLY, as the topic was not made by me, and amongst others Moegreche, a moderator posted there several times, both remaining in-tpoic.

The topic I was talking about had to do with you contesting a ban you received on some other website, but was pretty transparently talking about AG. In any case, it wasn't an appropriate topic so I locked it and let you know on your profile.

But maybe you should put things in perspective. I initially contacted you on your profile asking you to calm down. You were being really aggressive in a religious thread on the WEPR. The only reason I mentioned my position as a professor of philosophy was to help you understand how I approach my role and that I work to help users clarify and further develop their arguments.

Instead, you took this as me being religious. But, as an atheist, I don't want other atheists walking around with bad arguments. And as a philosopher, I really don't like bad arguments. So I work to pick apart arguments wherever I see them in whatever context. That's ultimately how all this started.

We can either get along and be buddies or just not interact. Either way is fine with me. But I've already spent a lot of time trying to calm you down and correct your erratic behaviour. But whatever you decide, this nonsense needs to stop.

7,024 posts

I Have nothing to add to this topic and, since I've been watching this from the beginning (the user's first aggressive posts in the Wepr thread about Atheism were aimed towards me.), I can only say that I find Moegreche's initial approach totally justified.

What I want to say is, don't let such posts discourage you. As a team of Moderators, you are doing excellent work and you've handled the matter (in my opinion) perfectly. So I feel bad that this user started this thread to bash all of you. I hope his aggressive comments do not mean anything bad for you.

14,745 posts

@Doombreed If we as Mods were to blow a fuse, become aggressive, start bashing a user or abuse the rules by bending them in our favor to get our point across, then we are not fit for this role and will lay down our Mod duties right away. And I know I can speak for the entire Mod Squad in this.

16,462 posts

No mod should be fired or banned! they all are doing an awesome work! i'm on AG for over 2 years now, and i NEVER had seen a mod doing something wrong in my life!

7,024 posts

@MrDayCee obviously. I would expect nothing less. I am just sorry for his behavior. I honestly hope this thread doesn't make anyone Feel Bad.

9,323 posts

I was the one who re-titled the thread for reference. I think everything has been said.

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