Ban the person above you Game...You don't really get banned just a game.Nothing people will take too offensive and start an arguementEx:Fst6 startsEX:Person 1:FST6 is banned for being awesomeEX:Person 2:P1 is banned for banning and so forth!I can't ban the person above me cause there is none so person below me starts!
Rc is banned because I want him to stop with the text.
raog is banned for banning rc who keeps bringing me up and how important i am in the disrupted rivalry that rc and manta started
bladerunner is banned because of reporting RPOAG for banning him..oh, whatever. :PJust go ban me too.
taxman13 is banned for... being... who cares. you just are.
~ANNOUNCEMENT!~Dear internet user,Your account with a name of the_manta on ArmorGames.Com or 'AG' for short, is banned. You are better off when taken care from now.Let's have a tea, will ya?-MTH:P
~ANNOUNCEMENT!~Dear internet user,Whoops..your account with a name of RPOAG on ArmorGames.Com or 'AG' for short, is banned, too. You are better off when taken care from now.Let's have a tea too, will ya?-MTH:P
You are the weakest link,.... You're banned.
Talo, you're better off banned. Y'know why? Ask Yahoo!. :P
MTH is banned because he keeps posting on this like this is his topic. No he's gonna kill me.
Matty360 is banned because he has posted 120 times.
Snoopyontost is banned because she putted snoopy on a tost and she eaten snoopy.Poor dog =(
rpog is banned for having a dumb armatar
Bladerunner is banned for not typing my nick right.And because he was mean to me.This armatar is cool but if you do not like it you do not need to be a meanie.
rpoag is banned for banning me for banning him cause he has a dumb armatar
Bladerunner is banned because he has the same armatar as me.
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