ForumsSupport Forum[Fixed] Quest Board Broken

9 2020
743 posts

@boppins @ferret.

Quest Board is broken and not up2date.
(likes i have 708 Quest (showed correct in profile and quest overview) but 705 on board..


Edit: for all users and all 3 boards..

  • 9 Replies
14,745 posts

Sometimes it needs a little time to update @andelhofs. Check back after a while and it may show as it should.

Which Quest is missing by the way?

3,165 posts

I think I have a similar problem, but because of the new quest added for The Enchanted Cave 2. I have 464 quests, but it shows I have 463 on the hero board. Also, when the new quest was added, it was shown onmy profile right away, but not as the last earned quest, so I believe the problem is something about that.

2,136 posts

Did you see if the hero board was already updated? Because when you earn a quest, if you go to the hero board right away, it is not updated yet.

743 posts

@MrDayCee i'm sorry but you don't know what you talking about.. i'm not new here... you should know..

  1. The hero board is broken for more than 12 hours
  2. I know the difference between en little and much
  3. The broken part is not related to 1 game.. (my latest quest are LSDZ or other above TEC2)
  4. The problem is still going on..
  5. my suspicious is AG is working on AG3 or something because this is the second time
  6. Other get bugkiller quest without a problem
  7. How much i report or help i don't get bugkiller
  8. make the SUM...
  9. EDIT: in profile and quest overview everything is okeay..
14,745 posts

@Andelhofs I was referring to the problem with the newest Quest for 'The Enchanted Caves 2' that was recently launched. It shows on all 3 sights (profile, overview and underneath the game) as completed, but may be left out of the leader board. I was merely inquiring if this was the case, that's all.

Now for your points list...

If there's a problem with a website feature, this needs to be looked at by @Ferret and or @boppins. Since they have a different timezone than ours, it may take some time for them to see your post, as they are not in the office yet. Patience is a virtue here...

You need to understand that Armor Games has a small staff, which means they need to divide their attention to a lot of issues and work loads. If a problem is seen and addressed, it is up to their discretion how quickly it will be solved/fixed. not ours as users. We can not demand them to fix something whenever we feel it needs to be fixed. They will do their best to do so as soon as possible, ok?

If you bluntly demand for the BugKiller Quest the way you do now, you will never get it. I suggest you tone down and kindly ask them for it, not demand you get it... (I'm talking about the 'make the SUM...' statement for your information)

If you would like to know anything else, please do let me (or any other Mod) know and we will do our best to answer your questions or help you with any problems. All we can ask for is patience in return...

Let's see what Ferret and boppins have to say first, ok?

743 posts

"@Andelhofs I was referring to the problem with the newest Quest for 'The Enchanted Caves 2' that was recently launched. It shows on all 3 sights (profile, overview and underneath the game) as completed, but may be left out of the leader board. I was merely inquiring if this was the case, that's all."

Wich problems with new quests ?

"If there's a problem with a website feature, this needs to be looked at by @Ferret and or @boppins. Since they have a different timezone than ours, it may take some time for them to see your post, as they are not in the office yet. Patience is a virtue here"

I have patience, just reporting the problem..

"You need to understand that Armor Games has a small staff, which means they need to divide their attention to a lot of issues and work loads. If a problem is seen and addressed, it is up to their discretion how quickly it will be solved/fixed. not ours as users. We can not demand them to fix something whenever we feel it needs to be fixed. They will do their best to do so as soon as possible, ok?"

I understand and i offer my help several times, i personal don't care if the problem is fixed now or in 2 weeks as point 5 said:

my suspicious is AG is working on AG3 or something because this is the second time

What will say i'm happy about that fact..

"If you bluntly demand for the BugKiller Quest the way you do now, you will never get it. I suggest you tone down and kindly ask them for it, not demand you get it... (I'm talking about the 'make the SUM...' statement for your information)"

After i help out a little here and there.. i din't ask or demand.. the quest.. i did not receive after i helped out them again (like every day opening kingdom rush to help out with the 33% bug..) i asked friendly with result to be ignore..

As result i demand it... i know i don't get it but just to say... how unfair it is...
Why i need to help +15 times and not get it while other just look if the game is working and get the quest..

AG is most unfair community i'm in..(that just my opinion) I'm aiming to get all the 2012, 2013, 2014 2015 Game Quest and i stop because i never can reach top 10... you only can reach top 10 when you are a mod or favored for any reason by AG... than you can reach it..

This is totally no offense to you @MrDayCee it's just me saying what i wanna say... and i keep reporting bugs and glitches because i'm still a very very very very little part of this community..

I keep counting in 100 even when i got the quest..
And i will pay for AG+ even when i don't see what it do.. for most part..

Well this was whole over the top off-topic..

Back on-topic Broken board still is.. glitching...

9,323 posts

@Andelhofs I believe the board updates once a day? As of right now, I see you at the correct placement...

As for Bug Killer, it's given out for site or game breaking bugs. If you've helped us find one, please link me to the place you did. It's not a Quest we give out much.

743 posts
  1. @Ferret Board is updated every minute.. for all boards
  2. The boards are presenting normal again..
  3. The board was down for sure..
  4. The bugkiller Quest i will serve you a public answer in a separate topic and will show you that the quest is not given in a honest way
  5. As sample can i say that the quest was given to another person who did the same as me in the same issue.
  6. I did already give you that answer but you did ignore it twice.. it's fine for me, you don't need to answer but you can't claim "site or game breaking bugs" while other get if for almost nothing..

And the fact that if

  1. The quest board is not updating properly (site bug)
  2. The quest board update time is not correct (if only once a day) (sitebug)
  3. That the prev time this event happen you did notice and fixed and i help out fix the site bug and i'm sure you can remember it's not long ago..

And still no bugkiller quest

743 posts

@UnleashedUponMankind i followed your advice a while ago.. it's not the point that i wanna have that quest i just wanna show how UNFAIR it is.. it's part of a game you can't reache...

Like stated before i don't care anymore... i mean that... that quest's for making levels and debates and armatars ruins the whole concept of games also including the oamgws quests..

But as long @Armorgames don't face that the activity here will fall again till some sort of action is done (sometimes even by the community themselves).

LIKE MMO quest i don't like them.. don't hate them either.. but sooo many people don't wanna have quest in that game.. also speaking of people inside the game who actual play it.. Like the last stand.. raid another compound.. Armorgames insist this way to be anti-social.. and i'm not the only one who's says that..

I was reading the topic about AG trying to introduce an old point system back in... will they listen next time to there users or are they going to do what they like and don't listen again and again...

I said more than enough... i guess..

@ferret @tasselfoot drop the Website quest give Quest a value of points (and extra like full set) introduce 3 new quest (hero of the day, hero of the week and all time hero(wich value of point is zero (otherwise you can never reach 1)), reintroduce the old armorgames website quest and give people merits and a ranking for activities on armorgames website.. so they can earn each on there own way the ranking (some people like to count and forum games, others like to be in tavern) give people a choice not let them stupid count if they don't wanyt to and for godsake give the long time here and we need not to forgot those good player who are here for you a new title (honorable user or something)


EDIT: And if AG can't take the scripting make it a half-open beta scripting forum after invite so people can work together with AG for making the script, i have seen that happen a few times and it have a great impact

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