ForumsSupport Forum[Solved] King of Towers problem

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17 posts

Hello there,

In many occasions I found glitches in King of Towers and reported it to their support. One time they compensated me for my losses due to the glitches, but this time my loss was much bigger, and they didn't compensate me. This time I actually lost diamonds, which I bought with real life money. Even though they confirmed and admited that the glitch happened due to a problem in the code of the game, they don't want to compensate my loss. I have been their customer since about 1 year ago, and paid more than US$ 200,00 in that game, and still, they will not help me. What should I do?

Thank you for your attention

  • 4 Replies
5 posts

Not to one-up you, but I'm sure that I have you beat on King of Towers support.
I messaged them when Mysterious Island was released and after a week they finally looked into it. When they said it was fixed and ready to go, I logged in and... my account was wiped. Just gone - a level 1 new account with tutorial. Didn't even have my name. Paid upgrades and progress all gone.

Support took 6 days to even respond to me about erasing everything and said it was now fixed. Guess what? No change. No compensation at any point either. They shouldn't be allowed to run pay-to-win when they have such atrocious customer support.

17 posts

Ouch... I feel your pain - or at least a part of it. I would freak out if that happened to me.

I hope your situation get fixed soon, *if* you still want to play it. The glitches are the main factor that need to be fixed, in my humble opinion. They could add a tester to check everything in a sort of beta launch, before putting the contents to the players. Also, a spell checker would not be a bad idea.

The customer support is not that bad, but I suspect that *huge* mistake that happened to you happened due to the difficulty/inexistence of a command/item log for all the players. Still, it is understandable why you hate it.

17 posts

My issue was solved, as they decided to compensate me due to the glitch. Thank you.

5 posts

You're lucky. They're just repeatedly sending me screenshots showing my account is fine, yet the reality is that I've got a new blank account. I picked the wrong game to spend money on.

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