ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
8,256 posts

Empathic Power Augmentation
I gain power depending on my emotional state. No particular emotion specified, so I guess it could be anything.

Supernatural Athleticism
Well, that's definitely nice and practical to have.

I can transform matter into gold. It could be involuntary or not, permanent or temporary.

I am a superhuman athlete powered by emotion(s) and can turn matter into gold. That way, even if I loose at the Super Olympics, I will just make my own gold medal.

703 posts

Heat Embodiment.
Darnit, i hate the heat!

Demonic Wind Manipulation.
Combining that with myself, i can make Firenados!

i am immune to death, pretty much. YAY!

OK, so i am made of fire pretty much, can make superwind, and reform after death. so, essentially, a lot of hot air that just keeps on comin'.

7,024 posts

Lesser Dragon Physiology
This sounds good but there are many variations. Additionally, they are all less powerful than larger true dragons and less intelligent.

Organic Manipulation
HahiHa got this on page 16. It is Alex Mercer's power and that's what makes it an upper tier superpower

Gastropoda Physiology
This is about transforming into snails and slugs and the like. It is only a low tier power because of the ability to generate acid and poison -_-

But anyway, I got my upper tier power for today, so I am satisfied xD

18,319 posts

Transcendent Machine Physiology

Oh my... this makes me a robot god. Look at all of those applications! Most of them upper-tier, some I would even dare say uber-tier.

Water Augmentation

The ability to add water to water. I guess I could potentially cause floods with this power but it only has one use. If I were stranded on an island I could add to my drinking water but considering I'm a robot god...


I have no smell. So I can't be detected by smell.

I'm a robot god who can add to water and is undetectable by smell. The last two are kinda meh but the first one is just so amazing I don't even care about the other two.

703 posts

Nightmare Imprisonment.
Now, if i get a sleep inducing one, that would be a tier 4-3 power!

I win.

Vulnerability Inducement

so, today, i am a immortal guy that can trap you in your nightmares, and can make you weaker mentally and physically. well then!

(Edit: i forgot to mention i got a power that would have broken site rules, so i needed to skip it.)

8,256 posts

Suit Up!
No, really!
I may not be any different than you or me, but I have superhuman style!

Energy Source Selection
I can consciously select a source of power to draw energies from. You would have to have very specific powers to cut off my energy supplies. Meanwhile I have almost unlimited energy sources at my disposal.

Light Empowerment
This is partly overlapping with the second power, except that I not only gain energy from light, but it also boosts my abilities and allows me to live/survive abnormally long as long as I am in contact with light.

I am supernaturally empowered by light and I can draw energy from almost any source around me. Oh, and I can suit up!

8,256 posts

Intangible Attacks
My attacks are intangible, meaning they pass through matter. Defense is futile, neither shield nor wall shall stop my wrath.

Air Blast
I can deliver great shock waves of air, blasts of air dealing damage to everything on their path.

Gun Protrusion
The ability to generate and control high-powered firearms/guns/cannons? from my body - and even to control the projectiles themselves and their trajectory!

I can knock you from your feet and cause internal and external damage with powerful air blasts, and also generate powerful guns from my arms (typically) and shoot at you with target-locking ammunition and perfect precision. Better yet, all those attacks are intangible and will fly through any armour, shield or wall or anything protecting you. Resistance is futile

7,024 posts

Crystal Generation
Meh, pretty self explanatory and somewhat pointless. Though it has some uses, like using crystal daggers.

Iron Mimicry
Also self explanatory, though this one is far more useful. Applications include Enhanced Strength and Endurance, Electrical Immunity, Dermal Armor, Weapons, even Thermal resistance and contaminant immunity. Neat!

Possibility Manipulation
That's pretty cool! I can even make impossible things, very possible!

I am very satisfied with the set. Even though I am not sure I would classify any of these as an upper tier power (though the latter two come close), but I still like all the applications.

11 posts

I just went for one because I was feeling lucky... that was a mistake!
Apparently this means I'm immune to head trauma and brain affecting powers, but somehow I don't feel like that's much of a consolation!

18,319 posts

Multi-Power Use

I can use more than one power at the same time. Depending on what powers I get, this could be completely useless or be really good.

Electronic Communication

Boo! BOOOOOO! I can perceive and control electronic and digital transmissions. Which basically means that I'm a radio for everything electronic. Not very good.

Cat Sìth Physiology

I'm a large house cat who can steal your soul. I guess that's not too bad.

So I'm a cat who can steal souls and use electronic communication. I can also use both powers. I wasn't so lucky today.

7,024 posts

Human AI Synergy
I can form a bond with AIs and by extension, almost anything involving them to ensure mine and the AI's survival. I can use it to manipulate all forms of tech by allowing the bonded AI through Firewalls and guiding it. I can assume digital form and activate or deactivate other machines in the area. Given that the entire NATO military (and most armies today) has so many electronic systems, I can pretty much render all of it obsolete with this.

Divine Ball Projection
I can project and use balls of divine energy. Divine energy is especialyl harmful to unholy beings like demons. Other than that, it is just a technique I can use.

Nightmare Manipulation
I got Nightmare Empowerment before but not this ^^ Good Game, I am just like Freddy Krueger

7,024 posts

That would never work though because, in the wiki, there is a wide range of superpowers, from useless like Meat Vision to divine, like Primordial Entity Physiology.... :/

368 posts

Enhanced Bite
I have a powerful bite. For a human at least. I assume it's still average for sharks.
Heat Transferal
Transferring heat from one object to another. Can't create it, sadly. Not sure if there is a range limit on this, or if I could expose anything to the heat of literally billions of stars. This could also allow for walking on water and negating the powers of anyone that can control liquid water, by removing it's heat to freeze it, or using surrounding heat to evaporate it.
Air Shield Construction
Can create shields out of air to block air based attacks. Still vulnerable to anything that isn't air based. Might be able to use this alongside heat transferal to freeze it and create a solid barrier.

18,319 posts

Problem Detection

I can detect problems. This is actually very useful. Imagine if a doctor had this power! They'd be able to detect a problem just by looking at the person.

Paper Transmutation

I can turn things into paper. I will never have to buy paper again! I can just turn someone into paper and use them.

Heat Transferal

I can transfer heat, meaning I can potentially move a campfire into a tree.

I can diagnosis a problem and if that problem is a person, I can turn them into paper and then transfer heat to the paper, setting it on fire. By themselves the powers seem almost useless, but together they can do amazing things.

7,024 posts

Reptilian Physiology
Let's see...Camouflage, Regenerative Healing Factor, Enhanced bite and durability, dermal armor and the ability to use my tail and my tongue as extra limbs id est, have full control over them, like my hand for example. Low-to-mid tier but definitely useful

Earth Aura
I can surround myself in rocks, or anything Earth related. I can use it to fly, deflect attacks and maximize the pressure this particular element causes in the surrounding area to crush or maximize the damage inflicted. Neat Mid tier power but still neat.

(next power was Ultimate Acid. Upper tier power that I got before. Reroll with a heavy heart)
(Are you kidding me? Death Perception. Another upper tier power that I got before and have to let go *sigh* -_-)

Hope Manipulation
I can manipulate the hopes of others. My abilities include absorbing hope, inducing it, augmenting it, perceiving it, detecting it, masking it, draining it and creating constructs out of it. This could be an upper tier power because, if I can make anything be afraid to fight me, then, I am a bit OP by mid-tier standards

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