ForumsThe TavernWhat's Your Random Superpower?

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18,319 posts

You know what's cool? Superpowers. What person wouldn't want superpowers? There's so many out there to choose from. There's flying, super strength, shooting lasers, etc. The list goes on forever.

However sometimes the people in fictional stories don't always get to choose their powers. I'm pretty sure Peter Parker didn't choose to get bitten by a radioactive spider.

So I've found this Superpower wiki to add some realism into the thread. This wiki contains thousands of powers. Some insanely powerful and those that are extremely useless.

What I want you to do is click the 'random page' link and then that's the power or powers you get. You can do this as many times as you want to get a combination of powers or just a single power.

For me, I'll keep it simple for now and do three.

Airwave Manipulation
Suicide Inducement
Warping Presence

Wow, that second one is going to be fun.

  • 685 Replies
1,917 posts

German Physiology
So, I become a nudist spirit who likes to wander around and can control water. I'm also solitary. Don't confuse me as a german. In don't have blue eyes and blonde hair.

Verbal Teleportation
I can teleport to any place when I say the word of the place. Perfect for a nudist wanderer.

Supernatural Ugliness
I became a monster from the Lovecraftian stories. I'm so ugly I make other crazy. A reason for playing solo.

So, I'm a nudist wanderer who can teleport, control water and play solo. I'm also so ugly I make other people crazy. Nice.

8,256 posts

Charge! [sic]

Concrete Generation
Also self-explanatory.

Lunakinetic Combat
The ability to use lunar energies or substances in combat. Basically, I can throw moon rocks at people. Yaaay...

I can charge destructively, generate concrete and use lunar stuff in combat. This is so bad.

1,917 posts

Destiny Perception
Well, well ,well. This is quite useful, almost no one can escape from fate and I can see what will be the fate of people! Even though I can't change fate.

Statue Physiology
I became a living statue.

Future Hastening
Wow, I can make things that should happen earlier, like make rain before the clouds are even formed!

Well, Future Hastening and Destiny Perception are quite a pair together, dunno what to do with being a living statue...

8,256 posts

Copper Mimicry
I am made of, or can transform into, copper. Comes with all advantages and disadvantages of having a body made out of solid copper. Either way, I look shiny, and that's nice.

Hacking Intuition
I am great at hacking IT systems, thanks to being able to intuitively find weak spots and back doors. Neat.

Boneless Body
I have no bones in my body. Under normal circumstances that would have meant a squishy and/or cartilaginous body, something like that. But since I am made of copper, I guess having no bones is a default. OR, I can transform into a copper form, and when I'm in regular form, I have no bones.

I am a squishy and/or solid copper being that can intuitively hack IT systems. An interesting combination; not immensely powerful, but certainly flexible (literally and figuratively).

18,319 posts


I can use voodoo magic. Stuff like motor-skill manipulation and necromancy comes with it, along with other powers. One of the examples the wiki uses is crushing China by touching a globe. Awesome!

Possibility Reconstruction

I can create new possibilities. For example, I can create the possibility of the lottery adding on a trillion dollars, and then adding the possibility of me winning that lottery. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that the possibilities I add will happen... unless I'm on the mastery level with this power where I would have probability manipulation. An awesome power if I can get it up to that level, or even better; the unbound level.

Magical Blade Construction

I can create magical swords, and depending on the type of magic I create it from determines the abilities it'll have. You know... like voodoo perhaps? So this is a great addition to that power.

I can use voodoo magic, create possibilities and create magical blades. Overall, an awesome set.

8,256 posts

Petrification Breath
I have such a bad breath that it turns anyone or anything into stone. Jeez...

Melancholy Magic
That's one peculiar type of magic. I can cast spells that manipulate one's despair and melancholy, meaning that I can increase or decrease/heal it. Imagine the business I could run with this!
To cast such spells, I need a certain level of empathy (yay) and possibly a certain level of understanding of sorrow and melancholy (nay).

Glaistic Physiology
I am a glaistic, a type of spirit from celtic mythology. Glaistics apparently look something like pale female satyrs dressed in long green robes, and related to water. An ambivalent spirit, I can lure unaware travelers into a trap with my singing and drink their blood, or watch over a family's kids and cattle.

I'm a half woman half goat spirit with various abilities, the power to magically manipulate sorrow and melancholy, and turn things to stone with my breath. A somewhat coherent combination, though not necessarily a person I'd want to spend time with :/

17,384 posts

Summoning Mimicry
The power to copy the abilities and/pr appearance of my summons. Kinda useless if I can't summon anything though.

Metal Beam Emission
The power to shoot beam of metal. Kinda self explanatory really.

Constellation Empowerment
I get my powers from constellations. Somehow that makes me stronger I guess and I can also get powers from it too.

Overall a mixed bag with fairly mediocre abilities.

18,319 posts


I can destroy anything; physical or not. Honestly, that's as complex as this power gets and it's pretty self-explanatory.

In fact, I think that's where I'll stop. To have the ability to destroy everything, including concepts, is pretty OP.

8,256 posts

Dimensional Blade Construction
Means I can create bladed weapons out of dimensional energies. I have no clue what that means exactly, but it sounds like I can generate blades out of nowhere? Sounds cool.

Spirit Possession
I can possess non-corporeal entities. I see only limited use to this except in specific situations. Always good to have I guess?...

I can cause my own body to ignite. Which sounds like a reaaalllly bad idea. Unless I have some kind of fire resistance, which is not the case in this combo.

So a cool power, a neutral one, and one that is really bad given the circumstances. Eh...

18,319 posts

Cape Manipulation

I wear a cape that I can manipulate. I thought this would have things like cloth manipulation or whatever, but it's so much better than that. I can create things with capes, fly, become intangible, become invisible, be invulnerable, teleport, and even manipulate cape properties. This is such a good power. However, I assume this can only be possible while wearing a cape.

Telekinetic Cutting

Self-explanatory. I can cut things telekinetically. Awesomely useful!


Also self-explanatory. I don't have fear. This might not be so helpful in some situations as fear is a logical response. Without it, I could potentially make risky decisions without a second thought.

I can control capes, I can cut things telekinetically, and I'm fearless. Kind of a weird combination.

8,256 posts

Electrical Wall Generation
I can generate walls of electricity. Pretty good defensive skill, and also practical if I want to trap people. You shall not pass!

Reality Alteration Negation
Oh wow. I can negate reality-altering superpowers, rendering their users powerless. An exclusively defensive skill and only useful against very particular enemies, but boy is it powerful in the right situation!

Inanimate Disguise
I'M A MIMIC! I can easily disguise myself as any kind of inanimate object. Great to pass unnoticed, or to lay traps for unwary enemies. That's even better than stealth!

Today, I have no offensive capabilities but a lot of useful defensive superpowers. I can create walls out of electricity, negate reality-warping, and disguise myself as inanimate objects. It's actually quite nice, though rather random.

17,384 posts

I can bury a person or object beneath any type of surface. This is useful if I want to trap them or suffocate them. I can even use the surrounding materials to attack.

Darkness Cutting
I can materialise darkness/shadows and use it to cut matter from a distance. Useful for slashing only.

Musical Animation
I can create music notes and turn them into physical objects. I can use them as either barriers or attacks. Now if only I had an instrument and/or decent with one.

So I can basically bury people into the ground where I can suffocate them. Alternately, I could also use shadows to cut them or assault them with music.

18,319 posts

Fire Absorption

I can absorb fire and utilize it in some way. I'd make a great firefighter.


I'm infinitely evil. It comes with a lot of really cool powers like Apocalyptic Force Manipulation(a power I previously had), Famine Embodiment, Fear Embodiment, Pestilence Manipulation and some others. Nice! Although this contradicts me with being a good firefighter.


I can teleport via sound. Ooooh. That's a nice one. As long as there's sound(and there always is) I'll be able to teleport practically anywhere. Great power.

I can absorb fire, I'm really evil, and I can teleport through sound. An all-around great set.

17,384 posts

Spite Empowerment
I get powerful the more people resent or are hostile towards me.

Ageusia Inducement
I can remove someone's sense of taste.

Pain Magic
I use pain as a form of magic, either mine or the enemies. I'll have to self-torture myself in order to use this.

I can remove someone's sense of taste and utilise pain magic. I also get powerful the more people resent me. I'm basically a villain at this point with all these powers.

8,256 posts

Remote Teleportation
The ability to teleport stuff without direct contact and without having to teleport myself with it. Very cool and useful!

Spatial Manipulation
The ability to manipulate space, meaning physical space. So I can manipulate distances, crunch larger areas together, trap people, distort space to my liking... quite OP. Finally a really powerful one, after all those mediocre and passable ones!

Multi-Status Infliction
The ability to afflict enemies with more than one status effect at once. This is mostly a turn-based RPG thing, but in that context it can be quite helpful. I'm fine with that.

I can remotely teleport things, control space and inflict multiple status effects simultaneously. The first power is actually redundant, as moving an object or person through space without "teleporting" with it is one thing I can do with spatial manipulation: just momentarily reduce the distance between target and destination close to zero, and voila.

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