ForumsSupport ForumWTF? Petition to remove KING OF TOWERS product From armorgames

1 1939
1 posts

Please respond all users Donut King towers.
I got similar problems every day. Developers are launching every day new Donat shares . but the stability of the product is not suitable even for alpha on American criteria
You really believe that KING OF TOWERS **** for it , can take the money ?
Constant delays , lags , waitings, page loaded with Poseidon 7 minutes. I have spent in product of more than 600 USD. Please vote and support me about 2 versions.
1. When the problem is finally solved, not more than 1 week?
2. If in the next week , it will not be solved , swipe my moneyback!

PS: Upon armorgames support fraud king of towers. If not , prove it to me

  • 1 Reply
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

If it's an in-game issue, it's more effective to contact the KOT devs straight, AG doesn't deal with these issues.

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