ForumsSupport Forum"waiting" bug during battle: lost blitz

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2 posts

Hey all, I am new to the game and this forum, i hope there is someone here who can help me out.

I often get a greyed out screen during battles with the text "waiting". During this time, i can still use 2 of the 3 spells, but nothing else. I can not pause the game either, since i can not click anything on the screen. I have tried waiting, like the game tells me to, but usually it stays stuck for hours and i just abandon the battle by relogging.
Today it happened during my first Blitz wave and so i got stuck when i had to pick to continy blitz or take a breather. I relogged and found i could not get back into the blitz challange, loosing out on important points and items.

Please reset my blitz asap and tell me how to get rid of this annoying bug.

Also, 2 days ago i accidentally used a +5 lives card by pressing the wrong button. I left the battle, but the card is gone Any chance i can get it back?

The Tangled Swamp battle group

  • 1 Reply
2 posts

Thanks for the answer, like I said, I am new to the game/site. Sorry for posting in the wrong spot.
I did edit in the games name into my post, i thought... But i guess i didn't save that :/

I have found the games support site and made a report there, but thanks again for the reply!


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