ForumsSupport ForumHow can one turn off the armor games logo sound?

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OK seriously.. I don't mean to complain being it all free and all and i'm not paying anything, BUT sometimes? when i wanna try a game but i'm not sure?! which is a lot of games here... and i hear that armor games sound? BUSTING MY EARS WIDE OPEN AND TURNING MY BRAIN into juice? i close the window FAST!!! sometimes...

So please.. put a setting somewhere in account or... SOMETHING. Because this is not just me.. all my friends too and everyone i know that knows armor games i ask about this and we all go like "OOOH YEAAAH THAT ANNOYING SOUND!!!". You are losing players... and views... (maybe not a whole lot but SOME) due to a stupid sound.

Not to mention the animosity it causes towards the logo and it turn you company image!!! I like armor games.. but when i see that logo or expect it before a game.. for a few seconds there? i am not saying good things about you guys... just so you know. I have looked for other games websites but i am too used to armorgames.. don't make me try to look harder... And some moments dude... it's night.. ppl are sleeping.. sound in the music tab turned down.. you're not expecting it... everytime it happends and somehow you forget about it.. because it lasts a few seconds.. a few.. horrible.. seconds.. you start a game. tuduuuuUUUUUU WOOOSH WOOOOSH TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and BAM!! no more playing no nothing.. to hell with the whole site, i close the tab FAST and breathe heavily for a few secs... So please take this as a friendly advice... DO SOMETHING about that sound!!! OR MONETIZE IT. I am willing to pay!.. to have THAT sound.. go away.

Thank you!

  • 2 Replies
3,826 posts

You'll be hard pressed to find a flash gaming site that doesn't have an intro animation with sound. At least, I'm not aware of any.

A very simple fix would be to mute your speakers beforehand. A handful of games do offer the option to start the game muted before the AG (or whatever) logo pops up. But those are really your only options for turning of the sound.

2 posts

offf... thanks for the answer.

I am a developer and while i am not a flash developer .. i (may wrongly) assume that armor games inserts that clip into the games (or gives it to the developer).. and while i am not a sound engineer i think they can lower the gain on the sound (hope i said that right or at least that it is understood) OR armor games could insert one of those sound / no sound into their clip? i dunno..

Anyway thanks a lot for the answer and IF a solution is found.. it would be great!!!!!!


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