ForumsSupport Forum[TIP/ADVICE] Lost all game progress

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First of all , I did not cleared browser history , cache , cookies , I don't use any plugins expect flash player plugin , I don't use add-ons, and to cut the chase I am 101% confident that I haven't done anything wrong...but...
Unfortunately, all mine game progress is lost due unknown factor, my only speculations is that I have reached somehow Adobe Flash player local storage limit or settings file got corrupted (it was set up to be unlimited for Armor Games), or as I was digging on the net in some cases Adobe Flash player removes *sol files on its own. Of Course Adobe company offers almost no noticeable feedback about this matter, but if you dig on the net you will find many people complaining about this or very similar problems.
There is evan a discussion about this matter on Kongregate, since players from there have experienced the same problem.

The main problem is in the time invested in same games , especially the long ones, and huge disappointment about how such thing could even happen at first place. I mean why there isn't any notification , warning or anything that can prevent such a thing to happen !?!

It's not all black , games that have online save options are still untouched (Who would like to start gemcraft from the scratch) and I am glad for that. Would like to take this opportunity to suggest the team to think about implementing such an option for all games with AG quests. If it is it possible of course , but it should be a priority , not only for this case but also for various different cases (unwanted abuses , cheating ,ect.).

Now, for the future, I learned my lesson on the hard way , but would like to offer my advice to all players and some form of guide to prevent same thing from happening again.

If you care about you game progress you should be looking for this stuff and check up a few things.

Depending on your operating system , you should be looking for
Control panel - Flash Player / Storage tab / Local Storage Settings by site
you should add there , if there isn't already Armor Games website , with preferable unlimited storage space.

Will show you the patch on clean example:

Also it would be wise to check this in different way
Enter Armor Games website , open any game , right click on it , choose setting / Storage / drag pointer to unlimited.

This is the tab you are looking for is:

In normal cases , this should be sufficient to ensure your safety , but if you want to be 100% sure , there isn't a easy way.
My best advice is to find Adobe Flash player local storage location on your computer! Depending on your operating system it can be :

On Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\[Your Profile]\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[Random Name]\[Web Site Path]

On Windows 7/Vista
C:\Users\[Your Profile]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[Random Name]\[Web Site Path]

If you are using different operating system , look on the internet for Adobe Flash player storage location (path) ! The only thing that remains is to find Armor Games folder, then simply make a backup of that folder somewhere.

WARNING: If you are not experienced enough, please do not attempt to do this on your own. Thanks!

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Thank you for explaining and offerring some advice on this @ivanxxxxxxx!

And I'm sorry to hear your data was lost somehow...

This similar incident happened to me over a year ago when I wanted to retreave game data from my old desktop computer to continue playing a certain game, but found it was all gone...

My thoughts back then were that it may have been caused by an update from Adobe Flash Player, which erased all the .sol files, or rather marked the fields as 'open for writing'. This meant the locations of said .sol files were available for data storage again and could be (and therefor probably have been) over-written with new data, making the old data dissapear...

Good work on the advice!

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