ForumsSupport ForumThe Last Stand UC Glitch

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ok so im new to armor games i signed up solely to play the last stand uc's add on the survival kit so i bought it and everything was fine until it gave me an error saying "a script in this movie is causing adobe flash player to run slowly. if it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. do you want to abort the script?" so i did and i couldnt do anything on the site anymore so i got mad and reset my computer and i come back do the same thing and then the same error comes up what do i do and will this be fixed?

  • 2 Replies
716 posts

It could be one of the ads that is causing Adobe to run slowly. I have received the exact same message when playing Crush the Castle 2 Players Pack, and the problem went away when I clicked Debug Script and then exited out of the script debugger. Some sessions I would receive the message several times, but most times it does not pop up during the game, which is why I believe it could be ad-related rather than game-related.

What happens if you do not abort the script, but choose one of the other two options?

You're not the only one who has had trouble with this expansion. Several people have had the same problem with it since 2014.

854 posts

We will look into this. Thanks for the report.

If you abort the script, it will crash Flash Player. Refreshing the game page should restart things.

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