ForumsSupport Forum[Solved] A weird thing is occurring

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I'm pretty sure this is just my laptop being antiquated and elderly, but on the off chance that it isn't, I'm going to complain around in here so maybe something will happen.

Apparently, I can't play any of the games on AG anymore because they'll all cause the Shockwave Plugin to stop responding. I've tried redownloading adobe flash, trying different browsers, and restarting my computer, but nothing seems to be working. I was trying to play Sinjid earlier and it worked for about 5 minutes before everything went down and stayed down, for all the games I tested.

I mean, my computer does run on Windows XP and the end of support for that was last year, but the last time I played a game on AG (maybe a week ago) it worked just fine, so I'm more than a little confused.


  • 4 Replies
716 posts

I have had the plugin crash many times before, only since the beginning of June, and I have speculated that it could be certain ads that are slowing down the game and causing it to crash rather than the games themselves. How do the same games respond on other sites?

8,231 posts

I mean, I do have adblock on my computer (yes, yes, i'm awful because i'm depriving people of their money) so I'm not so sure that ads are slowing down the games.
Snailiad fails on AG, but works on the Snailiad site. However, it really just seems half and half on other sites if things work or if they don't.
I'll google solutions to flash player crashing. I probably should've started with that.

Edit: Apparently turning off adblock works for Sinjid, which is all I really was trying for at this point. You can consider this thread concluded, which just goes to show that Google saves lives.

2 posts

i dont think this is helping but this happened to me too but i know that its my computer thats the problem because i cant get the latest adobe or flash because i have a mac 10.5.8 so thats something.

i have to get a newer mac for anything to work, i cant get chrome so im stuck with an old firefox, safari isnt any better cus it crashes every 2 seconds but at least its something.

some people dont have computers. lol

well bye

14,745 posts

Since the OP stated that the problem was solved, I'm locking this thread now...

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