ForumsQuestsStrike Force Heroes 3 Quests

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Many new Quests for Strike Force Heroes 3!
New Challenger!
Challenge a Custom Squad.
Hardness: Easy
Ready for Anything
Have 15 heroes on your team.
Hardness: Medium
Cleaning Up
Complete Stage 10.
Hardness: Medium
Battle Hardened
Reach level 30 with any soldier.
Hardness: Medium
Heavily Equipped
Upgrade a weapon to 5 stars.
Hardness: Medium
Defeat 500 enemies.
Hardness: Medium
Unlock all classes.
Hardness: Medium
Bright Future
Earn all 3 secret medals.
Hardness: Medium
Strike Force Hero
Complete all levels on Insane.
Hardness: Hard
Boom, Headshot!
Get 175 headshot kills as sniper.
Hardness: Hard
Shop's Best Friend
Sell $100,000 worth of items.
Hardness: Hard

  • 48 Replies
636 posts

Well, I'm stuck. I just can't get those two gun game challenges. I'm going to build up a couple of more characters to Level 30 (like the Knight) but between lag and my general mediocrity in shooters, it's just not clicking for me.

Extra Pet Peeve -- Making headway and then having an NPC spawn right in front of you as you're unloading an elemental. Ugh. Two steps back ...

246 posts

@Laspa that's kind of funny actually. The best part is that using drum mags + the ammo/kill works with tank buster as well(7 ammo). I guess it's your choice between homing rocket spam and instant projectile spam. Both are equally valid.

9 posts

@randomblah @Reton8
"superb" guide, yea!

Starting Off
You start with only one engineer(Nathan)
Wesley. He's called Wesley. Nathan is another unique engineer which, if I remember this correctly, can be earned after beating the Going Streaking side mission on Insane difficulty.

Late Game
... This is one of the few stages in which Rocky(assuming you trained him) will excel, so it may be worth sticking him in for this.
First, he's called Rusty, not Rocky. Second, he'd be worthless outside of Gun Games. Third, Juggernauts have 300 max health, and Rusty only has 255. And Juggernauts will be much more useful in other game modes when compared to Rusty.

Devs a la muerte
... This is probably the only difficult challenge in the game. On easy, it's not terrible, but on normal/hard, things start heating up.
First, it's called Devs De La Muerte. Second, the only available difficulties in the campaign are Normal, Hard and Insane.

Devs a la muerte
... the scenario becomes a cakewalk if you can one-shot both. Such weapons include the Tank Buster, Fortune's 500 and Rehab. You may have to upgrade these weapons.
Why'd you only mention 3 out of ≈10 Mighty Guns? This is not how guides work. Why not just write "see the L33t Weapons section below"? Also, how about rapid-fire weapons which have enough DPS to kill a dev within a half of a second?

Now, L33t Weapons and Strong weapons sections. I mostly disagree with it.

How should L33t weapons list look:
• Crazy Badger
• Iron Curtain (even its non-custom version is OP as hell)
• Ballers
• Avengers
• Rehab (non-custom version is fine too)
• Defriender (only when combined with Burst Module)
• Dragon's Breath
• Tank Buster
• Bennet's Doom
• Fortune's 500 (only when combined with Burst Module)

• Jericho
• Righteous Bizon (non-custom one is fine too)
• RCP 90 (non-custom one is fine too)
• Almost all (if not all) custom blades (especially when low RoF ones are combined with Burst Module) and few non-custom blades too

And Strong weapons list:
• Farsight (it's range bonus can be useful sometimes, but it's generally weak; non-custom version is worthless)
• AWP (great damage, but low ammo)
• Boomstick 2.0 (insane power, but low range and ammo)
• LAW Giver (nice DPS and accuracy)
• Chain SAW (nice DPS but sad accuracy)
• Mobile Turret (nice DPS, accuracy and range)
(though Machine Guns category is a nerfed version of Rifles category)
• Bad News (good DPS but ridiculous range)
• Paralyzer (basically same as Bad News)
• Decimator (same as 2 above)
• Precision Shot (can be a good tactical weapon, but AI can't use it properly; Burst Module can make it one-click-kill if you actually hit the enemy)
• many non-custom versions of weapons mentioned in both lists

Now weapons I have excluded from your lists:
• Pulse Rifle has too low damage, even with a Burst Module equipped
• MTS 255 has ridiculous range and ammo
• "most of other sniper rifles" tend to sux in pretty much every aspect.
• Same with "most of other duals"
• And with "most of other rifles"

Perks, weapon mods, and others
*Burst fire: Interesting, but I personally avoid using.
You gotta try it...

One more thing I have to say: people need to stop judge the whole perks' colors categories. The exact perk does matter, but the category doesn't. I also have to say that different weapons sometimes need different perks, and characters can be built in many ways.

Flaws, Assets, and killstreaks
The medics' rapid re-spawn 'asset' is actually a problem, as it often glitches respawns and resets them. It's the only asset that I recommend firing someone for.
Not sure about this.

Flaws, Assets, and killstreaks
Rocket turret's range beats shotgun turret handily for engineers.
Not always. Both are fine.

Also, how come you didn't say anything about "Betsy" killstreak? It's probably the most useless one. And "Scavenger" yellow perk deserves a word as well because it's quite OP, especially when combined with a weapon which has a lot of ammo.

Anyway, your guide got some nice tactic tips.


there is only one weapon you need to beat the campaign on insane: MK32 or better: Bam Bam. Just spam it and you will get kills on mass
You never had a really good weapon.

most missions can be done better alone. You will only need a complete squad on the 'Capture the Flag' and 'Domination' levels. Rest can be done solo
Domination on small and medium maps can easily be done alone as well; however, Gun Game is usually much faster with a high-level team instead of a single high-level hero.

developer mission: simply hide in the top left or top right corner and spam the grenade launcher. Even on insane this is an easy game
I've seen this false tip copypasted like 9000 times. It's mostly copypasted by those who never reached the final mission, and so they don't know that Devs' wallhack will beat this dumb logic out of such campers.

1. This depends on the exact unique hero. You better level them up to level 15 (this doesn't take too much time, I promise) and then decide what to do with them.

( also @Reton8 )
2. Rocky is nothing, it doesn't exists. Rusty does exists, he's the unique knight. Mayday is unique medic.

3. You may need them for low level heroes, like that one you have just hired. There's no real reason to use them for something else as they are incredibly weak when compared to normal high-level versions.


Rocky is a(e.g. the only) knight that can be recruited.
It's so easy to remember, yet almost nobody can do it... He's not Rocky, he's Rusty.

he probably has the highest hp of anyone, which can come in handy for gun games.
I think I have to say this for once again: top Juggernauts have 45 more HP AND the ability to use ranged weapons.

I'm not completely sure if their perks/assets/flaws are fixed
They are.

Remember that all the perks, traits, mods etc work in Gun Games as well. Some of them (such as Drum Mag and Burst Module) can buff certain type of weapons, but nerf the other type. You gotta find the best combination.

Levelling up heroes also helps. A lot.

148 posts


I've seen this false tip copypasted like 9000 times. It's mostly copypasted by those who never reached the final mission, and so they don't know that Devs' wallhack will beat this dumb logic out of such campers.

Falls trick? I don't think so. Have you tried it yourself? I can guarantee that this trick works 100%. Of course you will be shot one time or another but you will get more kills in this mission than the devs will get.

636 posts

@WhenTanksFly -- For someone with only five posts here, you seem awfully confident and condescending toward some of our beloved veterans.

Thanks for the updates on the true names of the characters, I suppose ....

I still think Randomblah's guide was superb (without quotation marks, mind you). And Arkeyo's suggestion for grenade spamming usually does work.

246 posts

@WhenTanksFly In response to yours, I'll divide into various categories of truthfulness

Thanks for the corrections
*I was mostly writing the guide in one sitting. The names you stated are correct, but you should probably be able to figure out otherwise.
*Betsy killstreak - I wasn't aware it existed, to be fair. But yeah, I'll take your word for it.
*Burst module uses - I specifically noted that I didn't use burst mod, partly because I didn't have a great list of applications. Melee I guess is a reasonable application.
*Rusty hp - Oh well, I guess he just sucks then.

There's a good chance you're correct
*Crazy Badger - to be fair, I don't have a copy. The AI's using it have not been inspiring. You may well be correct, but it's definitely not on the same level as the iron curtain
*Scavenger - I haven't explored it that much, except for the infini-rocket/kill trick that Laspa mentioned. 10% isn't that much ammo though, but obviously 100% can change things.

Meh - your mileage may vary
*Ballers/avengers. I tried both against the devs(un-upgraded to be fair). They were okay, but not lolcheesy. The ballers have somewhat poorish RoF/dps. The avengers have impressive dps, but atrocious accuracy(as opposed to the WinCurtain). This results in poor effective range, plus blowing through more ammo.
*Defriender/Fortune sans burst. Sure, burst is probably better, but both make the list because I can still assassinate insane devs fairly reliably by firing TWICE before they react.
*Anything that's one tier lower or higher. Everyone has different playstyles, and I presented my opinion. Things like range factor differently.

I strongly disagree/you're probably wrong
*Red perks. There are no good ones. NONE that I've seen. They're like random accuracy perks or 10% damage for tradeoff. They just suck, compared to blue/yellow perks that can realistically save multiple lives in a match. If every member of a category sucks, the category sucks.
*Random experimentals/elementals. The paralyzer really stands out. I'm going to make a case for it, partly because its effective range is so much better than the others. Knife fighting occurs surprisingly often.
*Devs challenge noting only one-shot weapons. Devs have incredibly have firepower compared to the rest of the chumps, and have good range. You don't have much time to fight time before you die. Hence one shotting optimizes ninja chance. Most dps weapons can't dish that kind of damage(except of course Win-curtain).
*Rockets and shotty turrets. Not in my experience. Shotty turrets get overrun really easily because they just don't react. Even if you drop them in people's faces, they get wrecked because they just don't notice things fast enough.

Factually/logically terrible/Rude
*Secondaries being in OP category. Secondaries(e.g. bizon) do about half the damage of a quality primary. It's rarely worth swapping to a secondary to do more damage.
*Melee weapons in OP. See above. Also boomstick is essentially better at melee than melee, and you tiered it lower.
*"I mostly disagree with weapons" - Dude, like 75% of the weapons in strong/OP category is the same. You just posted your own version, which is mostly similar(again, +/-1 tier is not terribly far)
*Those funny airquotes, assuming they mean sarcasm.
*Making a big deal out of little things like the name of the Devs challenge. I doubt anyone would be unable to understand the guide because of that error.

9 posts


For someone with only five posts here, you seem awfully confident and condescending toward some of our beloved veterans.
Just because someone has 10.000+ posts, doesn't mean he wouldn't say something incorrect; just because someone has less that 100 posts, doesn't mean he is always wrong.

If number of posts mean so much for you... eh, nevermind.

Before I start to quote stuff again, I have to say this: yes, I know, I may sound rude sometimes. I can assure you that I'm doing my best to not sound rude or something.

*Rusty hp - Oh well, I guess he just sucks then.
That's the point. Many players keep him for fun ("WOW GREEN GHOST COOL!!!"), but his inability to use ranged weapons is an obvious huge weakness.

The ballers have somewhat poorish RoF/dps.
What... ?
Ballers kill in 5-8 shots, with RoF close to the top rifles. And is has 2x more ammo.

The avengers have impressive dps, but atrocious accuracy(as opposed to the WinCurtain).
What about crouching, which increases accuracy so much? Although Avengers have a bit less damage per shot, they compensate it with RoF. I'd say Avengers are not very different from Ballers, just a bit weaker version.

Defriender/Fortune sans burst. Sure, burst is probably better, but both make the list because I can still assassinate insane devs fairly reliably by firing TWICE before they react.
Hm... Whenever I play this mission, they usually react right after getting shot, and so I rely on spawnkilling.

Anything that's one tier lower or higher. Everyone has different playstyles, and I presented my opinion. Things like range factor differently.

Red perks. There are no good ones. NONE that I've seen. They're like random accuracy perks or 10% damage for tradeoff. They just suck, compared to blue/yellow perks that can realistically save multiple lives in a match. If every member of a category sucks, the category sucks.
• +10% damage can be a good power up for a rifle. Even if it'd be +1 or +2 damage per shot, RoF would make the difference. Also, there's a number of weapons which are almost one-click-kill in some cases, and +10% damage could help.
• As mentioned above, some weapons have poor accuracy, and some red perks can fix this issue.
• etc
Different character builds and weapons just require different perks.

Devs challenge noting only one-shot weapons. Devs have incredibly have firepower compared to the rest of the chumps, and have good range. You don't have much time to fight time before you die. Hence one shotting optimizes ninja chance. Most dps weapons can't dish that kind of damage(except of course Win-curtain).
I'll repeat what I have said: "how about rapid-fire weapons which have enough DPS to kill a dev within a half of a second?" Iron Curtain, Crazy Badger, Ballers, Avengers are all able to do that. Not used machine guns much, but Mobile Turret & LAW GIver seem to be fine too.

Rockets and shotty turrets. Not in my experience. Shotty turrets get overrun really easily because they just don't react. Even if you drop them in people's faces, they get wrecked because they just don't notice things fast enough.
I thought you was talking about engineers' traits. Sorry for misunderstanding.

Secondaries being in OP category. Secondaries(e.g. bizon) do about half the damage of a quality primary. It's rarely worth swapping to a secondary to do more damage.
Secondary weapons list was separated from main weapons for a reason. Again, those lists only list the best weapons in a category.

*"I mostly disagree with weapons" - Dude, like 75% of the weapons in strong/OP category is the same. You just posted your own version, which is mostly similar(again, +/-1 tier is not terribly far)
Probably I had to explain that further... Well, again, if someone would ask me about the most OP weapons, I'd only mention 2 rifles and a dual. The others are included in the list just because they are better than most weapons in the same category.

Making a big deal out of little things like the name of the Devs challenge. I doubt anyone would be unable to understand the guide because of that error.
I'm not making a big deal, I am pointing out wrong things. Wrong names lead to confusion, and it's nothing good.
148 posts

Side-Note: This science weapon stuff is not needed if you only want to get all quests done. This game is a LOT easier than SFH2. So just get a rocket or grenade launcher and win the game. I didn't even know it is possible to change perks. So these aren't really that necessary for 100% completion too...

636 posts

Arkeyo -- I agree in general with you, but the grenade launcher does nothing to help you win the gun games, which is what I'm stuck on. Still looking for that magic formula for those ....

9 posts

For Gun Games, HP is one of the main stats. Use those who got much health - Juggernauts, Mercenaries, even Rusty, just make sure their levels are high enough. Simple as that.

If you tend to get shrekt while trying to kill a single enemy with a certain weapon, you could try to get corresponding equipment, like increased clip or Burst Module for a grenade launcher.

Mind saying on which mission are you on? Maybe there's something specific I don't know.

148 posts


I did all the insane gun games solo without a squad. Found it much easier because all they did was being shot. But be careful and take the enemies on a 1vs1.

636 posts

Well, this being stuck is all on me, most likely -- I know I should have a high HP guy (mine's at 300 something), I have the "resurrect" at 1 hp feature on, I have repair bots, and the ones I'm stuck on are automatically solo anyway.

Specifically, the challenge next to Level 9, and the challenge next to Level 20. I'm going to try tonight on a computer that probably won't lag (and yes, I have graphics/sound minimized regardless). We'll see how that goes.

My weakest weapon use tends to be the one-shot grenade launchers like GLO6 (?).

636 posts

It looks like lag was my big issue; one try on the 9.x challenge, and three tries on the 20.x challenge. So, for anyone else who was stuck on the solo gun games (which I doubt), make sure you're on a good machine.

14 posts

Does anybody have an idea how to get "THUMBS UP!", "HEADS UP!" and "COLD FEET!"?

636 posts

They're really not easily found -- I found "Heads Up" because of someone's comment earlier in this forum, I got "Cold Feet" by accident, and had to use this forum for "Thumb's Up": http:/community/thread/12517838/strike-force-heroes-3-secret-achievements-tutorial

Showing 31-45 of 48