ForumsGamesSwords&Souls II: Your ideas!

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33 posts

Thanks for all your suggestions guys! I'd like to inform you the game design of S&S2 is pretty much done, and I'm glad to tell you that LOT of stuff you mentioned will be in the game
That doesn't include multiplayer, which is impossible for us to make right now.
Here is a short list of the game features:
- World map of the Neverseen to explore. Main path + other side quests locations.
- Town to build and upgrade. Cool NPC to discover and interact with. (Blacksmith, alchemist, in keeper, other weirdos...)
- More dynamic combat system (real time dodge, block, counter, critical, etc.)
- More interesting enemies: attack patterns, abilities and Epic Boss Fight!
- Deeper Hero customization (Male/Female, More skins, skills, abilities, equipment, stats, etc.)
- Evolution in Training mini game with more features to unlock as you progress, more missions, medals, etc.
- 6 Different weapons class to upgrade/equip/loot individually.
- Unique Armor system to collect and upgrade.
- Awesome art and animations improvement
- Pets to catch and rich ally system, they will help you in fights.
- Secrets hidden in the dark...
- TONS of other stuff we want to add if we have time

  • 1,401 Replies
4 posts

having different rarities of those mushroom clover things with better reward\/\/\/ BUT DON'T make a mega Jackpot that messes up the game and you just win\/
you can also have armor coloring and skin coloring if you want\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
btw RUBBER DUCKIES ARE AWESOME\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

4 posts

p.s. add helmets, leggings, shoes, underwear, etc.

2 posts

I tried skimming through the comments, but i couldn't remember most of it, so sorry if any of these are repeated.

1. House
The house idea in itself is pretty cool, but the upgrades are kinda underwhelming. It would be nice if they helped you in-game. For example upgrading a certain building will give you a permanent 10% increase to attack or something. I also feel as if that could work with some type of crafting/enchanting system because that seems like they could work together somehow. Just the gold and experience boost is nice, but repetitive.

2. Combat
The combat system itself isn't bad, but we aren't interacting too much with it. One thing that i did like with it was the super criticals, being able to use timing to increase my effectiveness. It would be nice to add this into the other stats. For example, every time you dodge you have a 50% chance to have a click prompt come up, and clicking at that time lets you counterattack for half your attack damage. It could possibly work with other skills, like having a 50% chance to be able to do that during a block to shield bash for a very short stun. The ranged attack could be affected by doubling or tripling the damage. The goal of these was to give the player bonuses for being attentive and quick, but not making them OP with QTEs. This is just a general idea, so you probably have a much better one in mind.

3. Training
I do know you already got a bunch of comments about this, but i just wanted to chime in. One thing that i would like is rewards for thingsafter all the missions are done. For example, if i go and get a 500 combo in strength, it won't really help me a lot besides increasing the bar to the next stat up. One idea i had was giving combo bonuses and stuff. For example, if i got that 500 combo in strength again, and then i lost it, i would instantly get a 50 strength bonus on top of the normal bonuses. Not those exact the numbers, but just something like that would be nice.

4. Money
Right now in the game, I have 150,000 of the highest currency. This is more than i could ever spend, and I have 50 coupons to substitute any cost for potions and spells. Some ideas i have are paying for better training or direct training. Example, i spend (insert number) amount of money, and i get 5 minutes of golden apples for strength that increase my EXP gain by 5 times while they are active. Another idea is having trainers, where you just pay (insert number) money for an instant (insert number) stat boost.

5. Endgame
The last problem is the endgame. After i beat the final boss, i have little reason to continue playing. The survival mode is ok, but regetting to that point takes a long time. If there was checkpoints every 5 waves or something it would be nice. I don't have any ideas for improving this, sorry about that.

Side Notes, just a few things to add.
Some more skills would be nice, like an alchemy, intellect, crafting or enchanting skill.
Alchemy could allow the making of potions from random looted items, which could have a variety of effects.
Intellect could affect spell damage, and afflict additional conditions based on level. For example, high levels would cause fire spells to burn the enemy (burns could do something like poison, except more damage for a limited time), ice spells freeze enemy (stun), water spells could steal health, etc.
Enchanting could be used for a wide range of things are armor or weapons, with level strengthing the enchantment itself. It would be nice if an enchantment was directly tied with a skill, where it would automatically upgrade when the skill upgraded.
Crafting could let you make cool armor, and the stat would give a chance of increasing something about the armor on crafting. I don't have too many ideas for this one, sorry.

At the end of this excessively long comment that most people would probably not bother to read, thank you for reading it. If you are actually reading this SoulGame, thanks, and sorry if this is mostly repeats.

1 posts

Different fruit for the scarecrow.

3 posts

This is my 2nd post on my idea. Thanks for replying to my first post.

-In the quest can you maybe have 2 allies fighting with you? I mean as you go along the quests you discover...well...allies.
-Hiring mercenaries to use in battle.

Quest/Story line:
-Add a story line to it this time. Like there's a boss at the end and that the purpose of the game is defeating him.

-Make it online save, because local doesn't save as good.

-Don't get rid of anything major in SaS 1, because one major stuff up that SaS fans don't like, it can ruin SaS 2.

Thank you!

2 posts

I saw a little while back @Leethrax10o9 made a point about overreaching the project. It's not something touched on very often and it could do a lot of good being mindful of it, especially with all these suggestions coming in. But I may just be stating the obvious at this point.

1 posts

i encourage the idea of having a huge ability tree would really be useful. And maybe if we can have more weapons and armor choices( being forced to get a specific weapon sucks) so maybe 3-4 different options of weapons each with different attributes would be amazing. And also if we keep increasing the block stats enemies will deal less damage to your player because having an enemy deal 200k damage while you have only 700k hp isn't that nice

1 posts

How about apples to avoid in the training

1 posts

Ability to move, dodge, and attack manually, different kinds of weapons ( dual wielding swords or maybe unique weapons like a big bladed yo-yo ), element related attacks, different skill trees, bounties, interact with the house, armor for different classes ( ranged attack plus armor, melee attack plus, magic plus ), a bigger shop, dungeons?, make the training less repetitive, more places to go, epic storyline, quests

1 posts

Can use Female character. Add more chicks~~

Make a Super Duper Hard boss that use 1 hours to kill.

3 posts

add more options to upgrade to be more like swords and sandales
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1 posts

The game is PERFECT! It's a real pro work! It's the best "reaction" game ever!
- You can make "Endless Battle" mode
- You can make "Multyplayer Versus" mode for PC
- You can make "Team Training" (Multyplayer) for PC
- Different Classes with different Skill Trees (like the classes in WoW - rogue, warrior, death knight, shaman, priest, ...)

33 posts

I just read all of your ideas guys. There are some really cool stuff again. Everything that could be included in the game, I just wrote in down while reading your posts. Thanks a lot for taking the time to share your ideas!

3 posts

It would be good if there was differant class like archer knight or magician

3 posts

And more than one main character

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