I don't know if is a problem of Adobe version, Java or something similar but I can't see my last quests win (almost 10 quests not on my list) .
This problem has appeared in recent weeks.After the quest complete of Sword and Souls .
Somebody know this problem and the solution ?
Hey @LupoScaparro, seems that your thread was missed because it was not in the correct forum. I've moved it to support for you; and sorry for the late reply in this then...
About your problem, I saw that all Sword and Souls Quests are showing on your profile section. Did they unlock at some point, or did you replay the game in order to get them?
Hi @MrDaycee, The problem is on the old game whit quests.. If I play now and win a quest, this quest not appear on a popup motion during the game and don't appear on my list under my profile.
Maybe some obvious questions, but I'll ask them anyway...
Are you logged into the website? -> If not, login and try again by opening the game page.
Are you playing in incognito mode? -> If so, please close the incognito mode and try regular browsing mode.
Could you change browsers to see if they unlock for you then? -> Chrome / FireFox / Internet Explorer
Let me know if any of these are the problem and/or if they work?
Hi @MrDayCee , I'm logged and not in incognito mode I use Chrome and now I've tried also whit IE8 but still don't work.
(for example I've tried to unlock tha first quest of Logical element ( http:/play/17826/logical-element?tag-referral=quest )
and I've unlock sanbox mode and open it but the quest are not on my list of winning quest .