ForumsSupport ForumQuests and Disqus Chat not working properly

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Since two days ago, I have had a problem with Quests and Disqus Chat on game pages. The problem started after I cleared my browsing data. When logged into the site, Quest Descriptions won't appear when hovering over them or load as completed right away. The Disqus chat doesn't load, there isn't even a loading circle appear to show it is loading. This is what it looks like when logged in:

When not logged in, it appears normal, with Disqus chat loading and Quest Descriptions viewable. Only place I can view Quest Descriptions while logged in is on the main page of Armor Games.

Also while logged in, it takes a few minutes for any Quests that I have completed to be labeled as completed. Once they are, I get the Quest Reward screen as if I just completed them when they have been completed for a while.

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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Maybe this will help.

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