This is very recent, and it might be a bug, but the main page "Armor Games" that is supposed to show the newest games that have been added, is showing only the popular games from Armor Games' heydays... 2007, 2008 games etc etc. .
If it is intentional, no problems... just please don't call these "new games", and instead change its title to "opular games".
Armorgames refuse to add a special game set like 'featured' etc.. in chat couple of times in disucssion and even here.. http:/community/thread/12484003/answered-not-done-new-games
@FishPreferred I understand what you mean, but this is only temporary and it is because of a 10 year anniversary, which will be made clear by a news article that will stand out on the Home Page I'm sure!
@Andelhofs Stop referring to old sores please... this is a time of celebration, not one of poking with a stick, ok?
Armorgames refuse to add a special game set like 'featured' etc.. in chat couple of times in disucssion and even here..
I'm well aware of that thread. And the other one. The fact that they haven't done it does not mean they refuse to do it. I'm just voicing my support for the idea.