ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] I'm in need of password assistance

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I recently changed my armor games account's(jetedward) password within the last few days, i remembered the password yesterday, but i can't remember it today. I currently don't have access to the email because it is linked to one of my sister's hundreds of emails, so i can't use email to reset. In short, I am wondering if its possible for the password to be reset to the previous password if possible.
I made this account (jetedward1) to post.
Thank you for your time ^^ and sorry for the inconvenience.

  • 1 Reply
513 posts

Hi Jetedward,

To be honest, the fastest way to take care of that would be go to http:/login/forgotpass and use your user id. However you mentioned you have a number of passwords you would need to look up.

You'll need to contact us via email so we can work with you directly if you cannot recall which email your account is tied to. Please make sure you include as much information about the account as possible - the ID, what email you think you may have used when you signed up, and any additional information that you can think of. That will help us out so we can check it out, without having to reply back and ask you for what I just mentioned.



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