ForumsGame WalkthroughsCrusaders of the Lost Idols - Crusader DPS Stats for Formation Building (By: Reton8)

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3,174 posts

Here are the stats of the different crusaders' upgrades. The purpose of this information is to aid players in building more powerful DPS formations.

  • Although gear and enchantments affect bonuses, those differ for everyone. Therefore, it is not included. Players will have to factor that in themselves.
  • These numbers assume that upgrades stack in a multiplicative manner (which they should).
  • Certain upgrades require special conditions (like "no one in front") this list assumes all special conditions are met and factors in said DPS bonuses accordingly. Crusaders that require special upgrades will have an (*) by their stats and the requirement displayed.
  • There are three lists, one for upgrades that only affect the single crusader (the Self DPS Bonuses List), one list for upgrades that affect other crusaders (the Affects Others DPS Bonuses List), and one that lists the base idle DPS of the crusaders (the Base DPS List.

If you notice any errors please notify me in the comments with the correction and I will try to fix the list.

(Current as of version 0.38)

Self DPS Bonuses List (In Order from Highest to Lowest)

  • Emo Werewolf - 6,000% (60x) *(Has a 200% DPS upgrade that requires no humans be next to him.)
  • Sarah, the Collector - 5,000% (50x) *(Has a 150% DPS upgrade that requires the formation to be full.)
  • The Washed Up Hermit - 4,800% (48x) *(Has a 200% DPS upgrade that requires no one be in front of him.)
  • The Bush Whacker - 3,000% (30x) *(The Bush Whacker's upgrades apply to Click Damage)
  • Wendy the Witch - 2,250% (22.50x) *(Has an upgrade that increase her DPS by 25% per enemy on screen.)
  • Mister the Monkey - 2,025% (20.25x)
  • Detective Kaine - 2,000% (20x)
  • Natalie Dragon - 2,000% (20x) *(Has a 150% DPS upgrade that requires Nate Dragon be in the formation)
  • Jason, Master of Shadows - 2,000% (20x)
  • Pete the Carney - 2,000% (20x)
  • Khouri, the Witch Doctor - 2,000% (20x)
  • Fire Phoenix - 2,000% (20x)
  • Merci, the Mad Wizard - 2,000% (20x)
  • Thalia, the Thunder King - 1,139% (11.39x)
  • Jim the Lumberjack - 1,000% (10x) *(Has one 100% DPS upgrade that require at least one crusader be next to him.)
  • Sasha the Fierce Warrior - 1,000% (10x)
  • Prince Sal, the Merman - 1,000% (10x)
  • King Reginald IV - 1,000% (10x)
  • Dark Gryphon - 800% (8x)
  • Artaxes, the Lion - 506% (5.06x)
  • Nate Dragon - 500% (5x) *(Has a 150% DPS upgrade that requires Natalie Dragon be in the formation.)
  • Jack O'Lantern - 450% (4.5x)
  • The Princess - 100% (1x) *(Has no upgrades that affect self DPS)
  • Gold Panda - 100% (1x) *(Has no upgrades that affect self DPS)

Affects Others DPS Bonuses List (In Order from Highest to Lowest)
  • Pete the Carney - 173% (1.73x) *(Has a 15% DPS upgrade that affects all crusaders and a 50% DPS upgrade that affects the crusaders farthest away from Pete the Carney)
  • Artaxes, the Lion - 165% (1.65x) *(His upgrade only affects crusaders in the column in front of him.)
  • Jim the Lumberjack - 150% (1.50x) *(His upgrade only affects the crusaders in the same column as himself.)
  • The Princess - 146% (1.46x) *(All of her upgrades affect all crusaders.)
  • Sasha the Fierce Warrior - 140% (1.40x) *(Her upgrade only affects crusaders in the column behind her.)
  • Khouri, the Witch Doctor - 135% (1.35x) *(His upgrade only affects crusaders that are next to him.)
  • Jack O'Lantern - 127% (1.27x) *(Has an upgrade that increases all crusaders DPS by 10% per enemy attacking him.)
  • Nate Dragon - 121% (1.21x) *[i](All of his upgrades affect all crusaders.)
  • Natalie Dragon - 115% (1.15x) *(Her upgrade affects all crusaders.)
  • Dark Gryphon 115% (1.15x) *(His upgrade affects all crusaders.)
  • Merci, the Mad Wizard - 115% (1.15x) *(His upgrade affects all crusaders.)
  • Prince Sal, the Merman - 110% (1.10x) *(His upgrade affects all crusaders.)
  • Wendy the Witch - 110% (1.10x) *(Her upgrade affects all crusaders.)
  • King Reginald IV - 110% (1.10x) *(His upgrade affects all crusaders.)
  • The Bush Whacker - Increases his Click Damage by 5% (1.05x) of the DPS of Crusaders next to him.

The following crusaders have no upgrades that affect the DPS of other crusaders.
  • Emo Werewolf - 100% (1.00x)
  • The Washed Up Hermit - 100% (1.00x)
  • Detective Kaine - 100% (1.00x)
  • Mister the Monkey - 100% (1.00x)
  • Jason, Master of Shadows - 100% (1.00x)
  • Sarah, the Collector - 100% (1.00x)
  • Gold Panda - 100% (1.00x)
  • Fire Phoenix - 100% (1.10x)
  • Thalia, the Thunder King - 100% (1.00x)


Base DPS (In Order from Lowest to Highest) (Values obtained from the wiki.)

  • The Bush Whacker - 1 Click Damage
  • Jim the Lumberjack - 6
  • Emo Werewolf - 26
  • Sasha the Fierce Warrior - 88
  • The Washed Up Hermit 733
  • Detective Kaine - 1,460
  • Mister the Monkey - 1,460
  • The Princess - 4,470
  • Natalie Dragon - 19,500
  • Jason, Master of Shadows - 56,200
  • Pete the Carney - 56,500
  • Artaxes, the Lion - 224,000
  • Khouri, the Witch Doctor - 938,000
  • Dark Gryphon - 4,460,000
  • Sarah, the Collector - 20,400,000
  • Gold Panda 83,800,000
  • Prince Sal, the Merman - 552,000,000
  • Fire Phoenix - 3,620,000,000
  • King Reginald IV - 24,000,000,000
  • Thalia, the Thunder King - 157,000,000,000
  • Merci, the Mad Wizard - 977,000,000,000
  • Nate Dragon - 6,400,000,000,000


Equpiment Perks By: FishPreferred
The Bush Whacker
hat (click damage), sword (base click damage), wand (swordplay)

Jim the Lumberjack
axe (base DPS), hat (global DPS), glove (base DPS)

Emo Werewolf
gem (base DPS), cape (base DPS), ham (global DPS)

Sasha the Fierce Warrior
glove (global DPS), helmet (base DPS), shield (base DPS)

The Washed Up Hermit
bag (base DPS), hat (base DPS), ring (global DPS)

Detective Kaine
hat (global DPS), glass (cooldown), cape (base DPS)

Mister the Monkey
hat (base DPS), cane (base DPS), toy (global DPS)

The Princess
cape (base DPS), necklace (global DPS), glove (base DPS)

Natalie Dragon
knife (global DPS), glove (base DPS), cape (gold)

Jack O'Lantern
slicer (gold), jersey(cry for help ability), stub (global DPS)

Jason, Master of Shadows
goggle (base DPS), sword (crit damage), cape (global DPS)

Pete the Carney
glove (base DPS), chicken (gold), shoe (global DPS)

Artaxes, the Lion
goggles (crit chance), hat (global DPS), necklace (base DPS)

Khouri, the Witch Doctor
staff (global DPS), necklace (cooldown), hat (base DPS)

Dark Gryphon
glasses (base DPS), necklace (global DPS), bauble (base DPS)

Sarah, the Collector
hat (base DPS), bag (global DPS), vest (base DPS)

Gold Panda
cape (base DPS), clover (gold), watch (global DPS)

Prince Sal, the Merman
trident (global DPS), shark (base DPS), cape (base DPS)

Wendy the Witch
apple (base DPS), broomba (base DPS), cauldron (global DPS)

Fire Phoenix
gem (global DPS), feather (base DPS), ring (base DPS)

King Reginald IV
hat (base DPS), cape (global DPS), papers (base DPS)

Thalia, the Thunder King
necklace (base DPS), orb (global DPS), ring (base DPS)

Merci, the Mad Wizard
orb (base DPS), cape (global DPS), wand (click damage)

Nate Dragon
dynamite (base DPS), extinguisher (global DPS), sword (click damage)

Special Thanks

If you find a correction or make an addition (in the comments) for the guide I will try to make sure to add your name to this special thanks list.
(If you want your name removed from the special thanks list contact my profile).

  • Killerofcows
  • FishPreferred
  • Anamatron

  • 11 Replies
228 posts

Incredible List!!!!! How long did it take you to make it?

8 posts

phoenix and sarah dont have any team dps bonuses, but reginald does

and maybe you should compare base dps based on their dps gained per money spent

3,174 posts

Nice job spotting that. I've made the change and I've added a special thanks list, which you are now on. :]

I don't know if I could pull that equation and I don't know where to go (maybe the wiki?), to find the equation for cost of leveling the individual crusaders. But, it would definitely be the most helpful option.

Here I was hoping that these values would cut out some of the work for anyone trying to factor gear and enchantments in. Players at least no longer have to individually multiple the upgrades together to find that amount. You can just factor the gear and enchantments right into the numbers found here. (I couldn't find these numbers anywhere (except the Base DPS), there may be a spot somewhere on the wiki or the main games forums, but even if so, a little redundancy can help make things easier to find.)

I want to say a couple hours. I used excel and the mathematics behind it ends up being pretty simple, although I had to double check myself in the game comments to see if I had it right (thanks to those who helped me :] ).

3,171 posts

Equipment perks:
The Bush Whacker
hat (DPC)
sword (base DPC)
wand (swordplay)

Jim the Lumberjack
axe (base DPS)
hat (global DPS)
glove (base DPS)

Emo Werewolf
gem (base DPS)
cape (base DPS)
ham (global DPS)

Sasha the Fierce Warrior
glove (global DPS)
helmet (base DPS)
shield (base DPS)

The Washed Up Hermit
bag (base DPS)
hat (base DPS)
ring (global DPS)

Detective Kaine
hat (global DPS)
glass (cooldown)
cape (base DPS)

Mister the Monkey
hat (base DPS)
cane (base DPS)
toy (global DPS)

The Princess
cape (base DPS)
necklace (global DPS)
glove (base DPS)

Natalie Dragon
knife (global DPS)
glove (base DPS)
cape (gold)

Jason, Master of Shadows
goggle (base DPS)
sword (crit damage)
cape (global DPS)

Pete the Carney
glove (base DPS)
chicken (gold)
shoe (global DPS)

Artaxes, the Lion
goggles (crit chance)
hat (global DPS)
necklace (base DPS)

Khouri, the Witch Doctor
staff (global DPS)
necklace (cooldown)
hat (base DPS)

Dark Gryphon
glasses (base DPS)
necklace (global DPS)
bauble (base DPS)

Sarah, the Collector
hat (base DPS)
bag (global DPS)
vest (base DPS)

Gold Panda
cape (base DPS)
clover (gold)
watch (global DPS)

Prince Sal, the Merman
trident (global DPS)
shark (base DPS)
cape (base DPS)

Fire Phoenix
gem (global DPS)
feather (base DPS)
ring (base DPS)

King Reginald IV
hat (base DPS)
cape (global DPS)
papers (base DPS)

Thalia, the Thunder King
necklace (base DPS)
orb (global DPS)
ring (base DPS)

Merci, the Mad Wizard
orb (base DPS)
cape (global DPS)
wand (DPC)

Nate Dragon
dynamite (base DPS)
extinguisher (global DPS)
sword (DPC)

3,174 posts

Nice work! Do you want me to add your list to the OP? Obviously, I will put your credit next to the list title (as in Equipment perks: (By: FishPreferred))

2 posts

Could also note that each of the equipment types have a certain % bonus to them e.g. all base DPS items go from 25%(common) to 200%(epic) and all global DPS items go from 5%->20%. Don't know about gold bonus(guessing 10->100 but idk myself) nor the other ones, but at least for the DPS charts you made you could factor that in or list the item bonus ranges on the bottom(unless it's already on the wiki).
Bit irrelevant and rather minor, but in your initial post there are just a few grammar/spelling errors...
-1st bullet that you made: "Although gear and enchantmentsaffect bonuses"
-2nd bullet in parentheses: "which they should"
-3rd bullet: "(like 'no one in front'); this" and "all the criteria for each of that crusader's upgrades" This is assuming you only met a singular, generic crusader; otherwise just making "crusaders" possessive is fine. Could reword entirely and say "all the criteria for each of those upgrades" since the type of upgrades(crusader ones) is assumed.
-4th bullet: could replace the first comma with a colon, but don't think that matters all that much.
-line after 4th bullet: "and I will try to fix the list"
-Self DPS List, Bushwhacker: "The Bush Whacker's upgrades"
-Same list, Natalie Dragon: "that requires Nate Dragon to be(or just omit "be" since it's assumed) in the formation" ---Similar issue with Nate Dragon and Jim the Lumberjack in the same list
-2nd section of the global DPS list: "The following crusaders have no upgrades that affect the DPS of other crusaders."
Small things, but hope it helps. Felt a little better correcting it tbh since you did correct the devs about when to use "a" and "an" :P.

3,174 posts

Thank you, you are in the special thanks list now! :]
I had a feeling you might have posted because of my comment lol

I purposefully omitted the "to" to save space. The requirements were supposed to be short notes and not full sentences. But, they ended up rather long anyway. lol

3,171 posts

Nice work! Do you want me to add your list to the OP?
Whatever you like.

Don't know about gold bonus(guessing 10->100 but idk myself) nor the other ones, but at least for the DPS charts you made you could factor that in or list the item bonus ranges on the bottom(unless it's already on the wiki).
It is 10% to 100%, and cooldown reduction is 1% to 4%.

The click damage ones are a bit weird, though. BW's wand adds 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% to the swordplay ability, and his sword adds exact damage values (10, 25, 50, and 100 DPC). For anything else, it's 5%, 10%, 25%, and 50% of total DPC.

It is all on the wiki, too, but whatever.

Other things of note, which may or may not be relevant:
1 All gold upgrades are multiplicative, so putting 50% on a 300% gold bonus will raise it to 450%.
2 Identical buffs stack by duration, so using Gold Boom with another Gold Boom will give you 40 minutes of +25%. Different levels of the same buff stack by magnitude, so using Gold Windfall with Gold Boom will give you 20 minutes of +56.25% and 10 minutes of +25%.
3 Buffs are only active during gameplay. If you leave while one is on, it will start where it left off when you resume. This also means they won't affect your idle gold gain.
4 The Washed Up Hermit's special bonus only requires that no one is in the spaces directly in front of him, like this:
The black spaces won't affect it.

1 posts

Oh cool, thanks to this work I can finally demonstrate that Hermit is better than Emo.

-Hermit's base dps = 733
-Emo's base dps = 26

Since Emo comes 2 spaces first on the list, with normalized levels:

-Hermit's dps = 733 * 48 (skills) = 35.712
-Emo's dps = 26 * 16 (50 levels) * 60 (skills) = 24.960

Plus, Emo can't benefit from Khouri's buff.

3,171 posts

Oh cool, thanks to this work I can finally demonstrate that Hermit is better than Emo.
1 What algorithm are you using to normalize?
2 Aren't you neglecting the fact that Hermit can't be buffed by Sasha (which is slightly more than Khouri's 35%) without leaving at least one crusader out of the formation?
3,174 posts


But, that fails to take into account two things.

Hermit is going to cost more to level, so Emo will receive more 4x multipliers for the same cost. (Or Emo will be a higher level than Hermit on any given level due to hero level costs.)

Hermit must have a crusader slot removed, which is one less possible buff that he will have.

But, if you can show otherwise with in-game comparison, go for it.

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