ForumsSupport ForumArmorgames advertisements causes the browser to freeze

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3 posts

It seems that there is a memory leak with some of the flash advertisements on the site of armorgames.

When I start a game, sometimes there is some sort of video flash advertisement below the game page. This ads cause the flash player to constantly take memory till the game and the browser become unresponsive and finally freezes.

I've been using the armorgames site for quite some time as a single sign on portal for MMO games. But this issue will make me either to stop using it or install ads blocker on my browser.

  • 8 Replies
3,171 posts

1 Does this only ever occur when those ads are present?
2 Is it always the same ad causing this? (if so, post a screenshot so the admin know which ad you're referring to)
3 Can you adjust the local storage settings for the sites responsible for these ads? It should be in the global settings when you right-click a flash application.

3 posts

1. Yes this only occur when those ads are present.
2. I think it is always the same type of ads. I don't have a screenshot. But I've inspected the HTML and it looks like the ID of the iframe of the ad is: google_ads_iframe_/1006937/AG_Play_LrgRec_336x280_0
(It looks like a loading video or something. And when you start a game it appears just below the Fav, Share, and Flag buttons.
3. I don't think local storage settings will matter. The ad is taking from the RAM. It doesn't store anything on my hard drive. I've installed flash blocker and blocking the ad fixed the problem.

7,024 posts

Umm, you do realize ads are powered by Google right? It is not the admins choice. But I think they will gladly remove it if they have enough info on which one it is (don't have a clue how it works. The ID of the iframe may or may not suffice... )

2 posts

This is a recurring issue which not only effects the flash player but every thing else on my home PC. This did not start until I started seeing the larger and larger amounts of ads being blocked by my pop-up blocker. I unblocked all pop ups on armor games and it became impossible to play any thing as ads constantly pop up in back ground and eat up RAM. I realize Armor Games is powered and paid for by ads but when the ads become the destroyer of game play it may be time to limit them to some extent to increase play-ability.

1 posts

I have the exact same problem.

16,587 posts

Hey guys, it's true, Armor Games does run on ads, but what website that earns people a living doesn't? So just take that into account.


3. I don't think local storage settings will matter. The ad is taking from the RAM. It doesn't store anything on my hard drive. I've installed flash blocker and blocking the ad fixed the problem.

Upgrading ram is one way to do it, but if you have at least 2GB of RAM, then you are actually okay. I run a an Intel Pentium for a CPU. It seems to run a good amount of games smoothly, but bigger games have a very noticeable lag. Search up the power of my CPU compared to yours, if yours is better, then it must be your GPU (graphics/video card).

If ads do affect play-ability such as lag or performance issues, then you really ought to look into upgrading your hardware. The reality is, the ads on AG aren't supposed to affect performance because they really don't need a lot from your computer. (by that I mean, it really shouldn't be noticeable). On decent hardware, ads aren't a problem.

If upgrading your device is too costly, look into AFG+, it's much cheaper. The way I see it, this seems to be the most efficient solution if ads really are the problem for you guys.

If you are looking into free performance enhancement, then try Game Booster, or try Defragging your device (you may lose local saved data). I run a decent laptop, and after trying these methods, performance was hiked up a bit.


Closing all other programs running while playing games. Turning down in game settings so next time you open the game, it will be much faster.

Again, these are just basic tips, and there about a dozen other ways to enhance performance without cost. Search it up on Google.

My point is, guys...

... There are a lot of games in this site that require some pretty decent hardware to run smoothly. You can't expect them to run smoothly on hardware that chokes up on just flash games and slows down just because of ads. A lot of the content in these games aren't holding back for performance, but instead trying to dish out some nice graphics and effects to create a great experience for users, so that along with ads is really going to take it's toll on a computer's hardware that's outdated, not meant for the purpose of gaming (even though we are just talking about flash gaming), or just simply not cut out for these kinds of requirements to run a game smoothly.

3 posts

Hi all,
I was just checking if there is any official resolution to the problem

Upgrading ram is one way to do it, but if you have at least 2GB of RAM, then you are actually okay. I run a an Intel Pentium for a CPU. It seems to run a good amount of games smoothly, but bigger games have a very noticeable lag. Search up the power of my CPU compared to yours, if yours is better, then it must be your GPU (graphics/video card).

Just to mention that upgrading your machine will not fix the problem. I have 16GB RAM. But when the problematic ads run my browser freezes just when the flash player reach 1.5GB RAM usage. And it happens relatively fast (just for 8-10mins of play). The only solution I got is using the flash blocker Flash Block Plus. (It's could be annoying always to allow the flash of the game. But it is much better than the alternative)
1,318 posts

There are a lot of games in this site that require some pretty decent hardware to run smoothly.

@Shinezone i think i found why the king of towers is constantly lagging

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