yesterday afternoon, i got temporarily banned from using forums/commenting because i talked about ad-block. Can I talk about that ban?
edit: i hope a bot-controlled moderator wont ban me (again) for that link. i gave it for explaining why i was banned, not for encouraging others to use it
1. There are no bot-controlled mods.
2. Talking about bans isn't a nice thing to do, since the topic might bring up users who were banned in the past who also don't want to be a part of the conversation. I'm also not so sure you should speak about your ban so publicly.
The only reason the games you play are free, is due to the income provided by ads. Using blocking software kills the income provided, thus creating more ads to keep up with the same income to keep the site up and running. If you absolutely cant stand the ads then you can pay a small amount and go ad-free, otherwise a few minutes of your time to keep the site running is really not much to ask for.
Edit: if you open your comment box you are more likely to get a warning instead of straight to ban...
Moral of the story friend as long as you don't promote or say you have ad-block you're gucci. Who needs freedom of speech amirite? Need to get all this AD REVENUE boys!!!
Please note that I have NOT looked up your account nor will I discuss any account restrictions with anyone in a public setting.
I'm a little late to the party, but I'd like to also add that everyone can always check the Armor Games Rules & Guidelines if there is a question about what can cause or has caused a restriction or Ban.
In this case this section seems related based on what has been said above
Rule #7 - No software piracy. No discussions of software piracy, illegal material, blocking software for advertisements or linking to related websites will be tolerated. 'Play it fair'.
After reviewing the rules, should you (or anyone that has a restriction and is reviewing this thread) have additional questions then please head over to http:/contact and select the "Ban Contesting" as the subject.