ForumsGame WalkthroughsWonder Defender Walkthrough

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This tower-defense game had the unique concept of drawing spells instead just clicking some button. Oh, and we have the good old towers too.

The game is not without its faults, but don't rush forward, let's do it proper.

ATTENTION: This walkthrough is yet partial (despite the game's age). It has 15 levels, currently I can give first-hand info closing with lvl 10, and people usually stuck at lvl12. If you can add to this, it'll be noted.



Considering the game itself we have Magic Book (aka. skills) and Achievements.
Achievements give extra skill points, and the game being notoriously hard at times you want these. They are not impossible, the first should be clicking the "like" button for your first skill.
Unfortunately no Encyclopedia with monster-stats.


Magic Book:

While initially you only have limited access to its content, I list everything.
You can reset your skill-distribution. The spells and other section(s) are not separated though, which feels a little clumsy, but oh well.

- you can add more life to the castle, which is kinda pointless, as gaining 3-star, and with that 3 skill point no damage your castle should suffer.Yep, the goal is to protect your .. castle? Wizard Tower? Whatever it is.
- outpost: a mini-wall to hold up the enemy a little longer. It is positioned randomly, but always close to the castle, and on the road (monsters always stick to the road, even ghosts - how fortunate). This is a good place to spend in case you have some leftover point.
- coins: you start with substantially more coins. After the first levels you should invest into these, because towers are good.

This has 2 coloumn: incrising mana regeneration is primaly important. The maximum mana should also follow your regeneration-rate.


Fireball: you can aim precisely with this, and the mana-consumption is the lowest of the spells. The problem is, it has almost no damage, and soon you'll encounter plenty of fire-resistant enemy, so don't bother too much.

Spirit Totem: it is an area-spell which stuns anything in it for its some-seconds duration (2-4 second I assume). Deals some minor damage too. Its primordary function is supposedly to clean up slime on which monsters can walk faster, but it is both too expensive, and the slime-slug is too frequent to have any use of this spell outside its introduction-level.
Oh, and you don't have to follow its drawing pattern. Just pull a line from bottom left to upper right to release it.
BUG: does not deal damage, and the 1st upgrade does not lessen the cost of mana per cast.

For a LOT of mana it releases randomly roaming twisters on the screen which deal good damage, and supposedly stuns too. I think the stun-duration is like 0.5 second, so don't rely on it. Well, you can't rely on this spell anyway, as you simply can't keep up with the mana, especially with its randomness. The effect is very similar to Diablo 2's druid skill(s).
The drawing pattern is also hard to pull out without practice.
BUG: the tornado(s) do NOT stun the monsters despite that'd be the first upgrade's effect.

A little hard to aim with it, but a definite winner when talking about "spells". It needs at least the second upgrade to be effective enough, but it is adequately cheap and strong.
It is also used to clean more tower-building locations.

Sprout (aka Forest):
The most boring spell of all is your best tool in the game for most instances (except against ghosts).
I don't actually think the 3rd upgrade does anything, but buy it anyway. This spell is more important then Lightning.
It lays down some mini-walls which has a set HP, and a nice long timer on it, and with the 2nd upgrade it also lays around at random location 1-3 single tree - which are permanent. Well, until their HP runs out from being eaten that is.abuse this feature like nothing else matters.
Also, when created on top of a monster it pushes them around. If you placed it right they are pushed away - but if you're unlucky they can be pushed in the wrong direction too (usually it's not that big of a problem though with enough towers around).
Oh, big wooden PacMan-like enemy can eat the trees up quit fast, so keep an eye on 'em always.
BUG: the 3rd upgrade does nothing.



Each Achievements worth 1 skill point. If you got the achievement, you can immediately leave the current mission if you decide so, the reward will await you at home.

Warming up: can be done right in the first mission, and it is pretty much unavoidable (the first boss is even immun to towers).

Lightning Rush: it'll eventually happen with a well-upgraded lightning spell.

Stunning Success: likely will happen naturally, if not, just wait a big horde, or if all else fails, you might look for some blue orbs (will tell you later).

Builder: Yes, there are 4 basic type of towers: ice tower (freezes 1 target, upgrade don't expand this capability), volcano tower (I think fire based splash damage), arrow tower(pure physical or fire damage with later upgrades), and "oil drill" which "weakens" enemy or poisons them with the right branch - the poison variant only comes at lvl 10 unfortunately.

Source of Power: this is doing perfect on level 7. Will explain there.

Carlos Castaneda: there's a mushroom on every level. Find it during the initial pause.

Gardener: this'll inevitably happen. If you some how pull out without this until level 10, you'll have it there.

Gone with the wind: this'll come naturally at level 7.

God's Vengeance: not the easiest task, the main challenge being not activating any other spells due accident. It IS possible, AND worth for the skill point. Oh, and yes,you are allowed to use towers.

Hot Midday: this will happen naturally at level 10, where the quest sends you. No idea why it is made this way.

Chemical Protection: you'll need a monster with LOTS of HP (good candidate is a slug). Also, it is pretty unlikely you'll pull this naturally, and lvl10 is not an easy level, not to mention even later. To have this you'll need Fire Arrow Tower, Poison Oil Rig, Frost Tower shooting the same enemy. Good luck.
NOTE: this achievement does not activate. I managed to pull the three effect the same time on some ghosts in level 10, but no gain.

You won't pass!: will happen naturally at lvl 10.


Level 1:
You have Oil Rig and Arrow Tower, plus Meteor spell.
Lay an Oil Rig at the entrance, arrows farther,and finish any passer by spell.

Level 2:
You get the Lightning spell - quit and repsec to it. Otherwise pretty basic tower defense map.

Level 3:
Oh yeah, Vulcano Towers with their massive damage! Don't mind that it's "expensive", use them as much as money allows - 2 on one side can slaughter the waves.

Level 4:
You get the Forest spell. No need to respec, just keep going.
Try to be a little cost-effective, but wall/forest + volcano is still the most massive combo ever invented.

Level 5:
Oh, you get the Stun-spell. Quit and respec, so you get its 1st upgrade making it more cost-effective. Try to clean up all the slime.
Aside that it's a pretty solid tower defense map,so nothing really new.

Level 6:
Yes, the middle-wall looks stupid showing its front instead of its side. The slime-cleaning spell is still somewhat useful here, but keeping the enemy blocked for your towers (Forest Spell) is even more important.

Level 7:
You don't have place to place towers. But you have some mana-recharging poles, which won't appear - well, maybe won't appear at all later in the game.
The feature is badly designed anyway, as if they start to disappear even the slightest you'll run out of mana,and thus killing power. Three eaten is like lethal, so just go instantly for the "no lost pole" quest.
To pull this out you MUST use the new tornado spell, fully upgraded. Try to start casting it ON the head of monsters which should be blocked by Forest-spell. Do this until your eyes pluck out and your fingers fall, and you might win the level 3 star, quest done. The 4 poles standing on road are in real danger, I usually lost the upper left one by accident (-> restart).

Level 8:
Time to use the Tower Defense for Dummies manual. Place frost-towers at entrances, volcano where cost allows, Oil Rig if you scratch your head, Arrows if you can't avoid.
Remove the initial slime when you have mana for it, otherwise keep up the enemy with Forest.
The enemy likes to "cheat" and instead going the long way just turn the corner, so watch out for this trick.
Oh, and don't forget the "hidden path" either.

Level 9:
This has everything: slime, blocked tower-places, multi-direction map: everything you'd expect from a serious tower defense map.
The left side is pretty close (build freez-tower to gain time!), and keep in mind the occasional fire-resistance (those monsters are red-ish).
Still, with some thinking it is doable.

Lvl 10:
This is where things got serious. Like BigTime.
First: don't bother with the slime or the new towers. Your problem will be twofold, which'll come in wave 7 and 8 (not to mention the boss with lvl 10(9?)).
What you should build is arrow towers only. You'll also need extreme mana regeneration (3rd upgrade), rised maximum mana (2nd upgrade), full lightning and forest spells, maximum coins.
To start build everywhere basic arrow towers and upp once the 2nd location at the bottom left road's upper side.
You'll also need every ounce of mana you can grab, so after removing all blockage-rubble (don't mind the slime),while watching out to not accidentally kill any monster (you need every morsel coins too), start spamming Forest when your mana-bulb starts filling up.
Oh, if you did not realise, you can cast spells and build things during the initial pause. Use that to your advantage.

Now, your goal for the endgame is to have the best towers in the middle section, so you can let the towers at the perimeters be a little left behind.
But you need to get there, are here comes the nastiest enemy the game has probably: self-duplicating blue orbs, plague of the universe. They'll arrive at Wave 7, and we have to be ready.
To be ready, you'll need 2+ Fire Arrow tower to have a chance (I had 3-4 during that wave). One be placed on the tip of the "island" on the right of the castle and one mirrored. You need at least a handful (1-2+) twice-upgraded towers near them for additional damage. Make the best out of the other towers you can too. If you can, have a Fire Arrow tower n the right side of the map at the bottom of the castle too. It not just helps clearing the blue orbs on that side, but will be immensely useful against the soon-incoming ghosts too.
Keep spamming Forest to hold up the blue orb masses where you most need. Watch out, as the ones coming on the bottom left road can slip through your trees siding the bottom of the road!

And finally the boss.
As I said the towers don't harm it, but it regularly releases Wooden Pac Mans, so have those towers. Some enemy (mostly ghosts) will also come as normal Wave. Have at this point fire arrow and physical arrow towers mixed, upp your towers whenever you accumlate more money - you can't go wrong with that.
Now the boss might be "slow", but isn't slow enough at all. You MUST push it away again and again by Forest. I have no idea what'd happen if it'd land on one of your towers (if that's possible),so try to avoid that just in case.
Your towers should be strong enough to deal with the summoned enemy, so focus on the giant slug. Your mana should be enough to cast a Forest pushing it back, then cast a Lightning to damage it (cast it right, and you might even weaken its summoned minions helping the towers).

So, at least lvl 10 is possible, and for 3 star none the less. Both quest here will also be won.

EDIT: If you start on one of the left passages a posion rig + fire arrow tower, you completely cover that road, and will have a much easier time. Eg. way less casting Forest, less pressure from monsters, easier building up.

IMPORTANT: Any volcano-tower can't attack any ghost! Do NOT try to rely on volcano towers!
What you SHOULD do for 3 star is, place a poison-tower at the left where the road starts, plus a basic(!) ice tower on the right to hold up the enemy longer, and THEN below the ice-tower a keg-volcano-tower will come as soon as we have the money. Use the Spirit Totem to remove the slime (and keep it that way when slugs come)
This is the start.

For skills have 2 upgrade forest (the third don't work, or not noticeable, and the founding is thin), 2 in Spirit Totem (the remove slime spell, this provides the lowest cost), all 3 in tornado(!), full mana pool, and of course max coins.

Also, we'll have to rush the first 4 waves for extra coins, so keep an eye on that.

Right after you have the keg-volcano build the two fire-arrow-tower I encircled, and start to build the two poison rig too (also circled on the picture). Finish the one not on the top but the middle of the screen, and when you'll have more cash finish the other, and start building all the other locations with fire-arrow.
You'll also have to support your towers,especially at the initial ghost-zerg (and any time there's a big group crowding) with tornado. It isn't exactly precise, but there will be zounds of enemy on the screen, and you desperately need the extra damage.
A nice trick which can help a little by @SleepDeprivedGamer: the Sprout (Forest) spell while won't hold up the ghosts, does push them when the trees appear. Might worth a cast occasionally if the lines come too spread.

The endgame worth another note: in Wave 9 (the final wave) there comes a "wave" of ghosts, then a "wave" of ground-enemy, then 3 "waves" of ghosts. When the ground-ones died (or will surely die) sell the volcano and have another fire-arrow tower. And don't forget to cast Tornado!
I noticed during level 10 that the pure physical arrow version of the towers do squat despite being more expensive, so try if you must, but I would stay away from them.

Level 12

No wonder people ragequit here. This quest is seriously flawed.

First: you can't have towers.
Second: the magic poles (ye, we find them again, again at no-tower only map) are on the road (this time all of them), and they are too close to the edge of the screen.
Third: you need to cast spells FAST. High amount of diverse spells. The bad pattern-recognission really gets in the way this time.
Fourth: the Forest-spell's duration is seriously cut.
Fifth: ghosts. Flyers can't be hit with lightning I'm afraid.
Sixth: the ghosts are COMBINED with the blue, self-replicating orbs. Can anyone tell me why? Even in themselves they are the worst nightmare without towers (and with towers they aren't nice either), but this really feels like the Alien 2 movie.

You definitely need for this level the Sprout spell, the Tornado spell, all the mana and more that exist in the universe, and I'm not sure what else - probably a hammer and the address of the programmer if you ask me. I'd like to know how you pass this even for 1 star, not to mention 3.

EDIT: Ok, I THINK I at least found the theoretical setup for the level:
- castle skill: as high health you can get to the Castle (my setup allows 2)
- mana: max
- fireball: 0 (it seriously suxxor)
- sprout: 1 (the heck with the extra trees)
- lightning: max
- tornado: max
- spirit totem: 2 (the spell has 0 damage in its current bugged form, but this way it costs less)
The idea would be to keep everything stunned with maxed Spirit Totem until they die - which is impossible because of BUG.


From this point it is justa general guide!

Level 13:
You start with no money, the map full of slime, and rapidly zerging ground enemy. Any point you put in "Coins" give 50 gold, and the Chemical Protection-achievement's reward would desperately need here to have all 3 level.
The map isn't that bad actually until wave 7, where you finally have enough mana to repel the enemy by 3 lvl 4 ice tower generating mana.
Then all your dreams are troll-crashed by the arriving blue orbs...

Level 14:
The previously introduced giant-HP giants are coming like they have nothing better to do, and during the endgame ghosts zerging in too.
The real problem though is that at the beginning of wave 3, 7 and 8 some of your towers (random? fixed location?) are meteroed to ground no matter their level, and at the start of wave 5 ALL your towers are knocked down just because they can.

Level 15:
This has the last mushroom, and even though I picked all, got no achievement, Anyone surprised by another bug?
At the end of wave 2(!) the final boss arrive, which is:
- immun to towers (in a tower defense game - you know)
- randomly destroys tower(s). Ye, right, in a tower defense game.
The rest of the level is pretty standard by its own merrit (blue orbs zergining during wave 5-6, massive ghost zerg during later waves), and the ending is very disappointing (well, just what you can expect after the intro).

  • 4 Replies
11 posts

Where to find all mushrooms:

lvl 1:

lvl 2:

lvl 3:

lvl 4:

lvl 5:

lvl 6:

lvl 7:

lvl 8:

lvl 9:

lvl 10:

lvl 11: as you can see this level has no mushroom on it.

lvl 12:

11 posts

3-star level 12 of Wonder Defender (in its current state):

There's a certain glitch which you can abuse to at least pass the level what is like uncompletable for the existing bugs.

You'll need:
- extended mana pool
- max mana regeneration
- (max) tornado
- max lightning.

The glitch is any spell-effect will remain PERMANENTLY on the level when you don't leave the map, but restart it.
So cast tornado during the initial pause -> restart level -> cast tornado -> restart level etc. until you block enough pathways for your liking. Then start the level and simply win.

For this thx to @Badr Lakchiri from googleplay.

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very nice

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