If there was an all mighty being (which is impossible and illogical) which created all and there by logic wouldn't it be able to bend logic as it wish? So it could bend the work of regular laws and logic not to be true in his realm.
Well, no, it wouldn't. Logic is not something which needs to be "created" at all, so your argument is circular. There is no un-logic for the un-universe to have as its default. X doesn't need to be
made to equal X, because there is no alternative to X = X.
Furthermore, your premise is clearly self-refuting. "If there was an all mighty being, which is impossible" doesn't work, because the very meaning of "impossible" is that there is no such "if".
Why is a divine entity that created the world be limited to only magical things.
Well, what else would you call things related to a "divine entity" who goes around creating all these things from nothing through inexplicable means? I certainly wouldn't call it science.
For argument sake lets say there is a Divine Creator. We will call him "Alpha".
Lets say "Alpha" had the knowledge to create "artificial" worlds and some how had the ability to create them. What is to stop Alpha from doing so? There is nothing to stop him from creating worlds.
That's right ...
PROVIDED that he already exists.
Now, let's consider, still for argument sake of course, that there is
not a divine creator of any kind. This absence we will refer to as "Nobody".
Let's say that Nobody had the knowledge or ability to create "artificial" worlds. What is to stop Nobody from doing so? There is nothing to prevent the outcome that Nobody creates worlds.
In Halo there are "Forerunners" a race of beings that took it upon themselves to guard all life. They have the ability to destroy and make entire worlds through extremely advanced technology. They looked over entire systems and look at their progress and record them, if necessary they will also intervene if there is a great calamity on a world. The Forerunners are also capable of creating sentient Artificial Intelligence. This is all within reason, it is not magic, it is all possible through vast knowledge.
So, according to your analogy, God is not a divine entity solely responsible for the creation of everything, but a very advanced form of otherwise ordinary life? Okay, sure, but that isn't a valid reason to assume that He exists. Nor, for that matter, is anything else. Therefore, He is unscientific.
Before the "Forerunners" there is another race called the "Precursors". They are as you would expect more advanced than the Forerunners. They are able to do everything the Forerunners have done and also have the ability to change lifeforms as they so please and accelerate their evolution.
That's just
piling on more degrees of abstraction to an already needlesly complicated scenario.
What being would be higher than the "Precursors"?

[...] the first constructs ever created by our ancestors were temples and other sacred sites.
If we just pretend for now that that's not completely wrong: So? What does temple-building have to do with the progression of the species?
The Popes of old funded projects to create universities all across Europe (Oxford, University of Paris, Etc).
And brutally suppressed any and all ideas which challenged the orthodox views of the church.
Has science caused deadly tension in the past? Yes it has, don't deny it. Look at the periodic table. How many people, how many terrorists look at the periodic table to create bombs?
How is that in any way a fault of science? The periodic table is entirely neutral. Or are you suggesting that
facts about potentially harmful things are inherently evil?
A divine entity does not need a group of followers (for arguments sake go with it), a divine entity does not need someone to do this or that. If you wanted to you can just have their symbol (many people wear crosses and are not religious) just because, you can learn about them just for fun.
The best kind of divine entity will always be the one that doesn't require anyone's belief, but God isn't one of those, or else He's horribly
horribly misrepresented by the vast majority of His followers. Anything that is expected to be accepted fully without question will never be scientific, because questioning our ideas is exactly what science is all about.